Greetings Everyone. Wow, here it is the last day of August! It seems as if we have had a whirlwind of summer! In fact, I was just telling someone a couple of days ago that it seems like this whole year has gone so fast. That it doesn't seem like it should be this late in the year all ready. But here we are. Ready to start a new month tomorrow and soon a new season with holidays in the next several months as well. Where is the time going?
I hope each of you has had a wonderful summer and things are beginning to settle down now that most schools have started in the country. At least so far as that is possible what with all the activities that the kids get involved in, are concerned. If you are like me and do not have kids in school anymore, life is easier perhaps. Even so, I do miss those days when my kids were home and I had that relationship with them that is so different then it is today. But kids do grow up and life changes. It makes me wonder how my own mother felt when I had grown up and left home.
But, I am not going to go there today. In fact, I am taking a semi-different break from the usual topics I have been discussing on this blog and just find some things that will be a little more entertaining and yet have some truth to them. So I hope you will stick around and check them out. In the meantime, I will be back tomorrow with a new series and you can check out the topic at the
end of today's blog. Enjoy!

Actual Announcements from Church
Ladies: Don't forget the rummage sale. It is a
chance to get rid of those old things that are not worth keeping around the house. Don't forget your husbands
Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the Quior. They need all the help they can get.
Low self-esteem to meet Thursday. Please use the back door.

Why did God create man before woman?
Because he didn't want any advice on
how to do it.
How does Moses brew tea?
Hebrews it.
The first ever 10 Step Program:

Thanks for coming back today Friends. I hope you have enjoyed today's blog. Tomorrow I plan to start taking a look at what we know biblically about the disciples of Christ. I hope it will be an interesting subject for you to read about. Have a wonderfully blessed day!

Have you ever wondered about the disciples of Jesus? Who they were? What they did before they were his disciples? Maybe what happened to them after he went home to be with his Father?
Starting tomorrow, I want to take a few days to try to find out some information about them to see what we can find out about these men who served our Lord while he was on earth and then after he left them.
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