Mathew 5:1-12
Jesus had been preaching and many people had been following him as he healed the sick of disease.
He then had gone to a mountain, and the disciples had come to him. And this was where he preached to them what is known as the SERMON ON THE MOUNT
He began with: Blessed is the poor in spirit. For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
But what did he mean by that, and how can we define it in our lives today?
When we come to God, it must be in a spirit of humility. Knowing and recognizing our sin and our need for a Savior. Until we do,, we are in spiritual poverty. We must not come to God with a proud heart. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. James 4:6 If we have a proud heart, God cannot bless us.
Pride can take on many forms and the worst is spiritual pride. The more material things we have, or the richer we might be, the more prideful we can become. "Look at me. Look what I have done. Look at my education. Look at how much money I have" etc, etc. The emphasis there is on Me and what I have done. Not what God has done through me or what he has given to me.
And so after studying this, it does not surprise me that Jesus would start off preaching against being proud. We must get ourselves out of the way to receive his blessings. And as I said, we do this by acknowledging our sin, asking for his forgiveness and accepting him as our personal savior.
Have you done this in your own life? Have you turned away from sin? If not, you need to. It is the only way you can truly be blessed by God.
source: https://billygraham.org/answer/what-does-it-mean-to-be-poor-in-spirit-as-jesus-said-we-ought-to-be/

Thanks for spending part of your busy day with me.I hope you will visit me tomorrow for part 3 on the Lessons From Jesus on the Sermons on the Mount. Be blessed!

So good to read Becky!
ReplyDeleteT hank you so much. God bless!