Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Fall! Easy Cookie Recipe

It used to be many years ago that meals were all made from scratch. Our ancestors did not have the luxury of picking up boxed deserts at the grocery like we do today. Cooking meals for some families were a chore that took up a good part of the day. (Can you imagine having to cook on a wood stove like they did back then?)

Case in point. My husband's grandparents had 14 children. They lived on a farm in Ohio and raised most of their own food. As each child came along and began growing, they were started very young doing simple chores because every hand on that farm counted to keep it going.

They ate well, for sure because they worked hard. It took many loaves of homemade bread every day to feed them, among the other foods that they ate back then. There was no going to the grocery to buy it or much of anything else. It was indeed, a different way of life.

 According to when was the first boxed cake mix sold - Google Search  Packaged cake mixes were introduced in the 1920s, biscuits in the 1930s and Betty Crocker/General Mills made them famous in the 1940s. And just look at how far they have come since then.

Today we have gotten away from a lot of that way of cooking. Gone are the days of having to spend that much time in the kitchen. For many families, there just is not time as women have gone out into the workplace to help supply the needs of their families. Boxed mixes and frozen products for the microwaves have replaced our way of dealing with meal times, not to mention the fast food industry.

In some ways, it is a shame that it has become that way. However, on the other hand, life is easier and if you don't really like to cook (which is true in my case) then perhaps you don't really mind all that much. With that in mind, I looked for an easy fall recipe for today and found something I had never heard of before. (Which is hard to believe in this day and age)

They are called  Cinnamon Crinkle Cookies. And they are made using a box of none other than one of the popular cake mix products sold in the stores today. Betty Crocker. Maybe you have heard of these cookies. Maybe you have tried them. At any rate, the recipe for them follows. See also: 
Cinnamon Crinkle Cookies Recipe! {5 Ingredient Spice Cookie} - The Frugal Girls

Fall Cookies Recipes | This Easy Cinnamon Spice Fall Cookie Recipe takes all of your favorite flavors of autumn and wraps them up into one cozy treat!  Give them a try this week for a new favorite dessert!  Just 5 Ingredients!!Cinnamon Crinkle Cookies
1 box Betty Crocker Spice Cake Mix (15.25 oz.)
2 teaspoons Ground Cinnamon
2 eggs
1/2 cup Canola or Vegetable oil
3/4 Cup Powdered Sugar

  1. Mix together Cake Mix, Cinnamon, Eggs, and oil until well combined
  2. Chill dough in the refrigerator for one hour
  3. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper
  4. Preheat over to 350 degrees
  5. After dough has chilled, form into small teaspoon sized balls
  6. Roll each ball in Powdered Sugar until well coated. (the key to perfect crinkles is small balls coated well in the sugar)
  7. Bake 7-8 minutes or until done.
Easy? Yes, even for me. And they may be a good idea for the kids fall school party or a dessert to take along to a fall cookout.  Taste good? I have never tried them, but I am sure they are. And to find out, I am going to give them a try. 

We have come far in our cooking from yesteryear. With many good ideas and some that perhaps aren't so great. But whatever, there is no going back to those days to simpler and yet maybe harder ways of living. Ways of doing the kinds of things back then, that are slowly dying out in this day and age.

Thought for the day:
I leave it Lord in your hands as you make my hands clean. Amen

Joan, Wishing you a great and blessed

Thanks for visiting today friends. Have a wonderfully blessed day and be sure to pass your blessings on.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

"That Isn't Good Enough, God."

Knowing Jesus - Community - Google+

The last few days have been rather hard. Several things have hit me at the same time. Physical, family, the weather getting colder....things that have made me start feeling sorry for myself. Again. One day this week, I had a phone conversation with someone in my family. Someone that I have been very close to but because of something that happened in the relationship over a year ago, it has been broken to a great degree. Because of what happened, I have really grieved for things to once again go back to what it had been. Or maybe a better word to say, it needs to be "healed." Made even better than before Once we had hung up, I said to God, " That isn't good enough." The kind of relationship I have with that part of the family is not good enough. 

Yesterday, I had to go get my bloodwork done for an upcoming doctor appointment. Here it is, almost time to go see the doctor to  get the results about some x-rays that he had sent me for, and if they turn out the way he thought they might, he may want me to go through other tests that may result in me having to need surgery. 

While in the waiting room, I opened a women's magazine and started flipping through it. And I came across an article about a woman that had started out one day having a bad day. She had been running late for work and her morning had been stressful in her efforts to get to her job. Until she got there and stepped on the elevator where a man had told her to cheer up. Things were not so bad. And she realized that, no they weren't as bad as they could be.

And it hit me then. That in my own life, things are not as bad as they could be. In fact, they aren't even as bad as things have been earlier in my life. 

Maybe things aren't the way I want them to be. Especially with that family relationship that I would like God to magically heal. Maybe these medical problems, which incidentally are second only to the family problems, are a real pain in my body and maybe the doctor will want me to go for additional tests. But, things have gotten better just in the last two or three months, in other areas. Maybe it has been rather chilly in this part of the country for the past few days, but today...well this afternoon, the sun had come out and warmed things up enough to remember that the cold weather doesn't last forever. The sun does shine and warm temperators do come back. 

