Monday, October 14, 2024

Isaiah 25:1

O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth. 
Isaiah 25:1

I ran across something interesting while getting this post ready for today. I will share it with you to give you a better understanding of the above passage:

Setting the Scene for Isaiah 25:1

In Isaiah chapter 25, we find a scene set in the grand temple of Jerusalem. The air is filled with the scent of burning incense, and the sound of prayers and hymns echo off the stone walls. The temple is bustling with priests, Levites, and worshippers who have gathered to offer sacrifices and seek the presence of God. The flickering light of the oil lamps casts a warm glow over the scene, creating a sense of reverence and awe.

Among the crowd, we see the prophet Isaiah, a figure known for his unwavering faith and powerful messages from God. He stands tall, his eyes filled with a divine light as he delivers a message of hope and redemption to the people of Israel. The listeners are captivated by his words, feeling a sense of comfort and reassurance in the midst of turbulent times. As Isaiah speaks, his voice carries a weight of authority and wisdom, drawing the attention of all who are present.

In this moment, the temple serves as a sacred space where the divine meets the earthly, and where the faithful come to seek solace and guidance. The scene is a powerful reminder of the enduring faith of the Israelites and their belief in the promises of God, as proclaimed by the prophet Isaiah.

What is Isaiah 25:1 about?

When we look at this verse, we see the prophet Isaiah acknowledging God’s unwavering faithfulness and sovereignty. Think about it – how comforting is it to know that the God we serve is trustworthy and always keeps His promises? It reassures us that we can rely on Him in all circumstances, knowing that His plans will come to fruition. Isaiah’s words serve as a reminder to us that God’s faithfulness is not dependent on our actions but is a constant in our lives. Consider how this truth impacts your life. How does knowing that God’s faithfulness and sovereignty are unchanging affect the way you view your trials and challenges? It’s a powerful reminder that we serve a God who is in control of all things, and we can trust Him completely with our present and our future. Let Isaiah’s words encourage you to lean into God’s promises and trust in His unfailing love and faithfulness.

Source: God's Blessing


I saw a video on YouTube the other  evening whereby actor Kirk Cameron of Growing Pains, was on the Glen Beck program. One question that was brought up was that a lot of us believe that this time we are living in is the end times, and due to the things going on in our world, is this a time when the rapture of the church could happen?

I believe it could very well happen soon. However, thinking back at the different crisises that have happened around the world at various times in our history, that could be said at any of them.

We can look back to the Civil War, WW1, WW2, the Viet Nam War and more.

Did the Christians living during any era of war wonder if this was to be the end of our time on earth, and Jesus would come back?

Probably. And yet here we are. Still living on this planet that God gave us.

Kirk Camaron said it well. All through history, when it looked like things were so bad, that maybe Jesus was coming this time, but instead God kept us going (Not a direct quote)

And instead, he gave man the intelligence to produce more and more ways of living through it. 

Friends, we wonder: is this the time? Is Jesus really going to fulfill what John wrote about in Revelations during this time?

What if the left gets their candidate into the highest office of this land? And if so, will she and others turn the US into a communist country, which seems very likely? 

If that happens, what will become of us living under the rule of a dictatorship? That was how this country got started. To not live under dictatorship but to  live free and however we chose. And we can practice our religion how we chose. 

If you are thinking it could never happen,  beware. They are already trying by taking away your firearms. By killing newborn babies that survive abortion attempts. By breaking laws that goes against the constitution.  Not to mention breaking God's laws. 

And it doesn't end there.

They prove in so many ways how they have been calling evil good. 

But there are many in government that not only wants to take our freedoms away but want to take the whole constitution and throw it into an eternal fire.  Especially our choice for worship to God.

How long is He going to let this go on? How far will He let it go?

So many questions with so few answers at this time.

But as we do know, no man knows the hour or the day that Jesus will come. Jesus told us that in Mathew 24:6. And so we wonder, will it really be soon as some say? But how far into the future can it really be soon? After all, the disciples thought it would be in their day.

We do not know. However, Jesus also said in that verse, to watch. 

Because when it happens, it will be in the twinkling of an eye.

(quickly) 1 Corinthians 15:52

We must be ready Friends. It doesn't matter if it's today, tomorrow or 20 years from now.  And we don't know what will have to go through before "soon" finally comes. 

Are you ready? I sure hope so. But in the meantime, we can know, that whatever candidate is the new administration for our country, we should be praying for them and ourselves. And that God who knows already who it will be, will keep us in His perfect peace. Because it is He, who created us who holds this world in the palm of his hand. 

And so, in closing for today, Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth Colossians 3:2 fo His perfect peace. 


Because our freedoms are at stake. And one other thing, Vote early. Because if we wait until the last day, there may be suspicious things happening to our Ballots. Things like water lines breaking, and printers not working, or running out of paper. Remember?

The enemy wants to destroy this country by any and every means he can. Will we just sit on our hands and let him?

Friends , we have done just that for too many years. And it's time to take back our country. 

Before it's too late!!!

Thanks for coming, Friends. Have a blessed day in the God of peace


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Isaiah 25:1

O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulnes...