Wednesday, November 28, 2018

God Hates A False Witness That Breathes Out Lies

The ninth commandment that Moses brought down from Mt Sini is: Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Exodus 20:16. And when someone does Proverbs 25:18 has this to say about them: A man that bears false witness against his neighbor is like a war club or a sword or a sharp arrow. 
bearing false witness | Church House Collection Blog: "Thou Shalt Not Lie" Ten Commandments ...

There are many other verses that condemn the bearing of false witnessing. When someone says to someone else that something is true that isn't, they are guilty of this. Jesus himself faced it in Mark 14:56 and Mathew 26:60 as were others both in the new and old testaments. 

Husbands and wives lie to manipulate getting their way. Politicians sure do it to get elected. Some politicians go so far to say, "I did not have sex with that woman."  Employees call in and lie about being sick just because they do not want to work on particular days.

Sadly it is an everyday occurrence in the lives of yes, even in the lives of us Christians. 

Years ago in a church, we went to, the elders had
caught the pastor in some lies. He was forced to leave because of those lies because the whole thing had been very damaging to the congregation that had trusted him. 

The lies that come from someone that is a false witness are no less a sin than any other sin. From theft to murder. Or even telling a so-called "little white lie." There is no difference. They come from hearts that are bent on doing evil. What seems the smallest of lies is no different than adultery or any other sin. Because Romans 6:23 says that the wages of sin are death. Even though murdering someone is obviously worse than just thinking about it, either will put a person on the road to hell as well as lying, for those that have not accepted Christ as their personal Savior. 

And so the next time we think of lying or bear false witness in any sense of the word, we should remember that this is one of the things that God hates. And really, I have to mention how much God thinks about it as being something he hates. Because not only does he hate when someone bears false witness, but the second thing he has listed in Proverbs 6:16-19 is a Lying Tongue. It is that important to him. And so for that reason, we need to take a pause and just not do it. And if we do, we can be grateful that we can ask him for forgiveness for which he will freely give us!

Thanks for coming by today. Blessings to you and your families as always!

Wednesday Blessings!

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James 1:9-11

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