Friends, yesterday I told you I would be doing another day on prayer under a different heading, However, I am going to switch gears instead and save that for another day. For the last few days, I have been going through papers that had been my now deceased parents, sorting out what I wanted to keep or throw away. Yesterday I found a letter that I am going to put in for today. I have never read it before myself and do not know who authored it.
However, I hope it will have meaning for you.
Do you Have Enough Time????
Dear Friend,
As you got up this morning, I watched you and I hoped you would talk to me,
even if it was just a few words, asking my opinion or thanking me
For something good that happened in your life yesterday-but I noticed
you were to busy trying to find the right outfit to put on and wear to work
I waited again.
When you ran around the house getting ready, I knew there would be a few
minutes for you to stop and say hello, but you were still too busy
At one point you had fifteen minutes with nothing to do
except sit in a chair
And then I saw you spring to your feet and I thought you wanted to talk some,
But you ran to the phone to call your friend to get the latest gossip. I
watched you as you went to work, and I waited patiently all day long. With all
your activities I guess you were to busy to say anything to me.
At lunch, I noticed that you looked around. Maybe you felt
embarrassed to talk to me, that is why you didn't bow your head. You glanced four or five tables over and you noticed some of your friends
talking to me briefly before they ate, but you didn't. That is okay.
There is still more time left and I hope you will talk to me
even yet.
You went home and it seems as if you had lots to do. After a few of them were done you turned on the TV. I don't know
if I like TV or not. Just about anything goes there and you
spend a lot of time each day in front of it-not thinking about
anything, just enjoying the show.I
waited patiently again as you watched TV and ate your meal, but
again you didn't talk to me.
As you read the paper I waited again. While you did what you had
to do. At bedtime, I guess you were too tired. After you said goodnight
to your family, you plopped into bed and fell asleep in no time. That's
okay because you may not realize that I am always there for you. I've got
patience more then you'll ever know. I want to teach you how to be patient
with others as well.
Because I love you so much, a long time ago I left a wonderful place
called Heaven and came to Earth. I gave it up so that I could be
ridiculed and made fun of. And I even died so that you wouldn't have
to take my place. I love you so much that I wait every day for a nod,
prayers or thought, or a thankful part of your heart. Its hard to have a one-
sided conversation. Well, you are getting up again and once again I will wait with nothing but love for you hoping that today you will give me
some time. Have a nice day!
Your Friend Jesus
(author unknown}
Jesus does wait for us, everyday Friends. To ask him into our lives. To thank him for his provisions. To tell him of our needs. To just talk to him as we would any other friend. Sometimes we get so busy we forget. And yet he is always there, patiently waiting for us. Because why? Because he loves us. Thanks for your visit today! Have a wonderfully blessed day at the start of a brand new week!
But you ran to the phone to call your friend to get the latest gossip. I
watched you as you went to work, and I waited patiently all day long. With all
your activities I guess you were to busy to say anything to me.
At lunch, I noticed that you looked around. Maybe you felt
embarrassed to talk to me, that is why you didn't bow your head. You glanced four or five tables over and you noticed some of your friends
talking to me briefly before they ate, but you didn't. That is okay.
There is still more time left and I hope you will talk to me
even yet.
You went home and it seems as if you had lots to do. After a few of them were done you turned on the TV. I don't know
if I like TV or not. Just about anything goes there and you
spend a lot of time each day in front of it-not thinking about
anything, just enjoying the show.I
waited patiently again as you watched TV and ate your meal, but
again you didn't talk to me.
As you read the paper I waited again. While you did what you had
to do. At bedtime, I guess you were too tired. After you said goodnight
to your family, you plopped into bed and fell asleep in no time. That's
okay because you may not realize that I am always there for you. I've got
patience more then you'll ever know. I want to teach you how to be patient
with others as well.
Because I love you so much, a long time ago I left a wonderful place
called Heaven and came to Earth. I gave it up so that I could be
ridiculed and made fun of. And I even died so that you wouldn't have
to take my place. I love you so much that I wait every day for a nod,
prayers or thought, or a thankful part of your heart. Its hard to have a one-
sided conversation. Well, you are getting up again and once again I will wait with nothing but love for you hoping that today you will give me
some time. Have a nice day!
Your Friend Jesus
(author unknown}
Jesus does wait for us, everyday Friends. To ask him into our lives. To thank him for his provisions. To tell him of our needs. To just talk to him as we would any other friend. Sometimes we get so busy we forget. And yet he is always there, patiently waiting for us. Because why? Because he loves us. Thanks for your visit today! Have a wonderfully blessed day at the start of a brand new week!

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