Thursday, September 6, 2018

Who Was Bartholomew:He Had No Doubt Jesus Was God's Son!

Apostle Bartholomew. Icons of the Bible series by photographer James C Lewis

The Bible does not say a lot about Bartholomew. What it does say is this. The Apostle Phillip had told him that they had found the "one that Moses had written about in the law, and about whom the prophets wrote about-Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph."  His answer to Phillip was: "Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?" Phillip said, "Come and see." John 1:46

It is possible that both Bartholomew and Phillip were Law and Prophet students and that Phillip recognized Jesus as being the Messiah they had been waiting for.

In my own observations (and I am not a theologian etc) that upon learning for the first time studying this, that Nazareth was not held as a town of high regard but of low regard and a wicked place, and therefore it might have come to Bartholomew as a surprise that Jesus, the Messiah had come from there. After all, they were expecting a real king. One from royalty. Not one from the humble beginnings that Jesus actually did come from.

 However, when he first saw Jesus coming, he knew right away that Jesus was who he said he was. He knew that Jesus was no fake but was a true Israelite. John 1:47  

In verse 48, Bartholemew asked Jesus how he knew him. Jesus answered that he saw him under the fig tree before Phillip had called to him. Jesus had not been present there, but yet had seen them and heard their conversation. He already knew their hearts proving his omniscience. 

Bartholomew then declared; "Rabbi, you are the Son of God, the King of Israel." John 1:49

As an apostle, Bartholomew was there to see that Jesus had risen. John 21:2 He was present during his ascension.Acts 1:1-11. It is said that he was a minister of the gospel in Persia and India. 

However, the bible does not say anything more about him. Not even about his death. Was he martyred as were the rest of the disciples? (excluding John) 

A couple of traditions of the day held that some were tied up in a sack and dropped into the sea. Another one was that he too may have been crucified. We will never know on this side of heaven but here was another disciple that probably did live, suffer and die for the cause of Jesus Christ.

(sources today:) Scripture and Who was Bartholomew in the Bible?

Jesus went after “common” people–people who He could disciple, who were willing to learn from Him. —John C. Maxwell

      Blessings to all of you that come to visit me! Have a great day!

Too blessed to be stressed

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Ephesians 2: 8-10

  8  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9  Not of works, lest any man should boast....