Saturday, September 22, 2018

No Smart Phone Needed (part 2)

Jesus prays in the garden Matthew 26:39-40                                                                                                                                                                                 More

Prayer is a communication between us and our loving God. Designed by God to give us a way to truly interact with him. Praying can bring us strength, inner peace, and wisdom.

Jesus himself found it necessary to spend time with his Father and is our prime example. Mathew 14L23, 26L36, Mark 1:35, Luke 5:16 and others.

When he was praying to his Father in the garden before the Roman Soldiers came to arrest him, he actually sweated blood. Being under heavy stress for what he was about to go through he prayed, "Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass by, however, let it be your will and not mine."

And because it was God's will, Jesus went to Calvary to die for you and I. Therefore, we too must ask God's will in everything we ever ask of God.

 He does answer our prayer. But, any wise parent will not give his children everything they want because they become spoiled and often entitled and so it is with God. Sometimes we need to solve our own problems. We may need an adjustment in our own attitudes, make amends to someone that we have wronged, forgive someone that we need to forgive.

But what prayer is not, it is not a magical button that we push to try to get everything we want like the churches that teach the "name it claim it" kind of stuff. Nor it is a quick fix to get out of the problems we have ourselves created by our disobedience to God. Sometimes he wants us to learn something from the mistakes we have made. There are times we have to pay the consequences for our actions.

The answers from God, do not always come when we want them to or how we want them. God has our best interests at heart and he knows what we need, and when we need them answered and in what way we need them answered. But they do come. With an answer of yes, or no. In some way. In some form. At whatever time and in whatever way God gives them to us.

If you are waiting on God to answer your prayer, take heart. If you are serving him and have him as your Lord and Savior, his answer will come to you in a matter of time. He wants to fulfill his purpose in your life.

 If he is not your Lord and Savior, he does not listen to your prayer according to John 9:31. He only listens to those that who have asked him to their hearts and lives. And I urge you to do that now. Pray the prayer below. Pray it now to become a part of God's great kingdom. God loves you! Do it now.

Sinners Prayer:  Use your own words when asking God to forgive your sins and to be your Savior and Lord of your life

I am so happy you have visited me today and hope this study on prayer has been helpful to you. But we are not done with it yet. Come back tomorrow for part 3 and in the meantime, stay blessed!!!!

Sources for today: Scripture and What Does the Bible Say About Prayer?

Saturday Blessings!

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