Saturday, October 12, 2019

What Do We Know About Angels Of The Bible?

"Faithful Protector" Angel Painting by Christine Bell Krainock

Hello Friends. I have decided not to go on with the posts on Ezekiel. Those prophecies that God gave him were to warn the people of the impending destruction of Jerusalem if they did not turn from their sin. And around 589 BC, Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to it, destroying to the city and its temple.

That wasn't the only time they suffered an attack. Seventy years later, it would again be destroyed. Down through history, they have been attacked many times. And in modern times, as we know-tensions are still very high there.

If you would like to read more about them, I will give you some links you can follow, at the end of today's post.

But please make no mistake. The prophesies were not just for ancient Jerusalem. They are for us today as well. Maybe not in the same context, but one day Jesus will come back and if we have not turned to him for forgiveness of our sin, we too will reap the consequences of our disobedience.

For the next few days anyway I want to go back to the topic of angels. We have already discussed the angel of the Lord. So what other kinds of angels are there listed in the bible. I will try to find out some interesting facts about them and give you one or two each day.

Today's question are: 1) What gender are the angels in heaven? and 2) Do angels marry?

1) In the bible, angels are always referred to as male. The Greek word for "angel" in the New Testament is angelos which is a masculine noun.A feminine form for this word does not exist. Those angels mentioned in the bible have male names.

2) No. Mathew 22:30 For in the Resurrection they neither marry or are given in marriage but are like the angels in heaven. 

So there you have a bit of information about angels of the bible. Other questions I want to explore in the nest few days are: Do humans become angels when they die? Do we actually have a guardain angel? Why did God create them? And more. so please. come back next time for some more interesting things that we can find out about them.

Thanks so much for your visit today. God bless you!

Follow these sites for more info on the destruction of Jerusalem: Ezekiel Chapter 4 Explained and
How many times has Jerusalem been destroyed? |

October 12, 2019 Promise: For he will give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot on a stone. Psalm 91:11-12

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