And God does sit on his throne as always. Ok, maybe I have tried in my own way to make him slip off it by complaining, "God, that isn't good enough." But, the fact is, no matter how I feel, or what I think, I am not going to make God slip off his throne. He is always going to be there, and he is always going to do what is best, not only for me but for those family members as well. Whether I like what he does or doesn't do. Whether I like it or not. Because he knows the bigger picture. And I know that without a doubt, he is working on it. 
I have to wonder what people do that do not have God to depend on. Those that don't acknowledge him or want him to be in their lives. I cannot fathom it. Because, even in those times when I start to feel sorry for myself and he has to remind me that things aren't as bad as they could be, I know he is there and he grieves with me in times I am sad, and he rejoices with me in things that makes me glad. 

What is "not good enough" for now, won't last forever. I have to have faith that it will at some point get better. That healing will come to a broken relationship. And what little I have now, is certainly better than nothing at all. I know there are a lot of people today-even those that depend on God, that have much less than that small amount that I have, and so I am grateful that he has allowed me that much. Because putting my situation next to theirs, it is a lot. 

The bible says to give thanks for all things because this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning us. 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

Are broken relationships God's will? They aren't his perfect will. He wants us to have a good relationship with our loved ones. However, when it is broken, something needs to be fixed. And his will is to fix it so that it can be whole. So he allows us on both sides to go through some painful times to get us to that point. 

And so, the next time you get to feeling sorry for yourself, remember that God is waiting for you to remember that he loves you and he does have your situation under his control if you will let him. After all, he knows what is best and what it will take for what you to get from point A to point Z. It is just a matter of time. His time. 

Thanks for coming today friends. As always, I love sharing God with you. Have a blessed day!

Mary Engelbreit print - one of my all time favorite Fall pictures!

Monday, October 29, 2018

God Helps it found in Scripture or not?

God helps those who help themselves

Have you ever heard the statement, "God helps those that help themselves." ?

Of course, the bible does talk a lot about us helping others. Galatians 6:2, Hebrews 6:10, Hebrews 13:16 and more....but what about that statement. Is that a verse that is actually in the bible, or not? If so, where is it found? If not, is the concept of it there?

Printable Question Marks Decoration 2 - Coolest Free Printables

 We have probably all heard it quoted at some time or another. Maybe there have been times that we have even quoted it. It had been a favorite quote years ago stated on occasion by my aunt, who is now passed on. It was usually stated when speaking about someone that she felt was not really helping themselves. and had gotten themselves into a jam of some sort. Being young myself those years, I did not realize until later in life. that though that statement that is probably often used, is not found as scripture in the Bible, even though it can be correct.

Maybe she thought it was in the Bible, as she was a Christian. Maybe you do. But if it is not in the bible, why is it quoted so much by people?
It could be just that it is someone's way of finding fault with someone who had gotten themselves into a jam. I don't really know why we use it, though that seems reasonable.

Whatever its origination  (see: God helps those who help themselves - is it in the Bible? )             the Bible actually teaches, "God helps the helpless." Hmmm, quite a difference in those two statements, isn't there?

And yet these scriptures clearly define it for us:   For you have been a defense for the helpless, a defense for the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat...Isahia 25:4. And: While we were yet helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. Romans 5:6

At least apart from salvation, we were (and many still are) helpless. In and of ourselves we have no hope. No hope without Christ. We can do nothing to free us from the sin that is leading us down a path of destruction. That is why Jesus had to pay the price for us. The penalty for our sin. It only comes through his shed blood.

However, in a way, that statement does make sense. There are times when we all need help and if we don't get it...well, what we need it for may not get done.

Fabric Check Book Cover (with duplicate check divider) | via Make It and Love ItYears ago, someone in my family believed that with their faith, God would see that they had money to put into the collection plate at church. And while that is not wrong to believe, it did take action on his part. God (although he could do so) is probably not going to magically put the money into his account so he can write a check on it to the church come Sunday. This person had to put the money into his account first because what resulted was, of course, a bounced check.

Or if we have just purchased a home and need help moving a refrigerator to it, and do not ask for help, it is probably not going to get to the new home. That refrigerator is not going to move itself.

And so, in that sense it does...make sense.  And that is the difference. Not found in the bible. No, it isn't exactly. However, experience tells us that, it really is the truth apart from our salvation.

VSCO - morganbal - ImagesIt is just that sometimes when we think we are quoting scripture, we don't always know it really is not there after all. And before we do, we should be sure what we are trying to convey to someone about, is. Because if we get something like that wrong, what else may we get wrong as well. Better to actually know what the scripture says about what we want someone to know.

Thanks for coming by today Friends. Have a blessed new week ahead!

Happy Monday & Have A Blessed Week.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Happy Fall!

