Tuesday, August 7, 2018

A Thankful Heart or A Thankless Heart (part two)

Often, we look at the things we possess in order to gauge our gratitude. Of course, we should appreciate these material things – our home that provides shelter, our car that easily gets us places we need to go, the clothing that keeps us warm. Read more...double click on image.

"Let's go around the table and each of us say something that we are thankful to God for." 

Have you ever done this on Thanksgiving day? My family has in days gone by when my parents were still with us. My dad would ask us to do this and then when everyone had said what was on our minds, he would give thanks to God for all he had done for us in the past year.

 Having a thankful heart does not just apply one day of the year. It is an attitude of gratitude that should be our way of life for 365 days a year.

Easier said then done you say. What about the times when we are struggling? What about the times when we have more days to go before we receive another paycheck. How can we have gratitude during those times?

I remember many of those times especially when my kids were at home. Growing hungry boys and no money left until payday, do not mix well.

I can't say I was always thankful for those times, but God was always faithful to us. And it was at the times when I was thankful anyway that just went better for us. It took the pressure off us to solve the problem and put it on God's back. And he always got us through.

Even when times are tough we can be thankful. Just for waking up in the morning. For those times that go by all too quickly when our children come bounding into our beds on a Saturday morning full of energy. For our looking out our windows to see birds chirping and flowers growing. For the birth of brand new kittens. These are the kinds of things to be thankful for even in the midst of whatever we might be struggling with.

God is good. And he gives us more then we deserve every day

If you are struggling with being thankful today, I encourage you to get in your bible and read the following scriptures. Meditate on
them as if he specifically wrote them just for you. Because guess what. He did.

I Chronicle 16:34, 1 Thessalonians 5:18, James 1:17, Colossians 4:2, and Colossians 3:17.

The benefits of a thankful heart certainly outweigh all the negative things that an unthankful heart gives us. We are happier, to say the least, and we avoid all of the stresses that being unthankful puts on us.

One way to let the peace of Christ rule in your heart is to be thankful for all the good things He has provided.

I am thankful today for your visit. May God bless you today in all you do!

I wish you all to live your day as though it were your last and you can change your life. All blessed day and wonderful moments. ☀️🙋‍♀️

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Ephesians 2: 8-10

  8  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9  Not of works, lest any man should boast....