Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Sacrifice of Trespass (part 6)

The second manatory sacrafice was the Sacrafice of Trespass (Levitcus 3_1-5)

This offereing was given as an attonement for unintentional sin when an reimbursement was given to an offended party. Or when some one needed a cleansing from something they encountered that was unlean. 

And if a soul sin, and hear the voice of swearing, and is a witness, whether he hath seen or known of it; if he do not utter it, then he shall bear his iniquity.
Or if a soul touch any unclean thing, whether it be a carcase of an unclean beast, or a carcase of unclean cattle, or the carcase of unclean creeping things, and if it be hidden from him; he also shall be unclean, and guilty.
Or if he touch the uncleanness of man, whatsoever uncleanness it be that a man shall be defiled withal, and it be hid from him; when he knoweth of it, then he shall be guilty.
Or if a soul swear, pronouncing with his lips to do evil, or to do good, whatsoever it be that a man shall pronounce with an oath, and it be hid from him; when he knoweth of it, then he shall be guilty in one of these.
And it shall be, when he shall be guilty in one of these things, that he shall confess that he hath sinned in that thing:

In offering all of the above sacrafices, the Isaelites were covered for any sin that they might commint. These sacrafices were also pointing to the final sacrafice that led up to when Jesus offered himself for the sins of man and no animals no longer were needed for that pourpose. At that point, God's old law was abolished and in its place, man found new freedome in Christ. Jesus did pay it all and we do  owe  him everything because with out his sacrafice we are without hope. Amen!

When sin is trying to enter in, show it the Exit Door!

What to do when sin tries to enter your life

I had to share this sweet story called A CHILD'S VIEW OF THUNDERSTORMS 

A little girl walked to and from school daily. Though the weather that morning was questionable and clouds were forming, she made her daily trek to school. As the afternoon progressed, the winds whipped up, along with lightning.
The mother of the little girl felt concerned that her daughter would be frightened as she walked home from school. She also feared the electrical storm might harm her child.
Full of concern, the mother got into her car and quickly drove along the route to her child’s school. As she did, she saw her little girl walking along.
At each flash of lightning, the child would stop, look up, and smile.
More lighting followed quickly and with each, the little girl would look at the streak of light and smile.
When the mother drew up beside the child, she lowered the window and called, “What are you doing?
The child answered, “I am trying to look pretty because God keeps taking my picture.”
May God bless you today and every day as you face the storms that come your way!

And I second that. May God bless and keep you  especially through the storms that come into your life! I hope you will be back again tomorrow Friends!

The Sacrifice of Sin (part 5)

Doodle Through The Bible: Leviticus 4 Illustrated Faith Journal entry for Good Morning Girls (GMG) Bible Study

There were two mandatory offerings. The first was the Sin Offering.(Leviticus 4)

The purpose of this offering was to cleanse the person of unrighteousness and atone for sin.Some of the animals used in this sacrifice were a young bull, goats, lambs, a dove or pigeon and  also fine flour. The type of animal used in the sacrifice depended on the financial position of the person offering it.

These animals atoned for the sins of God's people by the shedding of their blood. He required it as temporary solution to cover for sin. As we know, when Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross many years later, he took care of the need for animal sacrifice. He was the Sacrificial Lamb that took away the sins of the world. John 1:29. We no longer participate in this ritual cleansing of sin. We just need to acknowledge that we are sinners, ask Jesus to come into our hearts and ask him to forgive us our sin. He that had no sin, took on the sins of the whole world that we could be free from it. That chorus that goes:"Jesus paid it all, all to him I owe, sin has left a crimson stain, he has washed it white as snow" rings true for every believer that has put his trust in Jesus. Have you trusted him? Do it now.

In Memory of Billy Graham:  He preached on every continent, in over 185 countries, to more than 215 million people. Here are 50+ Billy Graham best quotes from his lifetime of preaching and writing.

50+ Billy Graham best quotes | top quotes Billy Graham | best Christian quotes via @LisaAppelo

My father was saved under the ministry of this great man of God. While in a foxhole during the war with artillery fire going off everywhere, my dad told God that if he would get him home alive, he would serve God the rest of his life. God did his part but dad sort of forgot about his own until a few years later. In 1951 dad heard Billy Graham preach and he remembered his vow. From that day forward, dad was a walking/talking witness for God. I often wonder what would have happened had it not been for Billy's ministry as far as we, his family was concerned. But I am thankful that he had such an impact on not only my family, but the millions that he has brought to the Lord in his time. He is home with Jesus now, gone to his eternal reward. He is with his wife and all those that have gone before and are there because of this mans faithfulness to his calling from God. 

