Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Lessons From The Teachings of Jesus-Bessed Are They That Mourn (part 3)

The Beatitudes  Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted Matthew 5:4

To mourn: "To experience deep grief" At one time or another, we all mourn for some reason. Ecclesiastics 3:4 says there is a time to mourn. The longer we live, the more we experience grief as we watch loved one die. Or experiences other losses.

 It can come from any of the following.
Personal Injury
Financial loss
Marital problems
Trust issues

These are just a few.The list can go on and on.We don't like the thought of grieving because it means we have lost something.Take divorce. I know a lady that some years ago, her husband just simply announced that he wanted one.

Linda,, (not her real name) might as well been shell-shocked. She thought things were fine with them in their marriage There was no doubt red flags that there were problems. But she had missed them. Maybe she was trying to ignore them. She begged and pleaded with him to not go through with it. To no avail. When that didn't work, she pretty much started a type of stalking him. Not that she wanted to hurt him, but using excuses just to talk to him or be near him, in hopes of winning him back That didn't work either and there came a day that she finally had to let him go.

But what she went through during that time was nothing short of profound grief. And I think that while she has moved on in her life, that pain from the divorce though perhaps hidden away still affects some of her decisions today.

Jesus himself was deeply grieved over the sins of man. So much so that as he prayed in the garden just before Roman Soldiers came to take him away, he sweated drops of blood. That is intense grief. And it showed the human side of him, that can understand today, the grief that we feel.

 We can feel, it over our own sin.When we come to the place where we are so sick of it in our lives, and we ask Jesus to be our Lord, it can be so intense an experience that his forgiveness can bring us to our knees and we realize that we are no longer bound by it. But sometimes, we are so sad knowing what Jesus had to pay for it.

Thankfully over time, God can replace it with comfort.Knowing that he does know best. My dad passed in 2005 and there are times that I still think of him and get sad.But I can be glad it has lessened and God comforts me because I can imagine him with my mother, waiting for me to join them.That is a happy thought as I go on with my life and wait for that time.

If you have gone through or are going through some type of loss, just know that God loves you. Hopefully, time will lessen your pain and you can know that what is ahead, is better than anything behind. Isaiah says it this way in 6:3 To grant to those who mourn in Zion— to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified.

If you belong to God, he can and will be there for you in your grief and he will give you the comfort you need to get through it.

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Have a wonderful day, Friends! Thanks for coming by!

Blessed are they that hear the word of God and keep it.

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