Have you ever known a drug addict? One who needs money for his next fix? Drugs make people do things that perhaps they would not otherwise do if they were sober. The addict needs the next fix, so he devises a plan to rob someone to get money or something he can sell in order to get the drug. And then because his addiction is crying out for that fix, he goes swiftly into action to do the deed.
That is what it means that God hates someone that makes hast to run to evil. To hurry to get what I want. To do an evil deed.
Solomen wrote about some men that would lie in wait for someone to come by so that they could attack and rob them. To get what they want they resorted eagerly to sheer violence to get it. Proverbs 10:1-19. Just as we see today in anything and everything from robbing convenience stores to home invasions to terrorism.
But how about you and I? Are there not times that we ourselves have not devised some evil plot to get something we want and perhaps felt impatient to get it, so we do it quickly? Take for instance, gossip. Someone might share a prayer request in confidence. And the next thing you know, that prayer request may have hit the ears of more than one other person because we just can't wait to tell someone. Is that not the same thing? Sure it is.
Every day there are things that get so out of hand in our society that they get spued out over social platforms like Facebook because we can't wait to tell something that someone did whether it was true or not because people just assume that it is true without first checking it out. Or maybe they are true, but is it really our place to be spreading things we have heard?
That type of gossip can do great damage to someone who is being gossiped about and it may not even be true. We must consider what our actions will do before we do something that God would not want us to do. Proverbs 4:26-27 says: Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established. Do not turn right or left but remove your foot from evil.
If we follow that scripture in everything we do, our feet are not going to get us out of God's will. Even something that we might think is a small evil can turn into a big one if we are quick on our feet. Just as one lie will cover up another one in our haste to cover the first one and could just keep building up, it is not pleasing to God. It is in our best interest to stop and not go swiftly to do what is wrong. And instead, we should go swiftly to God's word or to prayer. That is the better solution to what we need or want.
Thanks for your visit today folks. I hope your week has started out being blessed. May blessings pour out on you today!

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