Genesis 3:1-4
Where in the bible does God mention fortune tellers? And if they are in there, what does he say about them. Before I get to them, let me suggest that the first fortune teller mentioned was in the garden, and the devil himself. Umm. You say. Think about it. Genesis 3-3 has satan trying to convince Eve to eat of the tree that God told them not to. God had told her that they would die if they did. Satan, however, told her that she would not die, but her eyes would be opened and she would be like God.
What a prediction. What a lie. Does that sound familiar to you today. Fortune tellers and people that would sell it to us at our own obvious expense.
Satan might as well also had his own set of tarot cards with him with a death card included. Not only did she eat the fruit but she got Adam to eat it as well and when all was said and done, they were driven out of the garden-out of God's provision and sin and death were established for all the world that would come after.
Ok, so that is how I see it. But what does God say about it? I am going to stop here for today because I am really having trouble getting all I wanted to say on this post. So please come back tomorrow for part 3.
Thanks for coming and I leave you with many blessings today!

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