Judas had sold Jesus' life for 30 pieces of silver. In that day, it would have been worth about $20 per coin or $600 for the lot. It was perhaps a lot of money in that day and yet that was all the life of Jesus meant to him. In today's US economy it would be about a mere $20,400 according to Here's How Much Judas' 30 Pieces Of Silver Worth In Today's Money - I'm A Useless Info Junkie

But who was Judas and what do we know about him?
He was the son of Simon Iscariot and he followed the ministry of Christ during the 3 years that he lived with Jesus. He was one of the 12 original disciples called by Jesus and he was the treasurer of the group. (Gee, no surprise there. Is there?)
The other disciples had no idea what Judas was really like. He was trusted. Else why would they have allowed him to be the treasurer?
Also, Jesus had selected him as well. Why would Jesus allow him to be one of them if he had known that Judas was anyone they could not trust?
Ah, but Jesus did know. He knew that Judas was evil and in John 6:70 called him a "devil." It came to him as no surprise just who Judas was. At the last supper, Jesus predicted that Judas would betray him with a kiss. He said that whoever he gave the morsel of bread to, would be the one that betrayed him, and when he gave it to Judas and Judas took it, the devil entered into him. John 13:26-27
After that, Judas got up from the table and left. He was remorseful and took the silver back to the chief priests and elders. But then he took them to Jesus and did betray him with a kiss. So now they knew exactly who to kill. Judas had done what was predicted in Psalm 41:9. Judas was responsible for his actions and Jesus said in
Mathew 26:24, that it would have been better for the man that betrayed him if he had never been born.
Sources in todays blog: Scripture Here's How Much Judas' 30 Pieces Of Silver Worth In Today's Money - I'm A Useless Info Junkie and Who was Judas Iscariot?
Judas went then and hanged himself. Mathew 27:5 However, other accounts of how Judas died are different. In tomorrows blog, we will look at those.
And then what happened after that? Did they get someone to take his place? And what is this I read about Martha being a disciple of Jesus? Please come back.
Thanks for coming by today Friends. Have a blessed day!

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