Thanks for coming by Friends. Now go in peace and be blessed throughout your day or night. 

Have a beautiful Tuesday.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

The Scrafice of Peace (part 4)

 The third voluntary scrafice is found in Leviticus 7:11-21 and is the peace offfering.

It was give to God in 3 different instances. The first was given to as a freewill offereing that was thanking God for his goodness. The second was given with a fullfilled vow. An example would be when Hannah fullfilled her vow to God by bringing Sammuel to the temple, she also brought a peace offering to express the peace she had towards God for her scrafice. And the third scrafice was thanking God for his delievernce during a time of great need. 

None of these offerings were given to God as way of appeasing him or trying to get on his good side. And neither today do we do for God to get on his good side. He does not expect us to do for him and yet that is how we sometimes feel. That we must do good for him so that he will bring good to us. And instead he wants us to just confess our dependence upon him. 

The idea of in modern times that a gift is given to appease someone, to make them less angry such as a husband that gives his wife flowers after an argument is quite different then what God wanted out of his people in the Old Testamant. And is what he still wants from us today. We do not do good to get his favor. We do good from a heart that yes, wants to please him but because we just love him. And we recongize that he is the one person that we can always depend on when everyone else may fail us. 

For more information on the Scrafice of Peace, please visit:  https://www.gotquestions.org/peace-offering.html as well sa Leviticus 7:11:21

                                                             Cartoon of the day:

Image result for religious humor look i'm a noah constrictor

                                    Thought for the day:

Life isn't about "finding yourself", it is about discovering who God created you to be.

Thanks again for coming by. You don't know how much I appreciate it! Please come back tomorrow for the part 5-the Manatory of Scrafices in the Old Testament. Have a great day and remember to be blessed!

Monday Blessings!

The Sacrifice of Grain (part 3)

Sacrifice Talks, Lessons, Poems, and More

Yesterday, we saw that there are 3 voluntary sacrifices that Israel made to God in the Old Testament. The first one was the Burnt Offering which was worship to God and also used to atone for one's unintentional sin.

The second voluntary sacrifice is the Grain Offering. Leviticus 2

It was most likely wheat or barley whichever was available It could be offered to God cooked or uncooked in an oven or pan. It had to be finely ground with oil and salt in it and it could not have yeast ( leaven) or honey in it. When the offering was taken to the priest, a portion of it was given to God  with some frankincense and the rest was given to the priest. 

Its purpose was to worship God and acknowledge his provision.  And it was given out of a person's free will. 

Today, when we go to church, we worship God with our tithes and offerings. Unfortunately, some in the church grumble when they feel they should open up their wallets to give to God's  work. And yet, the ministry needs money to win people to Christ. And I speak of real ministry and not when leaders of a church or others in the church are stealing for their own benefit.)  When we go to church, we should give gladly and with a cheerful heart. 2 Corthinians 9:7. This helps the gospel go forth and it pleases God when we are obedient to support his ministry.

Joke of the day: Why it pays to not be the church gossip.

Mildred, the church gossip, and self-appointed monitor of the church’s morals, kept sticking her nose into other people’s business. Several members did not approve of her extra-curricular activities but feared her enough to maintain their silence.
She made a mistake, however, when she accused George, a new member, of being an alcoholic after she saw his old pickup parked in front of the town’s only bar one afternoon.
She emphatically told George and several others that everyone seeing it there would know what he was doing. George, a man of few words, stared at her for a moment and just turned and walked away. He didn’t explain, defend, or deny. He said nothing.

Later that evening, George quietly parked his pickup in front of Mildred’s house…………. and left it there all night.

Positive quotes about strength, and motivational

Thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderful and blessed Lords Day!
Sunday Blessings

Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Scrafice of Burnt Offerings (Part 2)

"But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8............Thank you Jesus!!
         Sacrifice. There are different kinds of sacrifice to God.

Have you ever given up something that you felt was important but deemed something else was even more important in the long run?

For instance, giving up single life to get married. Or your freedom as a married person to have a child. 

I was talking to my son Rick on the phone the other night. He and his wife have no children of their own so they have just now started fostering a little boy that is in desperate need of loving parents that will help guide and nurture him. 

Rick and Heather are just beginning their journey into something unknown to them up until now. And what it will take to be parents. They have already started to sacrifice things that are important to give this child a home. And they are happy to do it for him. Because life is not just about them, but it about taking on something greater than themselves. And we were talking about the sacrifices that have been needed to do that.And those which will come as this young boy becomes more and more a part of their family. 

