Monday, July 30, 2018

Beware of That Piece of Pie. It May Not Be Good

Chocolate Meringue Pie

Disclaimer: The pie pictured above is not the pie that this article is about. I do not remember the name of that pie, and even went to my grocery site to at least see if I could get a picture. It is not listed there so this picture was as close as close as I could come.

Have you ever had a dessert that looked so tempting that you couldn't wait to take a bite? Only to find out that it wasn't good after all and you literally threw the rest of it away? Well, I am not into wasting good food. But that piece of pie that I had taken a bite out of was not good. Let me try to describe it to you before I go into my devotion for today. Please stay with me.

My husband had purchased said pie on a shopping trip a few weeks ago. It was not cheap, believe me. But it looked good on the package as many food products do to trick us into buying them and then we eat them and they taste like cardboard. 

I had sliced a piece for myself. And it looked good even out of its box. But, for one thing, it was way too sweet. I like sweet goodies but even for me, it was way over the top in that area. The topping was not the usual meringue we see on most pudding pies. I can't really even describe the taste to you. Except maybe to tell you that it was a counterfit of some kind of fluff.Then there was more of it then the pudding itself ( you know, hence the name chocolate pudding...) which amounted to maybe a third of the pudding in the pie pictured above. Maybe even less.I really don't know why they called it a chocolate cream pie.And when I took a bite, it wasn't foul tasting and I do not want to claim that. But whatever the topping was, it just was not good. That is about all I can tell you about that. I just felt cheated that we had paid so much for something that we ended up throwing in the trash. Like many other folks, we live from payday to payday. Every penny we spend counts. And the pennies we spent on that pie was way more than what we should have. Especially with what we ended up doing with it because hubby felt the same way.

So what I am wanting to say is, beware of foods that look good on the package but taste so bad you end up throwing them away.

But what does that have to do with my devotion for today? Maybe you have already guessed it. If you haven't, I am glad you asked. So let's get on with the answer.

Because like being beware of foods as I have just described, beware of falling into relationships that may not turn out to be good.

If you have been following me for any length of time, you will know I advocate for people to really follow God's will. Especially in relationships. For some reason this subject is heavily on my heart today.

Whenever we let ourselves contemplate being with a person that does not love God  the package can look sweet. However,we pay a high price for not following God's will if he or she is not the one that God has for us. At some point we find, that the price we paid was too high and by that time we may have gotten married and children may already be on the way. And we end up feeling cheated. 

And that is how any kind of sin works. Satan makes it look so good that we want to jump with both feet into it and are excited to do so. It really is not ok to be unequally yoked with an unbeliever. 2 Corinthians 6:14 warns us against this and I am here to tell you that I can understand why. When scripture tells us not to do something, it is for our own benefit to take God at his word. It can save us from a lot of heartache. Having ignored this scripture in my youth, I learned the hard way what it meant I thought once we were married that I could change him. I found out that I couldn't change him, and that only God could do that. But it took 15 years before that happened.And not before I went through a lot of pain and heartache for my disobedience of God. Because I had been warned and I did know better. It is so important for me to keep pounding away at it. Because if I can convince one person to wait for the person that God has for them and not just anyone that comes along, it is well worth the time I spend in publishing these posts. 

 God did hear my prayers and he did heal our marriage. However, that is how it turned out for me. It may not turn out that way for someone else. 

That sin someone has to have a piece of may cause a woman and/or child abuse. At the very least it can cause an unhappy marriage and maybe adultery. It happens everyday. Just because people get in a rush to do something that is against God's will. Relationships, tossed out just like trash. 

If you are a Christian, I especially hope you are not in a relationship that God does not have for you. If you are not a Christian, I pray that you will accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. That is the very first step towards real peace in this world. God bless you.

Thanks for visiting today Friends. May God bless you and those around you! Please come back tomorrow!

Blessed Tuesday Inspirational Quote

My Agenda vs God's Agenda

Pray God's Agenda

The shirt on the man in the cartoon mostly says it all.
We want what we want when we want it and we sometimes don't want to wait for it. We want it now! 

And when we don't get it or in material things, don't have the money to go and buy it, we put it on credit. Often times we don't even pray about it first. 

And then there are times when what we want is something that is not even good for us. Along comes satan to tempt us with trying to get us to partner up with someone that would draw us away from God. I would bet that most people sure don't pray about those times.

Why is it that we don't see the forest for the trees sometimes? Or in other words, why don't we at least remember that when we use that credit card too much and don't pay them off every month, they can accumulate debt that can get so high that we have to consider bankruptcy. (Which I might say, even though we can legally do that at times, it is still wrong to put ourselves in that position)

Or when we date someone that is not who God intended for us, we can be put in a lifelong situation of abuse or misery if we stay that long. Putting ourselves and perhaps even our children in danger.

Why do we do it?

Because of we what we want right now. Ok, I know what you are thinking. There are single women out in this world that do need help raising their kids. The economy can be tough on her when she is trying to do it all by herself. I get that. But so many of them will let a man move in and not consider what she might be subjecting her family to. And that can turn out bad.

