Monday, September 17, 2018

Who Was Phillip? The Evangelist

St. Philip the Apostle

The Apostle Phillip was one of the earliest followers of Jesus Christ and it is believed that might have been a disciple of John the Baptist because he lived in the same region that John preached.  According to Acts 6:3-7. he was one of 7 disciples that were chosen for a ministry by the brothers and sisters of the church. This ministry was to see to the needs of the poor and widows and may have been the beginning of what became the offices of the Decon of the Church.

He was noted for the fact that one day when Jesus had been followed by 5000 people while he was preaching and he asked where they could buy bread to feed them, Phillip answered that there was not enough to get the food they needed and that is when Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes so that there was much more then what was needed and the disciples gathered what was left into 12 baskets. 

He was an evangelist and according to Acts 21:8-9 had 7 unmarried daughters that had the gift of prophecy. They are nameless in scripture and there is no mention of any sons that he might have had and additionally no mention of a wife. It is thought that she may have been deceased by the writing of scripture.

Phillip was one of the disciples that witnessed Jesus' ascension into heaven after he had been crucified and risen from the grave. Acts 1:14.

One account on his death has it that traditionally speaking, Phillip died a natural death but another one says he was crucified.

(Today's sources include:)Scripture, What Do We Know about the Apostle Philip? - DisciplesPhilip, Deacon and EvangelistActs 1 NIV - Jesus Taken Up Into Heaven - In my - Bible GatewayThe Apostle Philip Biography, Life and Deathand Daughters of Philip - All the Women of the Bible - Bible Gateway

The Apostle Phillip was one disciple that was into the ministry of Jesus Christ. Not only into being an evangelist and all that entails but also a minister of the people as well. Whether or not he died a natural death or was crucified or whatever else might have been the cause of his death, he was a servant of the Lords. Can we say we are servants of God's work ourselves? If we aren't we should be. And if we are, what can we do better to serve him? After all, as Christians, that is what we are called to do.

Thanks for coming by today Friends. Up tomorrow will we the last of the 12-Judas Iscariot. What else can we learn about him?  Have a blessed day and new week!

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Psalm 119:101-105

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