Saturday, November 24, 2018

God Hates Hands That Sheds Innocent Blood (part two)

This Baby Was Saved From Abortion After It Had Started
Wait Til You See How

This Baby Was Saved From Abortion After It Had Already Started, Wait Til You See How

Murder is Murder, no matter how you slice it. Murder of the heart, murder of the spirit, or physical murder. God hates any and all of it. 

The Bible tells many stories about murder and how God dealt with those that committed it. But did you know that it also tells of the murder of innocent children?

Child sacrifice was practiced by the Ammonites and Canaanites to a god named Molech. They revered this god as a protecting father figure. Images of Molech were bronze with outstretched arms that were heated red hot. Living children were placed there or rolled into a fire pit below and they died there. Molech worship occurred in the Hinnom Valley, near Jerusalem.

So much for Molech being a protective father, ey? Who would want such a father protecting them? Especially as those little children that were burned to death? So what were the reasons for their deaths?

The practice of child sacrifice has gone on for thousands of years. Not only in the bible days but actually it has never stopped. Usually, it is intertwined with the worship of a pagan deity and very often a fertility god. (Which begs the question of why offering a child to a fertility god, just to have more children to murder?)  Clearly, the worshipers were trying to appease their gods to try to get something from them.

What was God's attitude today this practice?

He had a zero tolerance for it. Any Israelite or any foreigner living in Israel were to be stoned to death if they participated in any child sacrifice, and God would cut the person/persons off from his people. And if the people in the community did not put those that were sacrificing the children to death, those people and their families were cut off as well.  Leviticus 20:2-5. And if you will notice, that also in that passage if you read it, it equates the practice as being prostitution to Molech.

There are many other stories in the Bible of child sacrifice, such as 1 Kings 11:4-11, 2 Kings 21:6, 2 Chronicles 28:1-4, and Jeremiah 32:35. Gods people in Judah were committing these child killings that was so detestable to God that in that same verse in Jeremiah, it never even entered his mind that they would do such a thing.

Sadly, murder against innocent children did not stop in the bible days. In fact, it has continued on through the ages. Today, witch doctors of Uganda have been implicated in the mutilation and deaths of children in an effort to bring good fortune and wealth to those that are willing to pay for it.

(soruce) What does the Bible say about child sacrifice?

And in the USA? It is called abortion.

 According to Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics there were 887,000 abortions performed in 2016. Why?

 Because of people that do not want the babies that are in the womb. Innocent lives that are murdered because they are too much trouble for someone that would have to deal with their babies. Kids having sex and then getting pregnant with their own kids with no ability to care for them.

Why? Why? Why? Selfish people that want what they want, when they want it without having to think through the consequences of their actions or deal and pay with/for them after the fact. God will deal with them. He will deal with this country that allows these murders because he hates the shedding of innocent blood.

 But I do want to say that for those that have had an abortion, he will also forgive if they ask him. There is no sin too great that he will not forgive, except for one. And that is when someone blasphemes against the Holy Spirit. Mark 3:28-30.  And so for those people who have had abortions, there is that promise of forgiveness. So do take heart and ask God for it and he will graciously give you what you need.

No matter how you slice it, murder is murder. Of the heart, of the spirit or in the physical sense, God hates all of it. And we as his people need to be aware of our own attitudes and actions because we want to please him, and not make him hate us. Hell will be no party for those that get there. And thankfully, you and I don't have to but we can abide in heaven where we can live in a forever party with our Lord Jesus Christ.

(Up tomorrow: So for those that have had abortions, or babies and children that passed in any other way, what happens to their spirits at death? God Hates Hands That Sheds Innocent Blood part 3)

  Thanks for coming by Friends. Here is wishing for all of you rainbows of blessings!

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