Saturday, August 3, 2019

Are You Sitting on the Fence?

The Word For The Day • Choose for yourselves this day whom you will...

Promise for August 3,2019 "Remember what happened from long ago, for I am God and there is none other; I am God and there is none like Me. I distinguish the end from the beginning and ancient times from what still is to come, saying: 'My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all my good pleasure.'" Isaiah 46:9-10

If we are to believe God's word, then this verse knocks down any god or goddess that anyone, from the beginning of time to today or in the future, that people worship as their god(s). There is no other then the God of the bible. What one of them can bring to life a man from the dust? Which ones can call the universe into being? Which of any of them can forgive us of our sin and give us a place, a home with him in heaven when our lives our over here?

None of them. If it is things of this world we seek, we are so lacking because they will get us no where and at best may give us only a temporary satisfaction. At the worst, they surely will not get us to heaven some day.

Joshua 24:15 tells us to choose this day whom we will serve. Who do you serve? Make the right choice for it is not by chance where you end up. If you do not chose God, your choice has been made. But God is waiting for you to choose him and if you do not do it right now, you are not guaranteed another minute before it would then be too late. Don't sit on the fence waiting to decide at a later time. Choose now. Before it is too late for you.

Hi Friends. Thanks for being patient with me at this time. I think I will be able to do something now everyday for awhile until we are ready to make the trip back to our new home. It may be a simple scripture everyday, but it may also be more. So I hope you will continue to check back each day. God bless you and yours.


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