Saturday, September 1, 2018

Jesus of Nazarus and His Disciples (part one)

Come to Me, All of You who Labor and are Heavily Loaded-Down, and I Will Give…

                   Jesus:           Who was he? A teacher? A prophet? A Liar? A lunatic? Someone we would call being mentally challenged today? A religious fanatic?  Was he homeless and used his ministry to go around preaching to make a living.

Or was he who he claimed to be. The Son of God?

Jesus. Born of a virgin who had been impregnated by the Holy Spirit. Born to be the King of the Jews. God's Son?

I can imagine what some people must have thought when they first met him. "Really?:  "Oh come on Jesus. Tell us who you really are." "Whatever." I would bet that there were some that even may have laughed at the craziness of this man who made such claims.

And yet some of them met him and believed that he was God's Son. How do we #1 wrap our minds around it. And #2 Does God expect us to believe that he really is God's Son? 
Of course, the answers to those two questions are #1 We can't wrap our minds around it because we are human. And #2 Yes, he does. It is called "faith."

Faith makes all the difference in whether we believe in God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit. The Bible. From beginning to end.

For in the gospel of righteousness God is a revealed-a righteousness that is by faith from first to last as it is written,"The righteous shall live by faith." Romans 1:17

Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:6

Faith is the substance of things hoped for. The evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

God is big on our faith. Or lack of it, if we have none. Oh yes. From the beginning to the end. Our faith pleases him. It is in what we hope for but do not see.

To believe that Jesus IS who he says he is, we have to have it. And so long as we have a small bit of it, it pleases God. And it is through him that it will grow so that we can live by it in our daily walk with him.

Jesus is the Son of God. Born of a virgin that was impregnated by the Holy Spirit. He is God's Son and sits at the right hand of his Father. He walked the earth and preached and taught the gospel for 3 years until his enemies pretty much butchered him before nailing him to the cross. And he did it for you and I.

Does it take faith to believe it? Absolutely And if that is all you can believe in right now, that is the most important of all things to believe and have faith in. And there is more from where that came from as we open up to God and believe. Faith will take root in our hearts and not only that but when it does I also believe that love abounds. Because God is love and he loves us for putting our faith in what we can not see with our physical eyes.

Jesus came to teach a sinful and dying world his message of love, hope, and forgiveness and he appointed some men who became his apostles so that as he taught them, they could go on after his life on the earth ended, to continue his work here. We know them as his disciples. As I was about to start with Peter, I had decided that their beginning really starts with Jesus. They surely did not call themselves to his ministry. He called them. And so, tomorrows blog will be about Peter in this series. In the meantime I am going to stop at this point. I would also ask that if you would, please pray for me. Sometimes trying to get certain blogs ready, well....they can become very frustrating. I have no doubts it is the enemy that wants me to stop and give up and I have no intention of doing so. But I am asking you please to pray for me at night or whenever-that I can do them with no trouble. I would truly appreciate it. Thank you in advance. Til tommorrow....

      May our  God be magnified! And may you and yours continue to have a blessed weekend!

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Psalm 119:101-105

  101  I have refrained my feet from every evil way, that I might keep thy word. 102  I have not departed from thy judgments: for thou hast ...