Tuesday, November 20, 2018

God Hates A Lying Tongue

what the bible say about blood | Proverbs 12:22 says that lying lips are an abomination to God ...

Lying goes all the way back to the Garden of Evil when the devil told Eve that despite what God had told her which was not to eat from a certain tree, that indeed it was ok to eat from it and that she would not die if she did. From that day forward, the devil has continued to lie to us and we have picked up the habit ourselves. A habit called sin. 

It was a commandment of God, the ninth one in fact that we are not to bear false witness against our neighbor. It was apart of the early church in a lie that Ananias and Sapphira told about a donation they had made.

God is a not a man that he should lie. Numbers 23:19

Jesus Christ called himself The Way, The Truth, and The Life in John 14:6.

Other scripture about lying can be found in Colossians 3:9, Ephesians 4:15,  Hebrews 6:18 and others. Lying is such a sin that this is what Revelation 21:8 has to say about it.

But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for the murders, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolators, and all liars their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur that is the second death. 

Ummm. Isn't that pretty harsh since we all have a tendency to lie at times? To cover up something we have done or maybe haven't done that we should have. And yet that is what it says.

And for many many people, that will be their end.

Thank God we do not have to end up in a lake that burns with fire and sulfur. We have only to accept God's gift of eternal life and at that point, when we do lie, we have him to go to, to ask his forgiveness.

Granted, it is better to not get caught up in any kind of lying. Sometimes a lie will end up in a tangled web of lies, each one building on the one before and before we know it we have created a problem that we don't know how to get out of. Lies are never pretty. They are devised of the devil and used by us to do us and those around us damage.

God wants better for us. He wants us to live in the truth. But when we fall into that sin, we have only to confess it to him and he forgives us. He is our way of escape out of the sin that leads us to the end that those that don't know him will find themselves someday. Or those that have already.

Thank God for his free gift. Because in him, we do have his word to count on when all else fails, for he is Truth.

Up tomorrow: God Hates Hands That Shed Innocent Blood

Thanks for coming by to spend a few minutes with me. I hope you will come back tomorrow. In the meantime, have a blessed day as you prepare for Thanksgiving.  

Tuesday Blessings

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