Instant Download 8x10 Happy Fall Printable by TwinkleMeDesigns

God gave grandchildren as gifts to us grandparents. It seems that while our own children were growing up, times were tough and though we did get to do things like youth groups, cub scouts etc with them, life was also hectic and money was tight most of the time. Once the grandchildren came along, life got easier and money not so tight as it used to be. Grandparents should be a part of teaching the children things that are enjoyable and fun. Or taking them places and give them not only beneficial experiences but also to make memories that will last them for the rest of their lives.

If you are like me, you may have lots of pictures of your grandchildren. (or children)  More pictures then I know what to do with. However, I found a really cute way of displaying them as snow globes. to give as gifts or just for yourselves.  To make them, you will need clean empty jars, pictures, scissors, PVC pipe, cheese grater, glycerin. (or corn syrup?)

tiny photo snow globes - wonder how long these would last in the hands of a toddlerFirst, clean and scrape the labels off the jars. Let them dry well. They can be baby food jars or something similar.

 Next, make the snow by grating the PCV pipe on the cheese grater.

Then print out image strips that measure 1.5 in h, by 5.7 in W.  (Different images can be used.) Trim images so that no white is showing and then laminate to waterproof them. To do this, use clear packing tape on each side of the images strip. Trim, leaving just a bit of the edge of tape all around.

Next, put the images in the jars and fill halfway with water. Then add a few drops of glycerin so that the snow will drift more slowly. (The directions on this website said that the lady heard that corn syrup may work as well.) Then fill the rest of the jar with water.

Screw the lids on and turn upside down and shake. You now have a cute snow globe to give as a gift to grandparents or for grandparents to help make for the child's parents.

For step by step photos see DIY Photo Snow Globes | Make Something | Design Mom

As grandparents, we have so much to share with our grandkids and as I get older those times we have gotten to spend with ours, have become so important. And teaching them about God and praying for them is crucial as they grow up.

Grandchildren are the crown of the elderly. Proverbs 17:6

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17
Have a blessed day in the Lord my Sweet Friend!  Sending love and hugs your way!

 Maybe you do not have grandchildren of your own. Perhaps, in that case, you have a niece or nephew that you can share your life with. Whatever the case,  thanks for coming by. Have a blessed Lord's Day!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

The First Ever Test

STAR Academy Physics Practice  Test Papers
Imagine you are in school (any grade) and you are sitting at your desk. The teacher says, "Students today, we will be having a test Please take out your pencils."  Uh oh. You had not studied for a test. You did not know you were going to have one. You think to yourself, "Do I know the material? Will I pass it?" Or maybe you will think, "No problem. Whatever the material, I will ace it. Or maybe, you will think, "Whatever it is, I am going to flunk it."

Pink/green Question Mark clip artThe teacher starts handing out single sheets of paper and when you get yours, there is a single question on it. You look up at her, not saying a word but with a questionable look on your face.

The question may have a true or false answer or a multiple choice answer. But whatever, the question itself says:

You must not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.. Will you:
1. eat the fruit  2. not eat the fruit  3. other (fill in the blank)____________

Many eons ago, there was a test given. The very first test ever. No, it didn't involve paper and pencil. But sadly for those people that took it, and for all of humanity to follow those that did, miserably failed it. Their imaginary test paper had been stamped with a big fat F, by satan himself.

Adam and Eve. God's first humans. Our first parents. They had a decision to make for that test. They are found in to be in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2:16-17 where God has told them they can eat from any of the trees there, but they must not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Why? Because if they did, they would die.

You would think that would be enough for them to back off and go take their pencils and their test papers someplace else. Right?

But no. Along comes the cheater of the test. The one that gave them the answer to it. He told them that they would not die if they ate of the fruit on that tree. That indeed, their eyes would be opened and they would be like God, knowing good and evil. ( Satan should know, right? He would try something similar with God at some point and be kicked out of heaven.)

I wonder how long it took for them to decide whether to eat it or not. Seconds, minutes, hours? How long did it take for them to decide on what answer they would choose? However long it did take, it does not say. But the fact was, they got that big fat F as soon as they did the very thing that their Creator had said not to do. They ate the fruit. And because of their disobedience to God, and because of our own, we have reaped the wages of sin.  For the wages of sin is death. Romans 6:23 tells us.
Viv + Rae Thalia New Capital Letter Hanging Initials Color: Rusty Red, Letter: F

Thank God, that that scripture does not end there. The whole verse is this: For the wages of sin is death. but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

The story of Adam and Eve is not just a bible story to tell our kids in Sunday School. It is a life's lesson. It is a test for us to take even today. If we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, we pass the test. Oh, we still sin at times because we live in a fallen world.. But because of the redemptive blood of Christ, we have his forgiveness when we ask it whereas if we do not accept him we have failed the test and our punishment is death and eventual seperation from him forever.

Just as Adam and Eve, we have a choice. Do we try to cheat and go to hell?  Or do we pass with flying colors, this test of life and death, thereby spending eternity with Jesus? Because it really is up to each of us to decide which way we want to go. I opt for passing, what about you? Getting that A in life is the only way to go.

letter A by Leo Reynolds, via Flickr

Joshua 24:15 says: Choose this day whom you will for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Who will you choose this day? What place to do you choose to go to at the end of your life?  Do you choose ......

