Monday, October 21, 2019

Thinking Outside The Box About God


Thought for the day. Who is God to you? What denomination is he? Is he Baptist, Methodist,Catholic, or Lutheran? Or is he any other denomination?

Some people think their church is the only "true religion."

Believe me, this mentality has in the past existed in my own family with members of the the family that felt that they had "the light," were apart of the "full gospel,"or were above anyone that did not believe exactly as they did.

                                       These beliefs are so far from the truth and inspired by none other then satan.

So what is the truth?
Characteristics of a godly woman are clearly outlined in God's word. Do you want to
It is this: There can be Christians in any church that teaches the bible. And there are non-Christians in any church that teaches the bible as well. The difference is whether the denominations are teaching the Word of God and who has accepted Christ.

God is a big God. And he won't be put in a box. If we try to put him there, he is there but only in our own minds.

#GerejaTuhanYangMahakuasa #LaguGereja  #asalusulgereja #PaduanSuaraGereja  #LaguPujianKristenPopulerIn Eastern Ohio, there is a city there that puts on outdoor theater productions of the life of Christ, during the summer months of every year.  Is it just put on by one denomination? Nope. It is a community effort with churches from different denominations that believe in God's Word. They work together to put this production on for all who come to see it.

We need to stop thinking we are the only ones going to heaven because of our church affiliation. Our eternal home does not depend on that at all. It depends on if we know and have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior. And in the mean time, we need to accept people, no matter if they go to the same denomination as us or not. On judgement day, he is not going to care what church we went to.

Granted, we do have to be careful about the denominations that are not teaching Jesus Christ. Some are cults and we do need to.stay far away from those that would lead us away from him and his teachings. And as we know, there are plenty of those that are willing to snap us up into their membership to teach other messages that are not from God at all.

October 21, 2019 Promise: Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Mathew 11:29-30.

Thanks for visiting today friends. Times for me are quite busy these days. I am sorry for the times I am not here. But I will not give up and plan to be here as much as I possibly can. God bless you!

May The Lord Give You The Strength And Peace You Need To Get Through The Week monday week monday blessings monday sayings morning nights days new week blessings

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