Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Giveng Thanks is Hard to Do (To the tune of Breaking Up is Hard to Do)

Employees Save Litter of Motherless Kittens From Streets and Turn Their Lives Around

Me yesterday: Really, God?
God yesterday: In all things give thanks, for this is the will of God concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 

Yesterday started out like any other day in our household. I had just finished the day's blog and did some other things online. Before I got offline, I emailed a friend. She knows I that I have diligently been working on paying off some debt. To tell you the truth, it has been extremely hard for us for quite some time. However, we are getting to the end of a loan we had to take out 2 plus years ago. And so in my email, I had mentioned to her that we didn't have long to go before it is paid off.While we still have more debt to keep pounding away at, this is going to free us up just enough so that paying our monthly bills will be a little less stressful. I told my friend that I hoped now we would not have any more problems that would cause us to go into any more debt. That I needed some relief from the stress.

Famous last words. For me anyway. It was not 2 hours later that my husband noticed that the temperature in the house was getting chilly. He went to the thermostat and found he could not get the furnace to kick on. We had already had a furnace problem earlier in the season that put a large amount on our credit card. My thought was, "Good grief Lord, couldn't you have waited for awhile to let this happen? We haven't even paid off that bill yet." As we do sometimes, the first thing we want to do is blame someone. In this case, it was God. Later I would repent of that statement.

My husband went down to the basement to see what he could find out. He used to be a HVAC repairman and before that actually built furnaces for a company, on an assembly line. So he does know a lot about them. But he has been out of that business for a long time. He didn't know what the problem was and said we needed to call a repairman. Which we did.

It turned out to be some part needs to be replaced and the problem is he had to order the part which means that it will be Wednesday before he will be back out with it.

Oh no. Our house is well insulated, and it did take quite some time before it got really cold in here. We were able to borrow an electric heater from a friend and so it isn't bad in here as I write this even though it is 29 degrees outside. Believe me,I have been through worse situations., Thankfully, it is supposed to get a little warmer in the next few days.

The furnace situation was not the only adventure we had yesterday. When something like that happens, God sometimes does bring a little sunshine in our lives.

In our neighborhood, we have a cat. She doesn't seem to be anyone's cat, per say. But several of us feed her and the babies she has every year.They live outside but this year, early in the season, when it was getting colder, I coaxed her in as I felt so sorry for her. Off and on for a couple of weeks, she would come and go. However, this did not bode well with my cat Baby who is an indoor cat. Baby was not giving up her pad for this lowly homeless cat.  Eventually, I just had to stop letting Mama Kat, as I call her, come in.

So yesterday, when my husband opened the door to the basement, he came across a surprise. We knew Mama Kat had gotten pregnant and also that she had had her kittens. She had been gone a couple of days and came back with less weight. lol.But we did not know where she had had the kittens. Until hubby opened the basement door. There on the landing leading down the stairs, she was. With four of the most adorable little creatures. She had found a way to get in down there and though we don't know how long they had been there on the landing, she had found the warmest place to keep them was right there, I suppose.

I have had cats all my life, and I am guessing they are at 3 to 4 weeks old. And very well taken care of. We brought them in and at first Mama Kat was a little nervous but when she saw that we weren't going to hurt them, she was ok with them being in here.

However, Baby wasn't ok with it. And so I got a large box, put a small blanket in it and put the kittens in it. I let them stay for awhile and then put the box back on the landing where they would be safe from Baby's wrath. At least for now. I don't want them getting to where they will be moving around and suddenly go tumbling down the stairs and probably get killed. So for right now, they are safe.

What am I going to do now with this new family? I don't know. We really can't keep them. And I can't turn them out. I will have to figure out something.

But while I do that, I give thanks to God. Not because I have this responsibility for them. And surely not because of our furnace problem. But simply because these little guys started their lives out on our landing and are so sweet. A part of God's creation of animals for us to love and care for.

Sometimes it is hard to see the good in things. Especially when things aren't' going well. It is hard to say, "Thanks God." And yesterday that was the way it was for me. But despite the furnace, eventually, I was able to say that and mean it. "Thanks God for these little guys that have made a hard day a little better."

We cannot allow our minds to dwell on Satan’s lies. We must renew our minds by the Word of God.

Have a wonderful day folks!

Tweety .

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James 1:9-11

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