Thursday, October 31, 2024

Psalm 7:1

O Lord my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me. Psalm 7:1

David was under attack from his enemies in Cush.  All he could do...all he knew to do was just to put his trust in God. Did he wonder if God would deliver him from his enemies, or did he just simply know that He would?

Sometimes, I have wondered if my trusting in God would be enough to get me through whatever it might be that I was going through.

And yet over and over again down through my life, I can honestly say that God has never failed me. I can honestly say I trust Him now more than ever.

That is the way I feel about this election. No matter what happens or who wins, God will never fail those that put their trust in Him.

That sometimes is not easy. Every day things come out in this election that wants to put fear in us. 

But friends, we shouldn't allow it. When we hear them, we need to quickly remember that God will never leave or forsake us. Deuteronomy 31:6

That is a promise we can count on. 

Not that we shouldn't do our part and know what the enemies are up to. Not that we should just ignore them. 

No, we need to know what it going on as much as possible, and prepare accordingly, the best we can. And of course, that is why we should vote. Don't let the fact that you don't like the candidates be an excuse not to. Remember one thing. Both parties are flawed people. Neither are perfect.

But neither are we. We all have our own flaws. David had them in his day. Heck, all of the Israelites did. And yet God used them in mighty ways. 

He can use us in this election as well, to do His will. So be sure to cast your vote and leave Him to accomplish what He wants to do. 

Thanks for coming today, Friends. You are a blessing to me very day!!!

God bless you!!!

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Just a quick message from me

Good morning, Friends.

Have you ever thought about following me here? 

Do you like my content?

Are you blessed by hope in Gods Word?

Do you like learning a bit of biblical histor?

Well, if so, please consider joining.

It's free.

Jesus gave us redemption from sin.

I give this blog to Him first.

And then to you, (which I do not say that my blog is comparable to what Jesus said or did or does today.  (No Way!)

I do give this blog to you.  Thanks for coming here every day! You are truly a blessing to me!!!

God bless you!

Psalms 25:1-2


Unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.

O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies' triumph over me. Psalm 25:1-2

Today's passage is another part of a prayer that David prayed in his time of trouble.

One that we can take for our own.

As our enemies advance,

our trust in God should take center stage

because we want those enemies to be

scattered. Psalms 68:1

Because trusting in God, 

keeps out the confusion

that the devil tries to put on us.

After saying this, I ask

are you confused about who you will vote for in the election?

Maybe you don't like either party.

Maybe you have decided, heck with it-I just won't vote.

Please don't give into those thoughts that will keep you from it.

For God is not author of confusion. 1 Corinthians 14:33

If anyone lacks knowledge, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously without reproach, and it will be given him. But let him ask in faith, without doubting.  James 1:5

I ask you my Friends, to help give to your candidate the votes needed to win the White House.

Even if you aren't quite sure.

Not to tell you who to vote for, that is your choice.

But it is our duty as we live in a country that now has the privilege to vote, when there are countries that don't allow their citizens to vote

and it could be that one day

we may also lose that right.

And friends, that right is already beginning to happen in this country.

Don't let it happen.

Cast your vote before it comes completely to that.

Vote for the people that best comes the closest to your beliefs.

Before its too late. 

Thanks for coming by today, Friends.

Remember that no matter who tries to tell us different,

Jesus is Lord,

and He still sits on the throne.

Cast your vote
and leave the results 
up to the ONE
that is sitting in heaven
hearing u

God bless America
and God bless
all of you!


Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Psalm 51:10-12

 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. Psalm 51:10-12

David prayed these words, asking God to create within him a clean heart, after his adulterous affair with Bathsheba.  He knew he had sinned and needed God to give him a new heart.

Did you catch that part of the prayer where he asks that God not take His Holy Spirit from him?

But I thought the Holy Spirit did not come until the day of Pentecost in Acts, you might say.  Like I did some years ago when I didn't really know much about the Bible then.

However, He did exist then, just as God and Jesus did. (Another surprise to me was Jesus was here then as well.)

Well, I have to admit, those were things I had to learn as I got into God's Word and He showed me them.

Perhaps we can study the role of the Holy Spirt in the Old Testament one day soon. 

But for now, I digress.

David also asks God not to take His presence from Him. 

He needed God's presence to abide in him for the things he was going through. 

And lastly, He asked God to restore to him the joy of his salvation.

Was there a time when you were so happy that Jesus saved you from your sin. You rejoiced in absolute wonder that He would do that for you when you first realized that so many will go to hell.

It hit me like that once. But then, life happened. It got in the way of that joy and became heavy.

In 1974 I lost a baby to miscarriage, something so sad for me to talk about, but even knowing that he or she is in Heaven with Jesus.

