Jesus said, "I send you out as sheep to the wolves. Therefore be as wise as serpents, but as gentle as a dove." Mathew 10:17
Isn't it interesting that God uses many animals throughout his word? From the beginning of time when he created them in Genisis to the coming end of time as we know it here on earth when he will ride in on a white horse-they are mentioned throughout the bible.
Just in this scripture alone, he mentions 4 of them. We have looked just briefly at the serpent who is crafty, and yet dangerous. Certain types of them can kill within minutes of striking us. There are wolves also sly and can easily overtake some prey. Sheep are not smart and if threatened, will sometimes not even run from them. And then he mentions doves.
What would be the spiritual significance of the dove in this scripture as Jesus tells us to be gentle when we are out among the wolves? How do we be watchful of the enemy that wants to stop our witnessing by harassment, trying to discourage us or making us look downright stupid as some try to do? Let alone those that would kill us.
The dove is given to us as a symbol of peace through the Holy Spirit. He is a comfort to us in times when we need him. He enables us to go about our lives during stressful times, to get through whatever it is that we need to get through.
Just a couple examples of this was in Genesis when the dove brought back an olive leaf during the flood to show Noah that it was time to disembark from the boat to start life anew again. A promise from God that he and his family were not forgotten. Life would go on.
And then when Jesus Christ was baptized, a dove alighted on him at his baptism as he began his earthly ministry. In this situation, it was used as a symbol that the Holy Spirit was with Jesus to go and preach the gospel. A symbol to us, that as we go about our own earthy ministries that we need the help of the Holy Spirit because of the serpents and the wolves that are out there, lying in wait for his people.
We need to go in peace to do God's work. Ministry without it is noise. Churches that preach but do not preach the peace that the Bible speaks of, will gain nothing but people that will shoot down the cause of Christ. If we are trying to witness for example, and yet find ourselves getting into arguments with people about us being right and them being wrong, it will only turn them away from the truth. We need to be strong in our convictions yes. But not to the point of having an unloving attitude so that we would give them an excuse to turn away from the truth we want to convey to them. And they might anyway, even if we are gentle in how we present the gospel to them. But at the point, we are not responsible for their decisions.
To give you an example of this. Many years ago, we went to a very new church that had just started by a pastor friend of ours. My husbands family were not Christians, but they had met this pastor when and he had visited with them a few times, inviting them to his church. And they went. However, the adult Sunday School class was taught by a man there and his wife was in the class with him. Unfortunately, she would argue with her husband about whatever the lessons were about right in class week after week.. I don't mean just argue. I mean really argue to the point that it was irritating to the other members of the class. It was not long after that my in-laws stopped going altogether.
To say the least, it was sad. Because it turned them away from Christ and I, to this day do not know if they ever did repent in their own quiet times before the Lord before they passed on. All I know is that why would they want to be Christians if this was the way Christians acted.
The Holy Spirit as the Dove of Peace leads us, teaches us and comforts us. When we need his help, he is there to he[ and guide us.
While we are being wise as serpents, we must be vigilant in our faith. We must be strong and not weak in what we believe. Not be wishy-washy. But we must also be gentle in how we present him and our testimonies to those that we are witnessing to. We are sometimes the only ones that are around that are Christians. They must see Jesus in us. Because if they see us talking about him and yet acting otherwise, why would they want anything to do with him. They need better. They need the best. They are watching us and they want to see if we slip up. They need to see him in you and I. So be wise, but be gentle in the ministry that God has called you to, that it will go well with him!
I am happy you stopped by today Friends! I hope you have gained something from these studies. Please come back tomorrow for a new topic! Have a blessed day with those you love

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