Scientific Tuesdays: FIRE AND BRIMSTONE!! We will take a look at the fun and exciting chemical reaction of Sulfur and Iron. #science #tutorial #howto #physics #chemistry #householdhacker #iron  #education #1000pins #1000repinsImage result for akiane kramarik heaven paintings


                                                               The choice is up to you.

This is a little heavy for a weekend day that we should be having fun or and/or a day of rest for tomorrow, the Lord's Day. But I am so happy you came to visit. I hope you will be back tomorrow for Happy Fall! God bless!

Have a Great Afternoon - God Bless You

Friday, October 26, 2018

Happy Fall Recipe!

Cast iron skillet with Southern Fried ApplesNow here is an idea for those who love apples. We used to have apple trees when I grew up and also at a place in the country we used to live. Those apple trees literally helped feed and raise my 4 kids during those years when money was tight. Among other uses for them, I used to peel and slice them and then fry them in margarine and brown sugar and cinnamon. The kids loved them for breakfast that way and they are a great source of fiber and vitamin c. So try this recipe if you love apples like we do. But first how about a bit about them from the history books?

John Chapman (better known as Johnny Appleseed) was an American pioneer that lived in the 1700s. He was a nurseryman by trade that introduced apple trees to several eastern states of the U.S.  He was born on September 26, 1774, in Leominster, Massachusetts and there are many stories about him. The most popular being that he spread apple seeds everywhere he went. And in his travels, he also preached the gospel converting many Native Americans. It is said that the Native Americans regarded him as someone that had been touched by the Great Spirit, and even the hostile tribes left him alone.

There are other interesting stories about Johnny Appleseed should you care to read about him, you may visit:    Johnny Appleseed - Wikipedia but the one thing that I wonder about, is if he had not planted all those trees of apples, would there have been someone else that would have? Would apples be as popular for us today? Surely God gave this man a gift which we enjoy still today.

Now on with that recipe.

Southern Fried Apples

2 med.apples, cored but not peeled, sliced to 1/2 in. thick rings
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
dash salt

  1. Heat butter over a medium-low heat in a large heavy skillet. In a small bowl, mix sugar, cinnamon, and salt, set aside. 
  2. Place apple slices in a single layer on the bottom of the skillet
  3. Sprinkle half of the sugar mixture over apples
  4. Cook the apples for 5 minutes without moving them, and then flip the apples gently with a spatula
  5. Sprinkle remaining sugar on apples and cook until tender, but do not overcook or they will fall apart
  6. Serve immediately.

Not so different than what we ate those many years ago, but just as wonderful. Try some for your family. You will in no doubt love them just as much!

Source for recipe, calories etc go to: Southern Fried Apples - The Seasoned Mom

Have a great and blessed day folks. Thanks for your visit. 

God Bless Your Day!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Mental Illness and the Church (part two)

Can mental illness be prayed away? 

Prayers For Healing:Just pray and let God do the rest.

It is a fact that from the moment we are born, we are also dying. Very subtle perhaps, but our bodies begin to decay over time and the older we get, the more it does and the faster it does until one day, if we are not killed in some kind of accident, our bodies die of some kind of disease. Not a very comforting thing to think about is it ? 2 Corthinigans 4L16 says this: So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away our inner self is being renewed day by day. 

We look forward to the day when these bodies are no longer wasting away when we will have a glorified body. Until then, every part of our bodies will break down and function improperly. To quote Stephen Altrogge, in part, he said this: "My brain, which is a key, central, integral part of my body, will not function properly. Chemicals will become imbalanced. Serotonin will not be properly absorbed. Norepinephrine will be unevenly distributed. Synapses won't fire correctly. My brain, just like every other part of my body is prone to illness." And also, "To say that depression, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar, and every other disorder are purely spiritual disorders is ignoring the fact that we are both body and soul." See Is Mental Illness Actually Biblical? - Stephen Altrogge 

There is a belief within some churches that mental illness can be prayed away if the person has enough faith. That they do not need medical science to do it. And in fact, believe that it is a spiritual problem, and demonic. Trying to cast a demon out of someone with mental illness can result in a person not only not getting rid of the illness, but can make them worse. I saw that in my own
mother many years ago.  That I believe, can be hurtful for those that are struggling with it. 

Saying the above, do I not believe that God cannot heal someone struggling with a mental illness. Sure he can. Praying for someone that has depression or any other illness is drawing closer to God and asking for his help. And God should be the first one we should turn to ask for help. But he also gives us doctors to help with those illnesses as well. And he may choose to answer our prayer by sending us to the right doctor or directing a doctor to the right kind of medication or treatment that would specifically help the person. 

Mental illness is complex. As is our bodies, both our bodies and our souls. But God knows what we need and he can and will give us the right answers for those struggling with any kind of illness if we put our trust in him. A simple healing? Sure he can do that. However, he may choose medical science to get the person help. He is, after all the one that created us and he knows us best. 

Thanks for coming today Friends. I pray for you a blessed day. Tomorrow is "Happy Fall" so I hope you will come back then. 


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Happy Fall!

