Thomas, one of the twelve called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples told him "We have seen the Lord." But he said, "Unless I see the mark of the nails, and place my finger in the marks and in his side, I will never believe." John 20L24-29
Jesus had appeared to the disciples after his crucifixion and resurrection But Thomas was not there and when the others told him that they had seen Jesus, he just was not going to believe them without seeing proof. It should have been proof enough to him as there were 10 disciples that were present and had seen Jesus. He should have believed them. Shouldn't he have?
And yet he didn't. He still needed to see for himself. A week later, Thomas was to get the proof he needed. The disciples had gathered once again in the house and the doors were locked. All of a sudden, there Jesus was right there with them. He told Thomas to put his finger in his hand and to see the marks in his hand and in his side. And then he told Thomas to stop doubting and believe.
Well, Thomas had his proof. He said, "My Lord and my God."
Jesus said, "You have seen me and believed. Blessed are those that have not seen me but have believed."
This disciple had doubts. Just like all Christians do, and through Jesus certainly did not have to give it to him, he did. Sometimes God just does not do what we want him to do when we doubt his promises and do not answer our prayers the way we want or in the time frame we think they should be answered. Sometimes he does. And while he did for Thomas, in itself lies the promise that he does give us what we need when and how he deems best for us.
It is interesting to note that in the Bible, Thomas was never said to be a "doubting Thomas." That nickname is not found there. Had we been in his position ourselves, how many of us could acquire such a label? How many people from those times through today, doubt the validity of Jesus, his birth, life, death, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and yet today living with the Father and soon coming again? Unfortunately, too many.
And at times, are we any too different in things of a spiritual nature?
But he said, "Blessed, are those that have not seen, yet believed." Wow!" Friends, that means you and me! Those of us that do believe. And for those that just take him at his word, believe what he says, believe his promises, and that he will answer our prayers, he blesses us for our belief in him that he will do what he says he will do.
It is doubtful that the other disciples were that much more optimistic about what had happened then Thomas was. These men probably did not fully understand the implications of what happened or what would be. Understanding might have taken some time. They probably did have some doubt that entered their minds. But when they saw Jesus, they knew who he was right away while Thomas had to see what he needed to see to believe.
Thomas dared to ask questions. We today need to ask questions. If there are things that do not seem right in the churches we are a part of or the things that someone passing them off as messiah or god or whatever, we need to ask questions. Check them out. But do not just blindly follow them. And really, that is what Thomas wanted. To see for himself. To check out what was being told to him. And then he could believe.
This story of Thomas, and who he was is not is not in the bible to tell us how dumb he was for wanting to see the proof. I think Jesus chose him in spite of it. Because it shows us our own doubtfulness at times, and that we do need to seek out what is truth and what is not. Those other 10 disciples that did believe? Would they have fallen for someone that were false had it not been for Jesus? Maybe. Maybe not. But Thomas had more of a chance that he wouldn't have, due to his need for answers.
What else can we know about Thomas? The bible does not have a lot to say about his life but come back tomorrow for what else I have found.
Todays's references are from the following: John 20:24-29, How can I avoid being a doubting Thomas John 20:24-29 NIV - Jesus Appears to Thomas - Now Thomas - Bible Gateway and The Apostle Thomas Biography, Doubting, Life and Death
I am thankful you decided to stop by today friends! Have a wonderfully blessed day and I hope you will come back tomorrow.

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