Have you ever wanted to consult a fortune teller or a psychic medium? I hope not. But there are plenty of people that do. Physic services are a big business. According to Yahoo Finances, there are "roughly 85,000 people that work in physic services and make $1.5 billion a year in total wages.:
These include "people that work in palmistry, cartomancy, mediumship, aura readings, and astrology."
The problem is that so many of these people are frauds. Taking people for as much money as they can get out of them. Telling them lie after lie. And they will take them down to their last penny leaving people to wonder what happened. Their dreams didn't come true. Their boatloads of money didn't come through. Their missing loved one was never found. And that loved one said to be in the water, was eventually found elsewhere, not in water but in the ground. By the time they find it out, their money is gone.
I know, some mediums seem to know things about people that they shouldn't. Details, initials, names for people. But consider something for a minute. God created all things good. And until the fall of Adam and Eve, all things were good. But in the garden, along came satan. And he was able to get them to do something God had told them not to do. Do you not think that just perhaps he can give mediums and fortune tellers information about people that they should not know? Maybe they get some things right, but folks they don't get everything right and when someone is told something about a loved one that proves not to be true, especially for someone that is missing-how much harder it would be then if they had not consulted that person in the first place.
Some of these physics are pretty good at using questions to draw details of a person from the one that they are doing the reading for.
Then these fortune tellers use death cards in their tarot cards. Really? It is said on one site I looked at that that card is the most feared of all. And if that fortune teller is a fraud, (which all of them are. It is just that some do get some information right at times) then they could be making people afraid and even paranoid to even leave their own house every day, for fear that at any moment death will come for them. What a heavy thing to be under. No thankyou, I believe I will let God decide when my time is up. It saves my sanity to know he is the one in control. Not some card and whatever (satan) is behind this stuff.
Where did all this begin? What is the biblical view of it? Is there even a biblical view? Come back tomorrow for answers to those questions. In the meantime, if I were you, I would stay away from anyone that claims they can read your future. People that do are playing with fire.

I am happy you came to visit today Friends. May you have a blessed day!

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