What a beautiful season that God has given us during the Fall months. It just seems to bring out the smells of cinnamon, vanilla, and more. Many of us will buy new decorations or use the ones that we have had previously. But if you are in the market for trying something different, then I have found a very simple candle decoration that you may like to try. 
These candles take just minutes to make, cost little (depending on where you get the cinnamon sticks) and make a wonderful smelling centerpiece for your dining room table this season. 

Cinnamon Stick Candles

 Items needed: Cinnamon sticks, candle, rubber band, ribbon or twine

Place a rubber band around the candle. Arrange cinnamon sticks around the candle underneath the rubber band. Various lengths of the cinnamon sticks may be used. Once finished, wrap the ribbon or twine around the candle to conceal it and make it pretty. Accessorize however you would like and it is ready to adorn your table.

What a great way to add a wonderful smell to add to your home without the costly, not to mention chemical sprays etc. that are purchased from the stores. 

Or how about decorating your bathroom by making these really cute toilet paper covers. These too can be inexpensive and are easy to make. You will need the following:

Toilet Paper Pumpkins:
Make toilet paper pumpkins with fabric or tissue paper! Glue on a leaf and put cardboard from another toilet paper roll in the center.
1 roll of toilet paper, any size
2 Fat Quater cuts of fabric, the color of choice
3 cinnamon sticks or small branches or twigs
4 silk leaves or leaves off inexpensive branches of flowers

Place toilet paper in the middle of the fabric. Wrap the edges of the fabric up and into the roll of toilet paper. Repeat until all the fabric is tucked in. The fabric will hold itself in place. Add cinnamon sticks, or branches and leaves. 

And there you go, a festive decoration for your bathroom. (For video instruction of this decoration, please go to} 

Thanks for coming today Friends. I hope you have enjoyed
these decorations that may add something new and different
to your Fall Season. Be sure to thank God today and every day
for his ever going provisions and for giving us this time
of year to enjoy!  May he bless your day!

Good morning my beautiful girls. Happy Wednesday :)


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Mental Illness and the Church

1 John 4:7 (ESV) Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.
Mental Illness. What does it have to do with the Church? How do we care for those that suffer from it? What does it have to do with me (if anything)?

We sometimes think of it as something someone else has. It can be a taboo subject in families. A secret not to be let out of families.( Of which I know very well.) Something far removed from us. Something rare.

And yet it estimated that more than 25 % of the American population suffers from some kind of it. From depression to schizophrenia. From anxiety to bipolar disorder. And everything in between.

Many people that have some kind of mental disorder will seek answers from the church. And many churches are not equipped to know how to care for them. And yet caring for them is what we as the church needs to learn to do. But how? Following are some ideas that can get us there.

The best way to minister to someone is through a small group bible study where there is a leader of just a few people that can help the group to understand mental illness better. Deciding what a group can do help someone can be beneficial to a person with someone that is suffering with it. They can be a group that would help the person through a crisis to provide practical ways of help by bringing meals, caring for the children or visiting them at home or in the hospital. By praying with them. And by just loving them.

Perhaps a group could contribute money to help by them buy groceries or medications that they need. Because of the illness, it makes it hard for some to hold down a job and helping to supply their needs is a way that we can demonstrate Christ's love to them.

Treat them with the same respect and dignity as anyone that does not have an illness. Do not be shocked or get upset. Be patient and do not judge them. Without sharing confidential information, we might share with them, someone we know that is also struggling with an illness, and perhaps how that person is coping with it, may be helpful. 

Deciding on what behaviors will and will not be tolerated in a group and sticking to them should be discussed within it for all members to follow, always being kind and gracious to them. Is there someone within the group that would allow calls, perhaps visits from someone that has a mental illness.  Anyone taking on this responsibility especially taking time apart from the group should establish boundaries and make them clear to everyone in the group is essential.

Working from a bible study on the subject or reading and discussing a Christian book on the matter can go a long way in knowing how to help someone that needs it.

Mental illness. It affects so many and many may not even realize it. As a Church, we can do much to help alleviate their fears and anxieties to a degree at least. It boils done to knowing how. How do we as the Church do it? More on this important study on Thursday, October 35th.

Today's source: Is Mental Illness Actually Biblical? - Stephen Altrogge

Up tomorrow: It's another "Happy Fall" Day!

Hi Everyone! Thanks for coming by today. Have a wonderfully blessed day!

Tuesday Blessings

Monday, October 22, 2018

Happy Fall!

Great Camping Recipes & Food Ideas For Camping Trips

Fall is a season that brings to us a different time of year. Falling leaves, chilly or at least cooler days. Football and tailgating parties that we don't have during the rest of the year. Some of us will host wiener roasts or go to them. Hayrides and other activities that bring laughter, fun and of course food. 

I want to continue during this season with my usual more serious subjects in this blog. But sprinkled in at times during the holiday season, I will be adding fun things of the season. Recipes, homemade decorations, and family activities that I hope you enjoy. 

To begin with, I found something quite interesting. Someone came up with a great idea in which to cook many hot dogs, at one time at a wiener roast. Have you ever thought of using a rake to do this? I hadn't but think it would be a great tool to use to accomplish it. Of course, you would want to make sure the blades on the rake are clean before putting the hot dogs on them.