 With that in mind, I wanted to give you a short synopsis of some of the sacrifices that were made to God in the Old Testament.

 There were three voluntary sacrifices. 

The first sacrifice: the burnt offering was an act of worship to express devotion to God and to atone for unintentional acts of sin. Animals used in this sacrifice were either a bull, a bird or a ram that had no blemishes. The meat, organs, and bones were completely burned and offered to God.

It was a very personal experience for the offerer. And the animal was killed for the general state of the offeror's sinfulness and to atone for his unintentional sinfulness. These sacrifices were given each morning and evening as well as on other occasions. And this sacrifice was the most common in Israel.

For more information on this sacrifice please visit https://bible.org/seriespage/2-law-burnt-offerings-leviticus-11-17   and/ or
https://www.gotquestions.org/Old-Testament-sacrifices.html as well as Leviticus Chapter 1.

After the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the old law was abolished and man did not need to offer to God burnt offerings for their sins. Jesus did that for us on the cross. Just as the burnt offerings were a personal experience for the Israelites in the Old Testament, so are the offers of prayer and praise to God today. God loves it when we spend time praying to him and praising him. Asking him to forgive us for our sin is a part of what we can now do instead. And thank God we have that way of offering up our sacrifices to him today.

I found this on a site today and had to copy it. Please pass it on.

Thanks for coming by and I hope you will come back tomorrow for another word on Sacrifice. Have a wonderful day and be a blessing to someone!

Friday, February 23, 2018

The Sacrifice of Praise (part one)

Psalm 146:1-2 (NKJV) - Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD, O my soul! While I live I will praise the LORD; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.

There are different types of sacrifice. And I will be delving into them for the next few days. Today I want to talk about the SACRIFICE OF PRAISE. What is it?

Hebrews 13:15   By him, therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.

There are times in our lives when, well lets face it, we don't want to praise God. We just don't feel like it. What we are going through is just too hard. And to praise God during those times just costs us too much. Or so it I think many of us feel during those times.

However, these are the times when we most need to continually be praising God for his goodness. God wants us to praise him from a worshipful heart in good times and not so good times. Praising him brings us to his very throne if we are sincere in it. It comes from a humble heart. From a choice that we are going to praise and honor him no matter what we may be going through.

And why should we offer this to him? Well, to be sure, when we are praising God it takes our minds away from the problems we are facing at the time, and puts them in a higher place. It takes us to God and that my friends is what the sacrifice of praise does.

Joke of the day:

A kindergarten teacher gave her class a “show and tell” assignment. Each student was instructed to bring in an object to share with the class that represented their religion.

The first student got up in front of the class and said, “My name is Benjamin and I am Jewish and this is a Star of David.”
The second student got up in front of the class and said, “My name is Mary. I’m a Catholic and this is a Rosary.”
The third student got in up front of the class and said, “My name is Tommy. I am Baptist, and this is a casserole.”

Friends, I am glad you came by again today. Please be blessed and share them with others. Until tomorrow......

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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Casting the First Stone (part 2 conclusion)

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old ...

The woman was caught in the act of adultery. The old law handed down to Moses, dictated that a woman caught in adultery be stoned to death.But Jesus asked her where her accusers were and she said,"No one, Sir." Jesus then said to her, "Neither do I accuse you. Now go and sin no more."

Jesus forgave this woman. just like he does for you and me when we sin. Once we ask for forgiveness, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.Romans 8:1

But what about you and I? Do we hold unforgiveness to someone that has hurt us?

Because the fact is, that is just as much sin as the woman that committed adultery. There is no difference to God.

And we have all been guilty of that and also condemning others just like the leaders of the law that day, at one time or another And because of what Jesus did for us, we really have no right to do to others what they were trying to do to her. And remember that no matter what the sin, we need the Saviour to forgive us because sin separates us from God. But God did send his Son as a gift to us.so that by his shed blood, we can have eternal life. All we have to do is confess it  and believe in our hearts that he is lord and ask him to forgive us and he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin. and give us the gift of eternal life. 1 John 1:9

  Is it easy to sometime forgive others.? Absolutely not. Is it possible? Absolutely

If you are holding grudges, bitterness or unforgiveness for someone or condemning others in some way or another,, remember that Jesus paid it all for you. And he will help you to forgive those that you need to forgive.