God has a different agenda for us and that is to wait on him. Those that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings as eagles. They shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isahia 40:21

Imagine what would happen if we took that to heart in everything we do, every day. I believe our lives would be much more peaceful then it usually is. But instead we are impatient and we try to get ahead of God. And that is where we get into trouble. And let me tell you from my own life. I have gotten pretty weary of that.

How about you? Are you weary? Tired of life. Maybe just scrapping just to get by. Just to pay for your basic needs without anything left over at the end of the week. Are you tired of chasing a rainbow that never seems to have that pot of gold you long for? Friend I have been there. And I know what some of you are going through. We need to stop doing the things that we do that are against God's agenda for us and start by waiting on him. I truly think we would be much much better off. How about you? Are you willing to have God teach you to wait on him? Is the next picture a better one for us to live by? Aren't soaring like the eagles and having the strength of God much more appealing then what we usually have?

Lord, teach us to wait. 

But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. —Isaiah 40:31 (NIV) #strength #adversity #God

Thanks for your visit today Friends. Go with God and his blessings today.

Happy Monday

Sunday, July 29, 2018

God's Timeclock-God is Off the Clock (part 1)

Times Square, New York (July 2011)

Clocks. They are everywhere. In our homes. In our business. On our bodies. We even celebrate New Year's Eve, counting down the last minutes of the old year at Times Square, New York, until New Year's Eve turns in to a brand new year for us. It is a time of excitement. Of expectation that maybe, just maybe it is magical enough to make us believe that this year is going to be better than last year.

Imagine that you are walking down the streets of heaven. It is so beautiful that you can hardly believe it. You get up to heaven's square. Do you see a time clock there and is it chiming out its time for all people so that they know the time?

On earth, we are governed by clocks. They click away each second of our day, go on all night and as we sleep still their hands move on. We get up, we go to work, we go to appointments and we go to bed by them. Each day and night this ritual goes on. They are never-ending and they keep track of time so that hopefully we won't be late to wherever we have to be at any given time. Sometimes it seems we are in a vicious circle trying not to be late but finding ourselves rushing around to get wherever that may be.

Back to your picture in heaven. Do you see the time clock on the square there? No, you don't. Why? Because time in heaven is not like we know it to be on earth. We won't have to worry about being late to appointments, and concerned about any other thing having to do with time.

Please consider this scripture:
 But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship.[a] Galatians 4:4-5

This scripture has to do with the birth of Jesus Christ. God appointed the time as to when he was going to send Jesus into the world. But really, that scripture can apply to anything God has done or will do. From creating the world to Jesus birth and death, right down to what he has done and will do in our lives. It is all up to him and his timing. 

Have any of your prayers gone unanswered? No. They really haven't. God's answer may have been delayed. Or maybe he is saying "No" to them. But they are not being unanswered. Because only God knows what is best for us and how to answer them that are in our best interest. And because he does not go by clocks, his answers may not come right away. They may come months or even years later. Or they may come as soon as we pray them.

You might say that God is off the clock. And really he has never been on one in the first place. At least not in our sense of it.

And so if you are waiting for God to answer your prayers and it doesn't seem like he is moving fast enough or that he isn't answering them at all, take heart. His ways are not our ways. Isahia 58:8  He knows what we need the most and when his timing is right. Just trust him and he will never let you down.

Thanks for your visit Friends. Hope you will be back tomorrow. Until then....Be blessed in Jesus!

Saturday, July 28, 2018

God's Ticking Clock,tick.tick.tick

For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 | scripture pictures at
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

The waiting room that day was empty of anyone else except my father and I. He had called me the night before asking if I would go to the hospital with him the next day because my mother had been admitted and they were going to run some tests on her. It did not look good he had said. I sat with him and thankfully there was no one else except the two of us to wait on the results of her tests. My mind started playing the song "It is well with my soul..." For some reason, I knew the news was not going to be good but that song playing over and over as I sat quietly with my head bowed, gave me a real sense of peace.

God does not operate on a time schedule like we think he should. He has his own agenda His own timing. and his own way of doing whatever it is he is going to do. 

There were many years that I did not get along with my mother very well. She had mental health issues for at least most of my life and I am sure they started before I was born. I did not understand that for a long time, and she did not really know how to raise and nurture me and the two made for a poor mix of a good mother and daughter relationship.

I began to understand more about her in my 40s when I had my own teenage daughter to raise. I wasn't so great at motherhood myself not having a good mother figure. 

It was not until the last couple years of her life that mom and I became closer. She had just gotten to the place where she was giving up on life and I would go to see her and spend time talking with her in her bedroom as she rested. We had some good talks during that time to really get to know each other. At least on a better level. 

Now here we were waiting to see what her tests were going to show and instead of being nervous and upset, God was giving me a peace about it, unlike something that probably I had never known until sitting there at that very moment. 

When we got the report, it was not good. She had pancreatic cancer and it was in her spine. The doctor gave her a month to live and sent her home on a Thursday. She passed quietly that following Saturday evening in her sleep. 