Small Fire Pit Adirondack Chairs fire pit chairs.Fire Pit Australia Fireplaces cinderblock fire pit outdoor fireplaces.Fire Pit Backyard Grass..

Smores and marshmallows are a popular food to have during this time of year. But how about roasting Peeps? Not for you? Well, me either. But, some of you may enjoy them. And most likely the kids will. So next time you have or go to a wiener roast gives them a try. Who knows, you might like them after all.

Maybe you would like to try some French Bread Pizza at your next campfire or wiener roast.
camping menu recipe ideas, french bread pizza made on the campfire, camping hacks, dinner ideas for outdoor cooking
French Bread Pizza
French bread (or mini french bread loaves)
Softened cream cheese
Grated Mozzarella Cheese
Pizza or marinara sauce
Pizza toppings (any)
Aluminum foil (heavy duty)
Gallon size ziplock bags (ti store them in)

Cut bread in half, spread a thin layer of cream cheese on top and bottom. Spread a thin layer of pizza sauce on top of cream cheese. Layer toppings and mozzarella cheese on top of pizza sauce and add top of bread. Wrap with heavy duty foil twice to heat and avoid burning. 

Store in ziplock bags and freeze until ready to cook. Unthaw before cooking.
When ready to cook, put them in the coals rather than the flames Turn a few times to cook evenly about 5 to 8 minutes. Enjoy!

I hope you enjoy these different ideas for your next Weiner roast or campfire while also enjoying God's wonderful fall season. It may get cold and chilly for some of us but it also brings the promise of the season of Thanksgiving, and thanking God for all he has done for us, the celebration of Jesus's birth, and then spring where everything comes alive again and more importantly, the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. So enjoy the season. In his creation of the world, God was surely imaginative. How blessed we are!. Thanks for spending time with me and have a blessed day!

Image result for blessed Monday cute

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Fun Activites for Fall/God's Glorious Displays of Colors

Happy Fall! God makes everything beautiful in its time. Ecclesiastes 3:11

Hello Friends.
 Can you believe Fall is upon us? Has it yet gotten chilly where ever you live? I know it has where I am. The leaves have not yet begun to peak here as of yet, but they soon will.
And when they do, they present to us a beautiful picture of God's handiwork as we approach the holidays before they make their descent to the earth.

Each year many families across this part of the country take a drive to see these most beautiful trees as they break out into their magnificent colors.

For those of you that maybe live in areas where the leaves do not turn during this season, I thought you might like to enjoy seeing places that do. I hope you enjoy them.


Kancamagus Highway in autumn , White Mountain National Forest , New Hampshire
The Kancamagus Highway, in New Hamshire
by William H. Johnson


Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula  Peak Color for October 19, 2018 | Michigan

Marquette in fall.jpg

Mountain creek with fall colors, Smoky Mountains, Tennessee Photographic Print by Anna Miller at

Mountain Creek, Smokey Mountains, Tennesee by
Anna Miller at All

Thanks for coming by today Friends. God's creations are so wonderful and
sometimes we forget to just stop and look at them. I hope you will come back tomorrow as I plan to share a delicious recipe for your special
 Fall party or dinner that you may be having this
year. Until then, have a wonderfully blessed
day and weekend!

Sending Saturday Blessings


Saturday, October 20, 2018

No blog today. Techinal problems

I am sorry folks. I have not been able to get a post done for today. I am going to work on it and hope to be back tomorrow. Sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused. Thanks.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Grief (conclusion)

Grief.It is a known fact, that people grieve in different ways and for different lengths of time. There are what is known as the five stages of it, as introduced to us in 1969 by psychiatrist Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. She called them the "five stages of grief."  They were based on her own studies of the feelings of terminally ill patients.  However, they can be for those that have experienced other changes in lives, such as death or break-ups of the people we love.

The reactions that we have when we have lost something or someone is normal. Not everyone that goes through these stages, goes through them all. And it is ok. Our grieving is very personal for each of us. And it is a natural part of lives while we are on this earth.

The five stages are as follows:

  1.  Denial "This can't be happening to me."
  2.  Anger "Why is this happening? Who is to blame?"
  3. Bargaining "Make this not happen and in return, I will___."
  4. Depression "I can't do anything."
  5. Acceptance "I am at peace with what happened."

In my own experience when my dad passed, I skipped the bargaining. I knew he was getting so worn out and was ready to go on to be with my mother again and with Jesus. He had made peace with that and I knew that he was only holding on because as he told the doctor in my presence, he was ready to go on but he did not want to leave me. We had been close over all the years after my birth. In some way, I knew that bargaining with God was out. He (God) has a time for everything and it was dad's time to go. And so everyone's grief is different and there is none set in stone. During our grieving time, there will be ups and downs. We may be ok one day and then something may trigger a memory that may make us sad again. Grief can affect us even years later. 

