I am sending you out as sheep to the wolves, therefore we as wise as serpents and as gentle as doves. Beware of men for they will hand you over to their counsel. They will flog you in their synagogues. On my account, they will bring you before governors and kings to witness to them and the Gentiles. But do not worry about what to say for in that hour you will be given what to say by my Father. Mathew 10:17-20
Speaking to his disciples that day, Jesus knew exactly what he was talking about when he said that they were being sent out as sheep to the wolves. He was predicting his own fate. His own death on the cross. He was predicting what would happen to them. And could happen to some of us.
We know that sheep are pretty dumb. We used to have a couple when our boys were in 4 H and raised them as projects to eventually sell.
The problem with them being dumb is if a wolf gets into their territory, he will be able to easily overtake and kill them. That happened to a neighbor of ours at that time to his own herd. One night a wolf got into their barn and killed several of the sheep.
Wolves are sly. Just as serpents are. And here we have Jesus sending his disciples out into their midst to preach his gospel with dangers all around them. He was warning them to be careful. To be alert. To be aware.
Because there was going to be people all around that would persecute, attack and kill them for what they believed and taught. Ignorant people that do not feel the need for God in their lives. Ignorant people that do not even believe in him. Just as there is today.
It is also a warning to those of us that profess the gospel and want to go out into the world to win people to Christ. At this time, perhaps all some of us have to worry about is verbal abuse. We can get angry that someone has attacked us for our faith How dare they. And no, that is not what we want and it is not a fun thing to deal with. Many people throughout history have gone through much worse then that, so we need to be thankful for the fact that it has just been verbal for us.
But as things get worse...as things keep heating up leading to Christ coming again, we may find ourselves standing before those in authority that will think nothing of throwing us in prison for what we believe And worse.. Yes, it already happens as I pointed out yesterday. But if we believe the bible, I think we should be aware that as time goes on, many of us will face much the same consequences that Jesus did. We have to be ready. We have to be wise. We have to look to Jesus. Our hope is in him and while we may go through hard times, if we reject the world and accept him, in the end, we will go to be with him and forever live in his presence.
If God is sending you out into the wolves, don't go alone. Don't go unprepared. Learn what, where and who your enemies are that you may give the light of Jesus Christ to a dark world. And in the meantime, God said in Isaiah 41:10, Do not be afraid, for I am with you. I have overcome the world. In the world and will uphold you with my right hand of righteousness.
That is his promise to all of those that put their trust in him. Even those of us that can be as dumb as sheep. He is our Shepard and he will lead us to those green pastures that he has prepared for us.
But as things get worse...as things keep heating up leading to Christ coming again, we may find ourselves standing before those in authority that will think nothing of throwing us in prison for what we believe And worse.. Yes, it already happens as I pointed out yesterday. But if we believe the bible, I think we should be aware that as time goes on, many of us will face much the same consequences that Jesus did. We have to be ready. We have to be wise. We have to look to Jesus. Our hope is in him and while we may go through hard times, if we reject the world and accept him, in the end, we will go to be with him and forever live in his presence.
If God is sending you out into the wolves, don't go alone. Don't go unprepared. Learn what, where and who your enemies are that you may give the light of Jesus Christ to a dark world. And in the meantime, God said in Isaiah 41:10, Do not be afraid, for I am with you. I have overcome the world. In the world and will uphold you with my right hand of righteousness.
That is his promise to all of those that put their trust in him. Even those of us that can be as dumb as sheep. He is our Shepard and he will lead us to those green pastures that he has prepared for us.
Thanks for coming by today Friends. I hope you will be back tomorrow and I pray God's riches blessings on you for today and always!

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