Sunday, August 25, 2019

Who is the Angel of the Lord in the Bible? (Hagar's story)

Hagar Promised. BIBLE SCRIPTURE: Genesis 16:10, "And the angel of the LORD said unto her, I will multiply thy seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude."

"The Hebrew word for angel may be translated 'messenger'....when the angel of the Lord speaks, his words are perceived as being God's words. Therefore the impression is given that the angel is identical with God."  ESV Study Bible

The first recorded angel of the Lord is recorded in Genesis 16:10 when he appeared to Hagar the mistress of Abraham who was also the mother of Ishmael.
 The angel of the Lord also said to her, "I will so greatly multiply your offspring so that they cannot be counted for multitude."

Sarai had not been able to conceive a child with her husband Abraham, so she allowed Hagar to be with him so that she  (Sari) could then have a child. However, when Hagar had conceived, Sari wasn't so happy with her at all and she treated her very badly. And so Hagar ran from Sari into the desert. And that is where the angel of the Lord appeared to her.

He told her that she would bare a son and would name him Ishmael. He was to be a "wild man" and would make enemies of many men.

In this case, only God can make such grand promises as here that he was going to multiply her offspring.

Hagar did believe this angel was God because she called him "the God that seeth me." 

She went on and had the son that he had told her was coming. And  as it turned out, indeed she named him Ishmael who had many enemies during his life. .

By this account, we know that that angels do foretell the future. Of course, the angel of the Lord would especially be able to do that because he is recognized to be identified as God due to the fact that only God can do the things that he did.

Many people do believe in angels.because many times they are spoken of in the Bible. God did create them for specific purposes that he gives them.

But make no mistake. There are frauds out in the world, more then willing to take our money to have them tell us what our angels are saying to us. We must wholeheartedly reject even the slightest temptation to listen to these people. Even if they tell us things that are true, we must realize that even Satan knows things about us that he can feed to these people to make what they say to us seem true. He is described as an angel of light in 2 Corinthians 11:14,  That in itself should give us warning to keep clear of anything that is not biblical.

 We  do know that there is more then one kind of angel. They are either the ones that are in heaven with God who do his bidding And then....

...there is the other kind is the ones (known as demons)  that fell with Satan from heaven. And it is these, of course, that we want to avoid at all costs.

August 25, 2019 Promise" "...I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of angels over one sinner that repents." Luke 15:10

Hi Friends. Thanks for coming by today. Come back tomorrow for: Who Is The Angel of the Lord? (Abraham & Saris's story)  God bless you on today, His Lord's Day!

Sunday Blessings

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