Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Sacrifice of Sin (part 5)

Doodle Through The Bible: Leviticus 4 Illustrated Faith Journal entry for Good Morning Girls (GMG) Bible Study

There were two mandatory offerings. The first was the Sin Offering.(Leviticus 4)

The purpose of this offering was to cleanse the person of unrighteousness and atone for sin.Some of the animals used in this sacrifice were a young bull, goats, lambs, a dove or pigeon and  also fine flour. The type of animal used in the sacrifice depended on the financial position of the person offering it.

These animals atoned for the sins of God's people by the shedding of their blood. He required it as temporary solution to cover for sin. As we know, when Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross many years later, he took care of the need for animal sacrifice. He was the Sacrificial Lamb that took away the sins of the world. John 1:29. We no longer participate in this ritual cleansing of sin. We just need to acknowledge that we are sinners, ask Jesus to come into our hearts and ask him to forgive us our sin. He that had no sin, took on the sins of the whole world that we could be free from it. That chorus that goes:"Jesus paid it all, all to him I owe, sin has left a crimson stain, he has washed it white as snow" rings true for every believer that has put his trust in Jesus. Have you trusted him? Do it now.

In Memory of Billy Graham:  He preached on every continent, in over 185 countries, to more than 215 million people. Here are 50+ Billy Graham best quotes from his lifetime of preaching and writing.

50+ Billy Graham best quotes | top quotes Billy Graham | best Christian quotes via @LisaAppelo

My father was saved under the ministry of this great man of God. While in a foxhole during the war with artillery fire going off everywhere, my dad told God that if he would get him home alive, he would serve God the rest of his life. God did his part but dad sort of forgot about his own until a few years later. In 1951 dad heard Billy Graham preach and he remembered his vow. From that day forward, dad was a walking/talking witness for God. I often wonder what would have happened had it not been for Billy's ministry as far as we, his family was concerned. But I am thankful that he had such an impact on not only my family, but the millions that he has brought to the Lord in his time. He is home with Jesus now, gone to his eternal reward. He is with his wife and all those that have gone before and are there because of this mans faithfulness to his calling from God. 

Thanks for coming by Friends. Now go in peace and be blessed throughout your day or night. 

Have a beautiful Tuesday.

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Romans 1:16-18

  16  For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first,...