Not only that, but some days it still does because I lost my parents a few years ago. (Thankfully they went to be with Jesus}

And even more recent, I lost my husband 2 years ago. (And so did he)

And over the years, I have lost so many of the pets that God has blessed me with to care for. 

All of these, if I let myself dwell on them can put me on a downhill slide. 

And yet, I can also choose not to stay there long. For my joy really comes from God and knowing that He giveth and He taketh away. (Job 1:21}

It is not given to me by the world. Not by the fake words of what a certain Presidental hopeful was trying to preach at a church recently.

The joy of salvation:

It comes from God alone. And when I get sad, I know that the Holy Spirit Himself is with me to comfort me. (John 14:26)

It came to David at a time he needed it. And it can come to you as you need it. 

And Friends, I think as this presidential race continues and then is decided, we should probably do well to remember and think on real joy very soon. And pray that God will not let us forget it, because we may really need it then. Even more than ever.

Thanks for coming. God bless you and keep you today!

Monday, October 28, 2024

An Apology

 This afternoon I realized I said something in todays blog that was not true and I want to correct it.

I said we had not voted in 2020 because we were in the middle of moving out of state. Well that's partly true. However we moved in 2019. 

2020 was a busy year though as we were living on our daughters property while looking for a home, purchasing it, moving and getting settled.  

Being an older couple, none of this was easy and it took time to get things switched over so that we could vote.

I know there may be some that would wonder why I would bother to go back and correct this.

Well, I really do try to live the way God commands us to, and that means telling the truth.

Believe me,  I am not perfect. But for me, it's how I try to live.

Thank you for letting me share with you.  Today and every day that I can.

God Bless!

Proverbs 15:29


The Lord is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous. Proverbs 15:29

We take from this verse that God is not for those that are wicked, but he does hear the prayers of those of us that are his children and who trust in him. 

I went to early vote on Saturday and when I left there, I felt good that my vote did get counted because of the way it went in casting it. There was a time that all we did was go in, the computer started up, you cast your selections and then hit exit. You left the computer believing that your vote was counted.

I did not vote in the last election because the year 2020 had been a very busy year for us as we were in the midst of preparing to move, and then actually moving from our home state to Florida. 

The last time I voted, the way we voted in Ohio was exactly as I described above. 

It is a different time. Fraud of all kinds is at a scary all-time high. We have learned we have to be more secure about the things that we care about so that we don't lose them. 

We have found that what we might have always thought of the government, has indeed been true.

A lot of the officials we have put our trust in, have proved to be untrustworthy. 

Many want to take our rights away that are God given. And we must not let them do it, Friends.

It is our duty and our right to have our say in what goes on in the highest office in the world.

I know that many do not like Donald Trump. But we are not voting for a personality first and foremost. It is his polices that count. It is Kamala Harris' polices that count. Or should I say, the lack of them. Because we don't even know what hers are, as she flip flops on them so much and will not give straight answers.

That being said, I do not begrudge you if you vote for her. Not at all for that is your right to vote for who you believe will do the best job. 

However, please do your research before you do go in and cast your vote for either party. Do not just go on the mainstream media to tell you who to vote for. Make it your job in these next few days to listen carefully to both sides. 

And if you have made your decision already, please vote early.

Lastly, if you are so put out with all the stuff coming out from those that are hoping to be our next leaders, that you have decided your vote is not going to count anyway, please do not let that stop you from it.

To not vote is still a choice. And it could mean that the wrong party will get in that will do more harm to this country than you want. Your vote can make a difference because sadly there are many people that feel the same way you do. 

As Christians, we must take a stand. Because in not doing so, we may lose what God has given us. 

And the wrong people will gladly take it away! Time is running out, Friends. Make your voice heard.

Thanks for coming by today, Friends. Above all, please be praying for this country and those that are in office now as well as any that will be voted in, in just a few short days.

God bless you and God bless the USA.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Psalm 51:2-3

Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. 

3 For I acknowledge
 my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. Psalm 51:2-3

David admits his sin to the only One that can absolve them. He knows that God's mercy is what he needs and deeply regrets the things he has done that has not pleased God.
It is interesting to note that even so, God called David "a man after His own heart. (1 Sammuel 13:14)

So, it should be with us.
We need God's mercy every second of every day.
Because like David, a great man of God,
yet a sinner,
we must acknowledge our sin, 
so that Jesus can wash away that which displeases Him.

Thank you for coming by Friends.
God bless you!

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Psalms 51:1

Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. Psalms 51:1

I sure needed God's mercy on me this morning. I had not slept well and had tossed and turned throughout the night. I am not sure why. I haven't been going through any great stress. At least not in my conscience mind. 

But going through my usual morning routine, I had trouble focusing on God. And praying for those things that I do every day. For my family, my friends. For my church and for the government, and the upcoming elections. 