There are both emotional and physical signs of grief and tips on what we can do to get through these points in our lives if you follow this link you can find more information:  Coping with Grief and Loss: Dealing with the Grieving Process and Learning to Heal

However, the point I want to finish with in this series of my blog is this:

Grief can cause a person to just want to give up when they have lost someone they love. They cannot get past it and it walks over every part of their lives with no relief. It can cause alcohol addiction. And as with my son's mother-in-law, it led to heavy drug addiction. After her 16-year old's sons sudden death, for many years after she could not get a handle on her life and it remained with her until her death a couple of years ago. She could never let him go in her heart and accept that he was gone.

For many, it has taken their life by suicide. What a sad and tragic way to live and die. Never being able to get past that kind of grief. But there is help if we can look for it.

Through our faith. Through our families and friends. Through our support groups. Through websites where we can learn about these parts of life. 

If you are going through or know someone that is going through a time of grieving, get help or help others get help if possible. Don't let it fester to the point where you or they may end up living their lives under medication or committing suicide. There is help. Please go to the above site to learn more about what to do in these situations. 

Thanks for coming by again Friends. I know that the last few days have probably been a bit depressing but with the holidays coming up, I just wanted to give us a heads up. To be thinking and praying for those that we know that might be struggling in these areas. However, now that I am done with that, I want to move on to something more fun for a day or two. So come back tomorrow to see what it is. God bless all of you for another day!

Good morning sister and yours, happy Wednesday, God bless ☕🍲🌹💖💋💋

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Answers for Grief (part 2)

For Everything There is a Season, and a Time for Every Matter Under Heaven Ecclesiastes 3:1For everything, there is a season and a purpose under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to break down and a time to build up. A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to mourn and a time to dance. Ecclesiastes 3:1-4

People do grieve in different ways and for different lengths of time. There is no one size fits all here. And we should never measure someone else's grieving by our own. So what can we do about it? How can we move past it?

The first thing we need to do is know that yes God does love us. He does care for us. He is love. The Bible speaks of grief. John 17:21, 2 Corthianians 12:21, Ephesians 4:30. Even Jesus himself grieved. Mark 3:5 and 14:33-36. We can find these scriptures and others a great relief and comfort when we are going through a time of our own grieving.

Things to think about:
  1. Do not let anyone minimize it for you. If you have lost something, you are grieving because it was a great value to you.
  2. Do not try to be strong  If you need to cry, then cry. It is beneficial for us to get it out.
  3. Moving on with your life does not mean you suddenly stop loving or caring for someone you have lost. That person would not want to hold you back from living your life fully.
  4. Do acknowledge your pain and that you are struggling with it. 
  5. Understand that God knows and understands what you are going through.
  6. Take care of your physical needs.
  7. Get help if you need it! Through a trusted friend that will listen to you, a minister or with therapy
  8. Finding a good biblical support group through a church is a great way to interact with people that are going through similar circumstances that you are can help. 
  9. Go to God to let your pain and heartache out. He will not be surprised. He will not be hurt. He will not be angry. He will be there through his Holy Spirit to comfort you. 
  10. And realize that there can be a rainbow after the rain. In time. In due season, it can come.

Realizing that it was sin that brought it into the world, and that God never intended that we should have to suffer from any kind of broken heart, we do know that where there is grief in the lives of someone that loves God and has accepted him through Jesus Christ, we have the assurance that he is right there with us. Grieving along with us.

 And for those that we have lost and are grieving for, we also have the assurance that we will see them one day and that is the joy that God gives us out of a time in our lives when we need it so badly. We all go through grief at some point in our lives. In some way and for some of us, in many ways. But our hope can get us past it if we let it. Not that we ever stop caring. Not that we ever stop loving. Not that we ever stop completely feeling sad or a loss. But God can get us past the heaviness and the burden of it so that we can go forward to live the life that he created us to live.

Thanks for coming again today Friends. Please come back tomorrow for the conclusion on the subject of grieving. God bless your day!

God is here to bless you! Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Why Did You Allow This to Happen God? (part one-Answers for Grief)


The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. He rescues those whose spirits are crushed. Psalm 34:18

Grief. Something that we all have at one time or another. There are many kinds of it. Loss of a job. Loss of a relationship that has broken up. Loss of a home that we had. Loss of a cherished pet. I have heard people say that getting a divorce is almost like losing someone to death, for those that really loved the person that is divorcing them. I think that. the greatest grief of all is probably for most people, the loss of a loved one to death. It can become so debilitating that we can't get out of bed for days, weeks or maybe months. Or even years.
My son married into a family where his wife's brother was killed when he was sixteen. It was an accident-one of those freak things where he was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

His mother was so devasted that she took to her bed. Doctors prescribed medication for her but for years she grieved over her loss until the day that she herself passed, just a couple of years ago. She was never able to move on with life. And frankly, she did not want to. She couldn't get back what had been taken from her.

Why couldn't she get passed it? Her heart was broken for sure. And though I am sure there were times she cried out to God, she just could not go on. Did he not hear her cries? Did he not care for her?

And why did God allow grief to come into the world in the first place? We are taught as children in Sunday School that God is love. Where is his love when we are all consumed in this terrible darkness that some of us go through during those times?