Latest 30 Funny Minions quotes of the week #Funny #minion

source: http://christianfunnypictures.com/2017/07/pastor-stole-spoon.html

May God rain down so many blessings today that you cannot contain them all! Thanks for stopping by Friends.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Casting the First Stone (Part one)

He did this 2 yrs ago during Divine Liturgy before my divine healing..  et He Who Is Without Sin be the first to cast the stone <3 John 8:1-11. One…

One day Jesus was teaching at the temple. As he sat among the people that had come to listen to him, some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law brought to him a woman that had been caught in adultery. They wanted to know what Jesus would do with her because the old law was to stone to death, women caught in adultery. And they also wanted to bait Jesus because they did not even believe he was the Son of God.

Jesus bent down and began to write with his finger. But, they kept asking him. So he stood up and said, " Let anyone of you that is without sin, cast the first stone at her."

Those that heard this began to go away.( Was there really anyone that could cast that first stone?)

 And Jesus stood up again and asked the woman, "Where are they that have accused you?"

And the woman told him, "No one sir,"

Then Jesus said, "Neither do I accuse you, now go and sin no more."   John 8:2-11

What a story of forgiveness! How do you suppose that woman felt after she had been forgiven?
No doubt she felt relief. Probably love for the one person that had given her that forgiveness. And yes perhaps great joy that her sin was abolished.

We have all needed forgiveness for our sin. Maybe some have killed someone, committed adultery or maybe just stolen a candy bar from a store. Which of these sins are worse in the eyes of God?

While it may seem that sin has varying degrees, and that God would judge each individually the fact is, sin is sin. No matter what kind, or how serious-all sin separates us from God. Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Jesus, in his love for this woman that had not done this thing that the law had said she should be stoned to death, but instead pardoned her. And of course, he told her to go and not to sin again. 

We have all sinned. Whether they are something less serious or something at a greater level, it does not matter. We still need the forgiveness of the Father and I might add that we need it on a daily basis. Because until we get that forgiveness, we are separated from the forgiveness of God. All we need to do is ask. Christ paid to high a price for our sin. Why should we not take advantage of it for our sake in eternity?

                    Thought for the Day:

Heaven is closer than you know.

Thanks for coming by Friends. Please come back tomorrow for the second part of this lesson.
Take care and God bless.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Let God Do What You Can't

When you've done everything you can do, that's when God will step in and do what you can't do.

I know most of us have been in tough times in our lives when we come to a difficult situation that we just do not know what to do about. Have you been there? I know that I have. Sometimes we think we have to handle everything in our lives by ourselves.. Solve every problem. But that isn't how it should be for those that know and love God.

Back in the late 90s after raising our kids up to be teenage to adult, (we had 4) we found ourselves in a precarious situation. We had previously purchased a small farm a couple of years before that. And then my husband had been laid off his job due to the plant he worked at had shut down and moved across the United States. For the first time in many years, I had had to get a job to help get us through. After working at a couple small jobs, I was able to get a job through a friend whose mother needed home care. It was for minimum wage but I volunteered to work many hours to help make up for what I didn't earn hourly. We somehow got by as my husband worked a job also that did not pay much. But after doing homecare for over 6 years the lady I helped take care of ended up in the hospital and it was decided by her family to put her in an extended care facility. And what I had known for those past few years ended abruptly. and without warning. Now, what were we going to do? Living in the county, transportation for me working at most jobs was a problem. And I do mean, a real problem.

However, one day I had turned on a program on a Sunday by Dr. Charles Stanley (for those that don't know of him, he teaches from the Bible on tv.) and something he had said that day, made a lot of sense to me. He said, "When you have done all you know to do and find your back against the wall, that is the time to let God take over." (May was not exact quote) And that day marked the beginning of me trusting God in this area of my life. God had gotten us through so many things before. Why not now? The situation looked impossible to me. But it was not at all to God. And so I told God, that my back is against the wall, I am asking you to provide a way.  And he did! For one thing, I found out that I could go on employment, which of course was not what I had been making but it did help. And so I started going online looking for something I could do to make money. One day, my cousin sent me a job notice that was posted in another town. I did not know how I would ever get there but I went ahead and applied for it online.  And within a couple of days, the manager from that place called me for a phone interview. And then she wanted me to come in for a second face to face interview. The day of that interview, my husband took me to it. The manager told me that there were other applicants that they were looking at, and she would call me when a final decision was made. In the meantime, I needed to know how I would get to that or any other kind of job I would get. We had a small town paper that came once a week and that is where I found that answer. There was a public transportation company that I had no idea that even existed that had an ad in the paper. I called and gave them my information and was told yes, they could help me. And the next thing I knew was that the manager called me to tell me that if I wanted the job, it was mine!

