Jude's name was actually Jude Thaddeus and of course, he wrote the book of Jude. He was one of Jesus' lesser-known disciples. Mathew 13:55 makes a reference to Jude being the brother of Jesus and James. His name is a biblical name but not very common. It is the shortened name for Judah or Judas which means "praise." He was one of the 12 original and not to be mistaken for Judas Iscariot that betrayed Christ. He wrote the book for the end times. His epistle dealt with the danger of believing in false teachers and encouraged readers to remain steadfast in the Christian Faith.
Any other information that can be taken from his life is only from tradition. Such as his mission to Levant, Mesopotamia, and Cyrenaica (Libya) and to Jerusalem in 62 AD to help in the election of his brother, St.Simeon to the bishop of Jerusalem.
He may have been martyred in Syria along with another apostle, Simon the Zealot
(Sources today came from Scripture, Book of Jude Overview - Insight for Living Ministries, who was the apostle jude - Google Search and Jude Thaddeus, Apostle - Amazing Bible Timeline with World History)
Unfortunately, that is about all that is said about Jude that I could find but the fact is, he did stand for the truth and wanted to make Christians aware of the false teachings that were trying to infiltrate them.
There are many of those today. They come in all sizes, all kinds of packages and preaching all kinds of "other gods." And too many times and too many people are swept up by their messages because they think they will gain some kind of better life.
From the so-called Reverend Jim Jones of the 70s that was able to persuade 900 of his followers to commit suicide to the fortune tellers and mediums of today that would take our money giving false promises of hope-these false teachers are among us, causing destruction among God's people whenever and wherever they can.
The book of Jude is a warning for us to beware. To dare to ask questions, to study what the bible says against what the teachings that we are being taught, just as the apostle Thomas did when he wanted to see and touch the nail prints in the hands and side of the resurrected Christ before he believed. He is our prime example to watch and beware of those that would snare us away from the truth of Jesus Christ.
The bible says in Mathew 7:15 to beware of false prophets that come in sheep's clothing but are inwardly raging wolves. And in 1 Peter 5:8-our adversary the devil is walking around like a roaring lion looking for those that he might devour.
By those two scriptures, we can see that there are at least 2 kinds of false prophets that we have to be aware of. Those that are sneaky, as in churches that lure people in by loving them and then they start brainwashing people, using just enough of God's Word to make people think they are from God when they are not, and those that are more blatant by getting people to think they can tell their futures or talk to dead relatives, sucking the money out of vulnerable and grieving people.
These and probably more, are what Jude was warning about in his epistle. It is up to us to learn who is who and what i what when it comes to the things we are being taught. We need to seek God daily in his word, to know the difference and do a lot of praying so that we don't fall victim to the devil as his prey.
God is so good to us. He knows the innermost thoughts that we have and the things we desire. If we need love, he gives it. If we want something, he promises to give us the desires of our hearts in his time. If we need something, he promises to supply all our needs. Why try to get it from someone or something that does not have our best interests at heart but only seeks to supply their own selfish needs? We don't have to if we trust God alone. Trust him today. He loves you and want to do for you as no one else can.
Thanks for stopping in for a visit today. Please come back tomorrow. The next disciple we will look at will be (The other) James. Have a blessed day!
Any other information that can be taken from his life is only from tradition. Such as his mission to Levant, Mesopotamia, and Cyrenaica (Libya) and to Jerusalem in 62 AD to help in the election of his brother, St.Simeon to the bishop of Jerusalem.
He may have been martyred in Syria along with another apostle, Simon the Zealot
(Sources today came from Scripture, Book of Jude Overview - Insight for Living Ministries, who was the apostle jude - Google Search and Jude Thaddeus, Apostle - Amazing Bible Timeline with World History)
Unfortunately, that is about all that is said about Jude that I could find but the fact is, he did stand for the truth and wanted to make Christians aware of the false teachings that were trying to infiltrate them.
There are many of those today. They come in all sizes, all kinds of packages and preaching all kinds of "other gods." And too many times and too many people are swept up by their messages because they think they will gain some kind of better life.
From the so-called Reverend Jim Jones of the 70s that was able to persuade 900 of his followers to commit suicide to the fortune tellers and mediums of today that would take our money giving false promises of hope-these false teachers are among us, causing destruction among God's people whenever and wherever they can.
The book of Jude is a warning for us to beware. To dare to ask questions, to study what the bible says against what the teachings that we are being taught, just as the apostle Thomas did when he wanted to see and touch the nail prints in the hands and side of the resurrected Christ before he believed. He is our prime example to watch and beware of those that would snare us away from the truth of Jesus Christ.
The bible says in Mathew 7:15 to beware of false prophets that come in sheep's clothing but are inwardly raging wolves. And in 1 Peter 5:8-our adversary the devil is walking around like a roaring lion looking for those that he might devour.
By those two scriptures, we can see that there are at least 2 kinds of false prophets that we have to be aware of. Those that are sneaky, as in churches that lure people in by loving them and then they start brainwashing people, using just enough of God's Word to make people think they are from God when they are not, and those that are more blatant by getting people to think they can tell their futures or talk to dead relatives, sucking the money out of vulnerable and grieving people.
These and probably more, are what Jude was warning about in his epistle. It is up to us to learn who is who and what i what when it comes to the things we are being taught. We need to seek God daily in his word, to know the difference and do a lot of praying so that we don't fall victim to the devil as his prey.
God is so good to us. He knows the innermost thoughts that we have and the things we desire. If we need love, he gives it. If we want something, he promises to give us the desires of our hearts in his time. If we need something, he promises to supply all our needs. Why try to get it from someone or something that does not have our best interests at heart but only seeks to supply their own selfish needs? We don't have to if we trust God alone. Trust him today. He loves you and want to do for you as no one else can.

Thanks for stopping in for a visit today. Please come back tomorrow. The next disciple we will look at will be (The other) James. Have a blessed day!

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