Are you going through a season of grieving in your life? There are answers for you and I. God did allow grief to come upon us so that we are left floundering in an ocean without a life jacket. He is who we need if we dare let him. Come back tomorrow and I will share more on the questions above and what we can do during those times when we are devasted by the loss of something or someone that we love. Thanks for your visit and be blessed!

God bless your day. I think you need too.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

What is the Big Deal About Celebrating Halloween? (Conclusion)

Catholic Bible Journaling- Ideas and Inspiration

Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet and a Light unto my path, that I may not sin against You!
Psalm 119:105

Continuing study from 10/14

Samhain (pronounced Sow-in, Sah-vin, or Sam-hayne) means "end of summer." It is the 3rd and final harvest of the year. The dark winter half of the year commences on Sabbat. 

Originally, the "feast of the dead" was celebrated in Celtic countries where offerings of food were left on altars and doorsteps of the "wandering dead." (My thoughts: What? The dead only ate once a year?) Practitioners today still carry out this tradition. Single candles were lit and put in windows as well as other practices were done in efforts of guiding their loved ones home. Traveling was not advised at night and so people dressed in white, (like ghosts) wore masks of straw or dressed in the other gender in order to fool the Nature spirits. (My thoughts: They believe/believed that demons/devils are/were that stupid to believe they were fooling them?)

Extra chairs were sat around tables to seat unseen guests. 

Do you know that Wicca is one of the fastest growing religions in America? On Oct.31st they will gather to conduct rituals and cast spells all over this nation. To learn more about their beliefs and practices please go to:  Is Halloween Evil? Why Witches, Occultists and Satanists Celebrate Halloween and Why You Should Not — Charisma News There is much more there to warn us of how evil the celebration of this holiday is for people who are into Wicca/Occult and or Stanism. I think it important for people to become aware of what it is, however, my goal is just to guide people to the whole truth of it, and ask the question of whether we should participate on even just a much more simple level of it as Christians. 

This year, as is years past and will in years going forward, churches in this country will embrace the "Christian version" of this holiday.  And a lot of them will not really deal with the true origin or meanings of it. Most will have the typical games, food and fall-type decorations without even giving out a tract or teaching about what it really was and is. Many pastors will encourage their members just to bring their friends to this Christian version of it without really saying much about it why they are having it in the first place. 

There may be those of you reading this particular part of my blog that may not believe this information about the Wiccan religion. But just because we don't actually see real witches riding on brooms, running around in black hats and a mole on their face, does not mean they do not exist. Through the ages, Satan has very well disguised the evil that he promotes in our everyday lives. He wants us to get so involved in the occult and other religions that draw us away from our one and true God that created us. And he has been able to so that so very well over the centuries. 

Sometimes all it takes something as simple as putting on a costume to go to a party.

Sometimes it can be as simple as a young girl raised in a home where one of her parents was a Jew and one was a Catholic. While growing up, there was much fighting between not only the two parents about who was right and who was wrong but also between their parents and family members as well. It left her very confused about who was right and who was wrong and so when this girl got to be old enough to decide for herself, who do you suppose she sided with? Neither. She joined a group of Wiccans. And she wanted to read my palm on time. Oh yes, this was a girl I worked with and her story was a sad one of how she had missed the boat because of the way she was raised. It happens, folks. In this USA it happens, not only in these pagan religions but any that do not follow the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. There are those among us that believe the junk that the devil puts out. Only for the grace of God, do I walk there? I am so thankful that I don't. 

Simply Mommy: More Bible Costumes / Trunk or Treat Ideas that I like!My first attempt at pumpkin carving                                                                                                                                                      MoreSo the question remains. Do we celebrate Halloween in any of sense of the word that I have put forth in this blog? Is it right or wrong for you? Sometimes as I have shown, there are no easy answers to our questions. Christians themselves are divided on this subject and as a friend said the other day, that she did not feel that there is not a lot of difference in dressing our children in a cowboy costume and letting them go trick or treating or going to a fall festival at church. Is there a difference?   It is up to you to decide for your own family. How do we decide. Ignore a blog that suggests it can be evil and hope thoughts or decisions about it will just go away? Flip a coin and see how it comes out? Perhaps looking at other Christian websites to see what they have to say about it would help us decide. The Word of God is our ultimate guide but of course, God leaves the final decision we make, however, up to ourselves as individuals. And it is that decision that in the end, we are responsible for. May it be right or wrong.

Open Bible on a wood table
When you enter the land in which the Lord God gives you, do not practice the abomination of evil nations. Do not let there be found anyone among you that makes his child walk through the fire, or uses divination or witchcraft or interprets omens or is a sorcerer, or casts spells, or is a spiritualist or an occultist or is a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination to the Lord and will be driven out from before the Lord. You must be blameless before him. Deuteronomy 18:9-13

I am glad you come by today Friends. Please come back tomorrow to find out what my next subject I will be looking at with you. Thanks for your support! Have a blessed Fall Day!

God Bless Our Fall Boardbook

Explaining James 1:5-6

The next two scriptures don't need an explanation for most of us that have been in church for awhile.   5  If any of you lack wisdom, le...