She was in a hospital. Not as a patient. As a visitor. Why was she there? Who had she come to see? She didn't know but she wanted to go home. Where was the front entrance? She found it and went out suddenly remembering she did not know how to get home. She was in a city but she did not recognize where she was so she started walking. She found a woman and asked her where she could catch a bus. The lady was nice and she gave her some directions. But she couldn't find the bus stop. She knew she was lost. And she started to panic.
And that was when I woke up from the dream I was having.
Thankfully, when I woke up, I knew where I was and was not having a panic attack. But the dream was confusing. For one thing, I seldom remember my dreams. Why this one? And what did it mean? If anything.
I don't put a lot of stock in what dreams mean or why we have them. Is it because we have had a stressful day and that is our brains' way of dealing with it. I don't know. But while I have no idea what this one might have meant, I won't dwell on it. There are too many things to dwell on while I am awake without trying to figure out what goes on in the night. If it has a meaning, God will let me know.
Last year, a young woman had told me that she wanted to believe in God. She had been wrestling with how God and science could co-exist and she wasn't sure they could. She said, "I am lost and without hope."
I have to tell you, it left me with an unsettled feeling for her to have said that to me. Lost and without hope. What a terrible feeling to be lost and without hope. Even at my worst, when I wasn't close to God I had never felt that way. I wondered how people get through their lives feeling that hopeless or knowing that there is something or someone out there that may be touchable but they can't seem to find it. Especially, because God is not hard to find at all.
I told her how I felt sad about what she had said but the good news is that she is not without hope. That Jesus came to seek and to save those that are lost.
I don't know to this day if she ever found him. We have lost contact. I hope that she did because to live in that hopelessness has to be the worst thing imaginable to me.
If you are lost in a world that is as crazy and mixed up as ours is...if you don't know where you are headed or where you can be going, take heart. You are not hopeless. Nor are you helpless. You can reach out to the Savior that came into this world because he loves you. John 3:16 says that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life.
I don't know about you, but there is enough hope in that one verse that satisfies my soul. Knowing that God loved me enough to send His Son to die for me in the cruelest way there was when he was on earth. He did not have to do it. He could have refused. But he didn't. Why would I refuse to accept and follow him?
Included below is a prayer that you can pray asking God to forgive your sins and for him to come into your life. If you have never prayed it, do it now. Accept Jesus and stop that feeling of hopelessness that wells up inside of you. Do it now. He is waiting for you!
I have to tell you, it left me with an unsettled feeling for her to have said that to me. Lost and without hope. What a terrible feeling to be lost and without hope. Even at my worst, when I wasn't close to God I had never felt that way. I wondered how people get through their lives feeling that hopeless or knowing that there is something or someone out there that may be touchable but they can't seem to find it. Especially, because God is not hard to find at all.
I told her how I felt sad about what she had said but the good news is that she is not without hope. That Jesus came to seek and to save those that are lost.
I don't know to this day if she ever found him. We have lost contact. I hope that she did because to live in that hopelessness has to be the worst thing imaginable to me.
If you are lost in a world that is as crazy and mixed up as ours is...if you don't know where you are headed or where you can be going, take heart. You are not hopeless. Nor are you helpless. You can reach out to the Savior that came into this world because he loves you. John 3:16 says that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life.
I don't know about you, but there is enough hope in that one verse that satisfies my soul. Knowing that God loved me enough to send His Son to die for me in the cruelest way there was when he was on earth. He did not have to do it. He could have refused. But he didn't. Why would I refuse to accept and follow him?
Included below is a prayer that you can pray asking God to forgive your sins and for him to come into your life. If you have never prayed it, do it now. Accept Jesus and stop that feeling of hopelessness that wells up inside of you. Do it now. He is waiting for you!

Thanks for visiting today Friends. Share the gospel of Jesus Christ today with someone and be blessed!

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