Monday, August 27, 2018

God's Perfect Will vs God's Permissive Will-How to Hear God's Voice (part 3)

Giving You it all.

Sometimes it is not easy to hear when God is speaking to us. With all that goes on in our lives these days, much noise comes from the things we read, hear on tv, talk about with friends-his voice can tend to get muffled in with daily living.

But there are ways if we really want to know clearly what he is saying to us.

He wants to be ever present with us, spending moment by moment conversing with him. We are to pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:16:18. That is his will concerning us.  Not always easy, I know. But it is possible to learn to do this as much as possible.

He speaks to us in his word. That is what the bible is for. To give us guidance and to learn things that he wants us to know.

As with the people in the Bible, he may send messages through angels and visions but most of the time, he speaks to our hearts or through our minds. One time when I had been worrying about how I was going to explain something to a relative to defend myself, the thought came into my mind, "You are more concerned about what she thinks than what I think." I knew that I had just heard from God on that. It was very clear that it was exactly what I was doing.

He will use other Christians to give guidance to someone that needs an answer from him.

It is again by asking God to renew and transform our mind each day to bring us closer to him to know his will. If we do that he will clean up the negative and dirt that is there to make his will clear to us.

Understand that God will never contradict himself by telling you contrary to what his word says. His will always lines up with it.  His voice will bring with it peace and confidence that you are making the right decision. If you are struggling with something that you think is God's will, and have no peace about it, chances are it is not God's will.

Learn to wait on him. He sometimes does not give us an answer right away. There are times his answer is no. Do not rush to get ahead of him because it can be disastrous or painful to have to accept the consequences for something we could have avoided.

Don't always do the talking to God. Listen as well. Be respectful. Don't demand. I know someone that pretty much demands God to give her answers to her prayers right away. God does not honor that because he knows what is best for us and when we need the answer and how to give it to us.

And lastly, it is good to keep a journal of the time you spend with him each day. What scriptures you are reading, what your prayer requests are, what the answers you get for your requests. This helps to see how God is working in your life. And as I found a few months ago upon finding one that I kept back in the 1990s it is a testament of how God was faithful during some difficult years and how far he has brought me today.

For more help on hearing Gods voice please visit: How to Hear from God's Voice - 10 Ways to Know it's Him

After Eden 409: Really BIG

Thanks for coming by today folks. Have a blessed week!

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Ephesians 2: 8-10

  8  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9  Not of works, lest any man should boast....