Thursday, November 29, 2018

God Hates Discord Among the Bretheren

From Dianne Gottron's Bible.
Discord: lack of harmony between persons, things or ideas. Active quarrling, conflict.

Discord takes place when we are activley quarrling with other people about something. And it is pevelant in the churches today. The thing is, if God hates anything that  is sinful in the church, that is one of the greatest.

I have told the situation before of our pastor that had preached on abortion which he does from time to time. A few people had started coming to the church and heard his message on the subject for maybe the first time. They did not agree with it, and did not like it at all even though he preached it from a biblical standpoint. And so they decided he needed to be outsed. So they were able to get a few more people on board and came up with a petiton to do that. This had happened a few years ago and I don't remember all the details but the preacher let it be known to the congredation that if they wanted him to step down, he and his his wife would do so. They did not want to, but if this was God's will, they would. There would be a vote taken from the congregation and everyone that wanted to partisipate was to come on a certain day to vote whether they wanted them to stay or not.

The vote taken and the preacher was to reamin as such in the church.

He was and still is many years later and loved by so many people there. He has a love for God and people that defines he, his wife and most importantly their ministry to God. A few people back then did not like something he believed and preached so they decided he should go. And they began sowing discord among other people in the church. When they didn't get their way, they left.

 This is what it means to sow discord among the brethern. And it is sad because it goes on all the time among Christians in churches. I could give you other situations that I personally know of in my experiences within churches that should never have happened.  This was just one example, but let me instead tell you what the bible has to say about it.

James 4:11 Speak no evil of one another brethern. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, but if he judgeth the law, he is not a doer of the law, but a judge. 

Proverbs 6:14 Forwardness in his heart, he devises michief conrinually and soweth discord.

Proverbs 6:19 A false witness speakth lies and he sowth discord amonth the brethern.

And that was what this small group of people were doing to distupt God's work there. The pastor and his family had ministeed there for several years and thankfully had the backing of many more people that loved them. Under his leadership, the smaller congregation had grown to a much larger one at that point to where at the time had a Saturday service and 2 more on Sunday to accomadate all those that wanted to attend. And through God's continuing blessing it continues to grow.

But the devil still works. And he still uses people in all churches. Especially those that are sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Because as from the beginning of time, he lies and wants to destroy God's work. Thankfully, Jesus has already won the battle, and there will come a time, when satan will be thrown into the lake of fire and he will do no more damage to anyone.and especially to the cause of Christ.

Until that time, we should not let ourselves be a part of any strife, or discord that goes on in anything. Not in our homes, not in our jobs, and not in our churches. God will judge us if we do and what defense will we have then. We will stand before him, defenseless becasue there will be not one word we can say. And is that really what we want? Absolutly not. Absolutly not!

If you are sowing discord in any part of your life, confess it to God and he will forgive you and you will not be judged for it because he wants you to be free and not held in any bondage of sin. And on that day in the future, when you stand before him, you will have no need for defense because Jesus has already paid the price for you and I.

Thanks for coming again, Friends. Today ends this series and we will be starting something new for the month of Decembe which will begin on the first of December. I will be here just briefly tomorrow, and will just have a short blog. And then will be back on Saturday to start the new month. I hope you will visit! Til then, God Bless!

Thankful Thursday

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