Now folks, this to me was no small matter. Not only had God provided my transportation, but he gave me a job that paid me double what I had been making, with insurance and paid time off. None of those existed in the job I had doing home care for the lady I had been with. I really almost could not believe it, but that is just how sometimes God works!

I found out that the experience I had had those years doing home care plus the fact that I had been faithful to my job with her, was what helped me get the job I had applied for. It was a group home with adult women and I would be doing some of the same kinds of things that I had done before.

I worked at that job another 6 plus years until I could retire and God was faithful to me all during that time. My husband also worked some jobs that also did pay more than minimum wage until he found one that paid even more those. And we moved closer to the jobs that God was faithful to give us.

And to this day I believe it was because of Dr. Stanleys teaching that day that gave us the hope that we needed to trust God in another difficult situation that looked bleak to us but it was not impossible for God

Is anything too difficult or too wonderful for the [a]Lord? At the appointed time, when the season [for her delivery] comes, I will return to you and Sarah will have a son.”  Genesis 18:14

To be sure, if God could give Sara her son at her age (and did) then he could give me a job amidst any obstacle that we might face. ( and he did) 

If you are going through situations that now look too difficult for you to handle, I encourage you to do all you can to resolve them, and when your back is against the wall, ask God to do what you can't do. And I assure you, if you are sincere, he will do just what you need him to do and perhaps even more then you can imagine! I know he did for us!

Thought for the day


Friends, I pray for you blessings from heaven from God above, for he alone is our source. It is not our employer, it is not our family, it is not from anything we do in and of ourselves. God is our supplier and he alone owns the universe and what is in it! Have a wonderful day, Friends. God Bless!

"He will shower down blessings...APRIL (showers)

Monday, February 19, 2018

Those That Have Turned Away From God's Calling

Prayer for Family Members who have turned away

I have a family member that as a young man loved the Lord and felt he had a calling on his life to become a minister of the gospel. As he grew up, I believe he tried with all his heart to follow that calling. Later he had started Christian college with that in mind and attended some various workshops through a church that would equip him to fulfill it. 

But along the way, even as a youngster Satan threw in some things that he had to struggle with. And for several years, he held on to God trying to overcome them. He lost his best friends when they came to the age they could drive and he did not want to go out partying with them. Upon that, they literally deserted and berated him in front of other people. He had a disease which although was not one that would kill him, it was a hardship to him in so many ways. The list goes on, and I think you may get the picture.

Then came a time when he seemed to be slowly letting go of God. It happened in a way that if you weren't looking closely at his life, you might have overlooked it.

He dropped out of college when it became too hard, So he ordered courses to take online so that he could work at a job and take the courses on his own time. And he eventually gave that up, as well. 

When he was 30 years old, he married his wife and for awhile they went to church and things seemed good even though he had not continued on his path to becoming what he felt he had been called to.

Things in his job did not go well for him. And although I think he was perhaps already bitter about the disease he had, he did not show it, but that bitterness began to spill over into his job and he began to outwardly berate coworkers. And eventually, the people that loved him the most. His family.

It was so hard for his family to watch as he slipped away from God and has never gone back to him to this day.

And so what do you do with someone you love so much that has left God and the calling that had been upon him? Really, isn't that the ultimate sin that anyone can do when they have been a Christian for a number of years, and then turned his back on those things?  Some would say this man had never been a Christian in the first place. However, I was there and I know for a fact that he was as I watched him grow and the things he had to depend on God for. But sometimes life and its struggles coupled with the devil just do get in the way and if we let bitterness and other things grow inside us, it becomes cancer that will kill our spirit.And it not only spreads in us but it spreads to everything we do.

 Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness spring up to trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;
Hebrews 12:15

And in this mans life, it indeed has. And how sad he is and how sad those that love him are.And it had become so much a part of him, that he doesn't even speak to his family anymore. And it hurts the heart of the mother that gave him life so many years ago.

But we know that God is able. Able through prayer to bring back what satan has stolen and so we pray each day that this man will at some point remember where he used to be and get back to where he needs to be. And we have every faith in God that will be accomplished in Gods own timing.

And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again. Romans 11:23

I hope those that read this, have not turned away from God or his calling on your life. For to do that can bring troubles that you nor those around you want to deal with. And if your loved one has turned away, don't forget there is a loving God that is willing to bring them back into the fold. We must be diligent in our prayers that we know God is faithful and that through him all things work together for those that love God and are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28.

