In the posts that I have been doing here, I have centered on Jesus and his love for us. But there is a flip side to his love for us and that is what I want to speak on today. We know that there is much evil in society. It is not new because evil came into existence in the Garden of Eden. Satan and his demons are our arch enemies and we need to be diligent in understanding and acknowledging their existence. Not that we should always be looking around every corner and bush for them. But to be watchful. For they can be sneaky and show up in the most innocent of places. 2 Corthiantians 11:14 says:
And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
I ran across this quote this morning:

Additionally, satan is not some guy in a red suit with horns, a pitchfork, and a tail. He is a real being. He is as the scripture above says. He is an angel of light, and he is very beautiful so as to make us think he is something that he is not.1 Peter 4:8 says to be sober and diligent because our adversary the devil is a roaring lion looking for those he can devour. And he uses the "good things" to draw us away so that he can take us away from God, perhaps for eternity. By the "good things" I speak of sin. Sin can be enjoyable for a season. Or why else would we do it? But the fact is sin only lasts for a season before it can completely consume and take us away from the One that gives us forgiveness for it. It can become a dark place, leading us to the pit of hell if we let it. We see what drug addiction, adultery, and murder, just to name a few-can do for us. And those are the plans that satan has for each one of us. So as I Peter says, we need to be sober and diligent to watch out for it so that satan cannot destroy us because he comes to steal, kill and destroy us but Jesus came to save us and to give us life. John 10:10. And thank God that while satans plan is to destroy us and in fact, that is his mission, Thank God that his plans for us are to prosper, not to harm, but give us hope for the future. Jeremiah 29:11.So I encourage you to be watchful so that you cannot be stolen from God. Ask him every day for his forgiveness because that is the way you can have the assurance that you can be free from the clutches of satan, once you have become a child of the King.

Thanks once again Friends for stopping by. And today I want to leave you with this thought:
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