And last but not lease, for all of you that come to spend a few minutes with me every day. 

I know, we all have days similar to this. Days when we do need God's mercy to rain down on us like a spring shower. 

Sometimes we just have to get up and do what we know we need to do. And not lay in bed wishing we could just stay there. 

That was kind of where I was. Only I did what few things I had to do. And then I went back to bed for a nap. 

And that is ok. Because it did help then to motivate myself and do the things I still needed to do. 

God is ever present with those of us that are called by His name. Whether we know or feel it or not. His mercy is there for the asking. 
And it is new every day. It is enough for every day. 

No matter what struggles we are going through. 

Because He loves us.

Thanks for coming by.

God bless you!


Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Acts 29:4

29 And now, Lord, behold their threatening: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word, Acts 4:29

Peter and John had been arrested by the Jewish leaders for healing a man that had been born lame. These leaders rejected the teachings of Jesus.
There is more to this story in Act 4 if you would like to read it.
However, verse 29 is the prayer that I want to point out for today.
As the leaders of our world speak out against Jesus, 
they are much like those of Jesus's day.
We saw at the rally of Kamala Harris, just this week that
she told a group of people to go to the rally down the street if they wanted Jesus. 
That He was not there. 
And so do we really want her as "our leader?"
Because if she goes that far,
what will be next if she wins the race?
It may not be a matter of just go somewhere else to find Jesus.
Maybe as Peter and John found themselves arrested, 
Christians today will be arrested as well.
Or worse.
Because the disciples of Jesus paid the ultimate price for their preaching of the Gospel.
And we may pay that price as well.
But we can't let that stop us.
And no matter the threats, we must speak the Word of God boldly,
at all costs.
If it comes to that,
will we speak boldly
the name of Jesus.?
Like the one in the rally 
that called out
"Jesus is Lord!!!!"

Thanks for coming by today, Friends. 
God bless you!

Monday, October 21, 2024

Psalm 119:165

Psalm 119:165

Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble. 

  Peace. It's what we desire today, right? It's what we desperately need!  If we keep God's laws, and if we do it because we love Him, He will give us that peace. Even in the midst of what is going on in our crazy world. 

But to get that peace, we have to pay the price. And that is to obey God. When we do that, we can have the promise He gives. 

I dare say, if the wrong candidate gets into office in this year's election, we are going to need to depend on God even more. Because the wrong one has sent her message.

And it's not a good one

It is not one of peace

Thanks for coming by Friends! Have a blessed day!!

Saturday, October 19, 2024

A Breakdown of John 17:13-26


13 And now come I to thee; and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves.

14 I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.

16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

18 As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.

19 And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.

20 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word.

21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

22 And the glory which thou gave me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:

23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.

24 Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou loved me before the foundation of the world.

25 O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me.

26 And I have declared unto them thy name and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.

After praying for His disciples, Jesus also prays for everyone who will believe in Him through their message (John 17:21). Jesus’ desire, expressed in His High Priestly Prayer, is that all of His followers would be in complete unity, just as He and the Father are in perfect unity (John 17:21). Jesus prays for believers to be in God so that the world will believe in Jesus (John 17:21). When believers are united and abide in God, the world will know that God loves them and that He sent Jesus for them (John 17:23). Jesus loves the world, and His sacrifice that brings eternal life is for anyone who believes (John 3:16–17). Jesus says He has given believers His glory that they may be one as He is one with the Father (John 17:22). Jesus also prays that all who believe in Him will be with Him and see His glory (John 17:24). Jesus affirms that, whereas the world does not know the Father, He does, and He has made the Father known to His disciples. Jesus will continue to reveal God to His followers so that God’s love will be in His disciples and that Jesus Himself will be in them (John 17:25–26).

Jesus says that He prayed the High Priestly Prayer because He was going to the Father soon and He wanted His disciples to “have the full measure of my joy within them” (John 17:13).

As our Great High Priest, Jesus continues to intercede for us (Hebrews 7:25), and His High Priestly Prayer is an example of what His intercession looks like. Jesus “is able to save completely those who come to God through him” (Hebrews 7:25). His High Priestly Prayer, with its themes of unity, indwelling, glory, and giving, shows the profound extent of that salvation.  (Credit:


Jesus didn't just pray for himself.

He didn't just pray for his disciples.

No. He also prayed for all those that came after them.

All who call upon Him.

You and I.

Not only did he then, but He is still praying for us

that those of us that ask our sins to be forgiven

will have eternal life.

For He is our High Priest.

Jesus Christ


Thanks for stopping by today, Friends. Have a blessed day.

Explaining James 1:5-6

The next two scriptures don't need an explanation for most of us that have been in church for awhile.   5  If any of you lack wisdom, le...