Cartoon of the day:

Thought for the day:


Hi Friends. I am glad you stopped by. I hope to see you tomorrow for another nugget from God's Word! Now, be blessed and bless someone that really needs a blessing in their life!

We have the blessing of Abraham, the new covenant of Grace in Christ.  Gal. 3

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Our Tears in a Bottle

Tears Bottle Bible Verse | God Keeps Your Tears in a Bottle
 There have been times over the years, upon reading that verse, that my thoughts were, if God is collecting my tears in a bottle, he must have a pretty large one because I have cried many tears. And I know that is not unlike so many that have cried tears of pain over something that has gone wrong in their lives. The Psalmist, David had prayed this prayer to God during some stressful times in his life. He had been captured by the Philistines and wept in his sorrow. And yet David trusted in God because he knew that God had him in the palm of his hand.But what did he mean that God had collected his tears in a bottle and had recorded them in a book? Did God really have a bottle that he put them in or a book to record them in.? Not literally. But what he meant was that he knew and trusted that God had his back. He knew that God understood his grief.And so it is with us today. No matter what we go through as Christians, through our darkest times, God does understand and he does have our backs. He does not forget them. And especially those times we suffer for his sake. He will not leave or forsake us. Christ paid too high a price for it. to be forgotten. David did escape from his enemy and he went on to become a king.There is much more to David's story and he did sin like we all do. But the other thing I find interesting about David is that even though he had done the things he had done, God called him a man after his own heart.

 Lord hath sought him a man after his own heart, and the Lord hath commanded him to be captain over his people because thou hast not kept that which the Lord commanded thee. 1 Samuel 13:14.

Was David worthy of God's promise to hold his tears in a bottle or recording them in a book so that they were not forgotten?  No. Not in and of himself.
David was only worthy because he trusted God and knew that God was going to get him through the battles he faced. 

Just like David, we are not worthy of those things either. Not in and of ourselves. But only because of the shed blood of Jesus Christ he has made us worthy. God has our backs and those tears we shed during our difficult times? He has them stored in a bottle and a book. And he will never forget them. Thank you God.

                                                   Browse The Best Picture Quotes About God By Clicking On The PIcture. #god #love #praisethelord #trustgod #faith       

I hope you have a blessed Lord's Day today! God is so good and he is worthy of our praises! I pray that his blessings rain down on you and your loved ones!

Catchy Christian Quotes | Today will never come again ...




Saturday, February 17, 2018

The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Trinity (part 6 conclusion)

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The Holy Spirit is the 3rd part of the Trinity. He has many jobs as we saw in yesterdays blog. But why do we need him? When Jesus was on earth and had been crucified and then was raised from the dead, he told his disciples that he had to go away so that the Holy Spirit could come. That it was to their advantage.

Nevertheless, I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. John 16:7

But the question is why? Why didn't Jesus just stay on earth instead of sending the Holy Spirit?

And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:Of sin, because they believe not on me;10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you John 16:8-14

The Holy Spirit is a real person and not just an entity. He is personal and we can grieve him.
  • And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Ephesians 4:30
We can quench (extinguish) him.
  • And do not quench the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 1 Thessalonians 5:19  or in other words, do not tamper him down.
And we can resist him.
  •  “You stiff-necked people! Your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised. You are just like your ancestors: You always resist the Holy Spirit. Acts 7:51

The work of the Holy Spirit is in conjunction with that of God the Father, and Jesus Christ the Son. He is not separate from them.
  • And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever. John 14:16
And he lives within us if we have accepted Christ.

  •  The world cannot accept him because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be[a] in you. John 14:17
In yesterday blog, I listed some of the jobs of the Holy Spirit. And although I did not list them all there is still much that can be said about him. However, the part that I am trying to point out, is that he is our helper. Once we have accepted Christ, he lives within us to help us get through the things we face every day, to convict of us of sin, to teach us the things that we need to know, to comfort us when we need comfort, to pray for us when we don't know how to pray and much more. 

And lastly, the ministry of the Holy Spirit is upfront and personal. We are not alone in this world, left to flounder without any help to get through this life. The Holy Spirit is with us to help and guide us through life until we go to our eternal home in heaven. Praise God!

Seen on a church sign:

Prayer Available Here-Free Wireless to God-Access God-With No Roaming Free                 
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Thanks for coming by Friends. Please come back again tomorrow for more in God's Word! Until then, be,,,,,,,

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