Sunday, November 25, 2018

What God Hates: Hands That Shed Innoncent Blood/Do Babies Go To Heave? (Part 3)

It is one of the saddest times in a mother's life when she has had a miscarriage of a precious child in her womb. What becomes of this baby or one that is aborted when it passes from life to death before  (or after) birth.

Is the fetus really a baby, or it just tissue like those that those take the pro-choice side of the issue?

Let's take a look at what God says about it and see what we can find out. Because once we do, then we can also find out if indeed it is possible for them to go to heaven when they die before birth.

Abortion today as we know it, was not practiced in biblical times. And so the bible is not clear on that issue specifically. However, the unborn baby is known by God. He or she is known by him from the very time he is conceived. Psalm 139:13-15 makes it very clear. You formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was being made intricately in secret, from the depths of the earth. 

Why would God create a baby in the womb of a woman and when it died in whatever manner, not just not allow it into heaven? It seems to me that, just those verses alone are proof enough. He forms the child so wonderful that his creation would be lost?

But is the scripture really clear about it going to heaven?

King David found out the hard way. Most of us know the story of his affair with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 12). She had gotten pregnant with his child and when he found out about it, he had her husband killed in battle so that he would not find out. Of course, God was not pleased by this. First, an affair that created a child, and then a murder. Bathsheba gave birth to the baby who then became critically the hand of God.

King David wanted his son to live, and so he fasted hoping God would not take him. But God did. And David's response is found in 2 Samuel 12:23. Now he is dead. Why should I fast? I will go to him, but he cannot return to me. It is clear by this account that, D avid would one day go to heaven to be with his son who was already there.

But how can that be?

 Because God is a just God. He does punish sin. We know this. Romans 6:23 says that the wages of sin is death. But babies or very young children are not old enough to willfully sin even though he bears a sin nature that he inherited from Adam. Psalm 51:5. However, a just God is not going to hold that against someone so innocent. God is gracious in his own nature. Psalm 145:17 And it was Christ's blood that covers all sin. I John 2:2.

While the Bible does not actually give voice to babies or even very young children that die either in the womb or by some kind of sickness after birth, we can conclude from the story of David and the other passages that they are immediately in God's presence at that time. That gives great peace to those parents that have lost those precious gifts from God, whom he created in the womb, will be there when we ourselves will see and be with them again if we have accepted Jesus as our Savior and have repented of our sin.

For those that believe in the pro-choice way to go, I believe that they have missed the boat in their thinking. God will judge them if they have that thinking and/or have aborted or even promoted it to others. Better that they give up the ridiculous idea that the fetus is no more than tissue in a mother's womb and repent before a merciful God before it is too late.

Thanks for coming by today Friends. If you have ever lost a baby or child to death God wants you to know that he loves you and wants to comfort you through your painful time. The heartache can be devastating when someone so precious is gone. But God promises peace to those that ask for it. And for those contemplating abortion, please give your baby a chance to live. They are other options available to you. God has allowed this baby to be created for a reason, please don't take it away from him or her. Children are truly meant to be gifts from God to us!

Have a blessed day!

Blessed is he who has learned to admire but not envy, to follow but not imitate, to praise but not flatter, and to lead but not manipulate.~~William Arthur Ward

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