Sunday, September 2, 2018

Who Was Peter? Known as the Rock that the Church Was Found On

Peter walking on the water to Jesus

When Jesus went up into the mountains to pray one day, he called the men there to be his apostles. Twelve of them responded. They were uneducated Jews but they gave up everything to follow Christ as he trained him for the next three years to carry on his ministry when he was no longer going to be on earth with them.

These 12 were actually the foundation of the Christian Church. The beginning building stones as it may be called. In Revelation 21:12 it is said that the walls of the New Jerusalem will bear the names of the twelve apostles in its foundation. Obviously, they were of great importance to Christ.


Peter was the son of Jonas. He lived in Bethsaida and Capernaum and was the only married disciple. His wife was known to travel with him on his missions. (1 Corthianians 9:5) He made his living as a fisherman. He was known as a typical Galileian. They loved innovation but were also known for inciting people to rebel against authority. Of the twelve apostles, he was known as the leader and the spokesman for all.

He was an earlier follower of John the Baptist. And actually, it was his older brother Andrew that introduced him to Jesus. (John 1:40-42) Once he met Jesus, the two left John and followed Christ.

Not only was he known as Peter but also Simeon Peter, and Cephas meaning Rock.

Peter was the disciple that was in the boat with the other disciples during a storm and they had become afraid. They saw Jesus walking along the seashore when they saw him thinking he was a ghost. Peter said if it was him to let him come to him on the water. Jesus told him, "Come." Peter climbed out of the boat and started to walk on the water but when he noticed the wind he began to get afraid again and sink. And so he yelled for Jesus to save him. Jesus then reached out his hand and caught him saying, "You of little faith. Why do you doubt?." Mathew 14:22-33

He was of course, well known for denying Jesus three times after Jesus was interested. He died a martyrs death in Rome under the reign of Nero many years later, asking to be crucified with his head down as he did not feel worthy of the same way that his Lord had been.

(sources other than the scriptures mentioned  Who Were the 12 Disciples (Apostles) & What We Know about Them      and       Who were the 12 disciples? |

What can be said of Peter from these biblical observations? He was from a typical Galilean town.

Indeed. However, he was all for the cause of Christ at some point and especially when he met John the Baptist and even more so when he met Jesus himself. He was strong, a natural leader and yet at one of the most important times of his life had denied he even knew Jesus. He went on to be known as the rock that the church would be built that the gates of hell would not prevail against as Jesus said in Mathew 16:17-19. The man that was human but died a martyrs death in the end.

What a privilege to have served Christ as he had. Even to his death. Can we even come close to that in our own lives? It is a most sobering question.

Coming Tomorrow: A look into Peter's brother Andrew's life.

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Have a wonderful Lord's Day today Friends. Thanks for coming by that I can share with you! Many happy blessings today as you share it with your family and those that you are around!

Saturday Blessings In the Lord Have A Blessed Day good morning sunday sunday…

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Psalm 119:101-105

  101  I have refrained my feet from every evil way, that I might keep thy word. 102  I have not departed from thy judgments: for thou hast ...