Sunday, November 11, 2018

The War Rages On/The Helmet of Salvation (part 6)

Perhaps you wore them when you were young. I never did and never got hurt (thank the good Lord) riding a bicycle. But you see kids today everywhere that do wear them. People in sports utilize them and in the military, they are a must as part of their battlefield equipment.

Helmets: a hard or protective headgear worn to resist impact.

Reports of children that have not worn a helmet and being involved in some kind of accident have experienced brain damage and even death.

As opposed to:

Reports of children having worn a helmet and being involved in an accident have proved the helmet saved their life.

For the Roman Soldier, it meant survival. Protecting the brain which commanded the rest of the body. A badly damaged brain meant that the rest of his armor was useless. 

Why did the Apostle Paul add the helmet as a part of the armor of God? What does it mean for us today?

Our minds are a battlefield every day. The enemy will do anything and everything to get us to do what is wrong to pull us away from God.

And that is why the helmet of salvation is so important to cover us every day. It helps protect our minds from losing that battle with Satan.

Having the helmet of salvation on every day means that Satan cannot penetrate our minds and get us to do those things we know we should not do.

The website What is the helmet of salvation (Ephesians 6:17)? gives us a much clearer picture of what we can do to keep our helmet functioning correctly. What follows is just a short version of their message on the website plus a little of my own thoughts added in.

  1. Because our minds are battlefields, we need to renew them daily. That means we must allow God's truth to wipe out anything that is contrary to his word. Get rid of the old things we thought were true and take on what is. Romans 12:1-2
  2. They allow us to choose what we perceive as impossible. We can know that God is truth, that he is real even and loves us even though we cannot see him If we let it, the helmet wipes out the confusion we might have.1 Peter 1:8-9   Hebrews 11L6
  3. When the storms of our lives come up, we need to look up and know that God is in control. That he has our backs. Our salvation is the first and foremost important gift he will/have ever given us. Without it, we are indeed lost. Mathew 6:20 
  4. Always remember that the battle for our minds, souls and bodies is already won! We can choose to not sin and when we do that, we eliminate many of Satans attempts to trap us into it. 1 John 3:9
  5. Always remember that our hope is in God. That our treasure is laid up in heaven. Nothing compares to it here on earth. And that is when our helmet is most protective. Psalm 75:25

Wearing our helmets every day means choosing to become more insulated against what the devil plots to draw us away from God.

 But let me issue a warning. We must not put it on just to turn around and take it off again. I know of someone that says she puts hers on every day, but then something will come up and off it goes again. And for her, this is a vicious cycle. For instance, she may get into an argument with someone and call them hateful names. She has just taken off her helmet and allowed an attack on her own self by satan. Dealing with a situation is not always easy, but by keeping the helmet on, it allows you know that God does have your back and he will give you peace and help you need to deal with the situation and in the mean time avoid sinning yourself. Isahia 26L3  Philippians 4:7

The Helmet of Salvation. Our most precious gift God has given us through the death and resurrection of his Son Jesus Christ. We do not deserve it and yet he has provided us with it. If you do not have yours on today, I encourage through prayer and faith that you put it on. It is your hope.

Thanks for your visit today Friends.Up tomorrow: The Sword of the Spirit. Have a blessed Lord's Day.
Have a blessed Sunday...

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James 1:9-11

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