I had later been asked why I had not believed that God would heal her. It was not that I didn't believe God could heal her, but I knew that God is sovereign and that he alone has the right to give or take life. We are on his schedule, not the other way around. And I also knew that unless God would completely heal her mind, soul, and body that I did not want her to remain down here to keep enduring the life that she had been dealt her whole life. I would want her to be completely whole, and if not, then she should be in heaven where she could enjoy life the way it was meant to be. Her life, that was meant to be.

And I was thankful for those last couple of years when we finally could have a relationship of sorts. Better late than never, huh? I might have been a little ticked at God or just plain angry for his late delivery of me being able to get some of what I had needed from my mother for so long. But he had given me a real understanding of her during this time and I had come to know that  it was a gift from him to me, that knew the heart of a child longing to love her mother the way it should have been all along had it not been for the mental illness that robbed all of our family of much of who my mother really was.

I do not know why she suffered as she did. I do not know why she put her family through the kinds of things that she did except that it
came from her own suffering. However, I do know that I do not have to know why. God allowed it to be for us as a family for all those times that were painful. And he took her to be with him when it was her time. Not my time. But his time. Because her time on his proverbial clock got up to the 12:00 hour and she went to be with him never to suffer from any kind of sickness again.

Why does God let things happen to us that break us down? Nothing gets by him that he does not know or allow. But I don't really think we are to dwell on that question so much as to just realize that his ways are sovereign and he knows what he is doing whether we like it or not. And though we pray for the things that we would like him to do, we need to accept that just maybe he isn't going to answer our prayers the way we want him to and then realize that our own time here on earth is ticking away on his clock and at some time when he deems it is time, the hands for us will move towards that hour when he calls us home. And as we do that, we need to do all we can do to be the person he wants us to be until that time.

But, we need to be ready for that time to come. As slowly as time seems to move for us sometimes, it will come all too quickly and if we are not ready when God calls, we will lose out on all he has for us in heaven. If you have not asked him to forgive you and be the Lord of your life, do it now. You have nothing to lose and heaven to gain. He is waiting for you.

Friends, thank you so much for your support of my blogs everyday. I so appreciate you. Until tomorrow, may God shower his blessings on you!

Prayer for blessings for friends and loved ones

Friday, July 27, 2018

Running From God-From the Belly of a Fish

BIBLE STUDY - JONAH'S PRAYERS  Jonah’s experience teaches us that we cannot run or hide from God. Jonah didn’t want to do what God asked because he feared God would forgive the people and then Jonah would look like a fool. We need to be cautious that we don’t fall into that same frame of mind.
Jonah 1

He was a stubborn man. Not willing to do as the Lord asked him to. What exactly was it that God wanted him to do that made Jonah run?

God asked him to go to Ninevah to preach against the sin that was raging there. Jonah paid God no mind and instead left his presence to go to Joppa. There he boarded a ship that would take him to Tarshish. What he planned to do there might be anyone's guess. Because he didn't make it. He had an encounter with a big fish instead.

God wasn't about to let Jonah get away with running away. And so he caused a storm and the sailors that were on the ship decided it was Jonah that was responsible for it. And so they threw him into the sea. And that is how Jonah met up with the fish. 

Can you imagine what it must have been like to be in the belly of that fish? While he was there, Jonah pleaded with God to get him out of that situation. And so God did. He caused the fish to vomit Jonah out. He did rescue him out of his situation. But not before teaching him first about obedience by letting him stay in the fish's belly for 3 days and 3 nights. How awful could that have been?

Jonah did make it to Nivevah after that, and he finally did what God had asked him in the first place. He preached to the people and when he did many repented.  God had gotten his way.

And he always does. He will pursue those that he loves until we give up and stop running. Because even though we are running we often times do not really realize it. We get into situations that are not good for us. We play with sin because it is fun. But it will last only for a season because God will catch up with us and because his judgment is righteous, sometimes and probably most times we have to pay the consequences. And those consequences can be as stinking as Jonah's being in that fish's belly.

However, God loves us and when he catches us, he forgives us and wraps us up in his arms to welcome us back into his presence. There is no better place to be but in the presence of God. He knows all about each of us. Where we have been and what we have done.

If you have been running from God, stop. Let him catch you. Let him wrap his loving arms around you to welcome you home. It is what he wants. He will forgive you and you will never be sorry.

People in the world are being swept away in a tide of sin. We, as Christians, have the message that can save them.

I am thankful that you came by today Friends. Have a blessed day and pass them on to someone that especially need them. 

Christian Living: “

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Characeristics of God-Who God is to Me? (part 9)

Who Is God To Me? Printable

These past few days we have looked at some of God's characteristics. From loving us to being our provider. That list is not exhaustive to be sure. There is more to God than what we can even imagine. But today's question begs the answer to this: Who is God to me?

Who is God to me? To us? Our answer should be "He is everything to me and more." Because whether we think so or not, that is who he is. It is just that we sometimes forget that while we are going through a hard time when perhaps the chips are down.

And yet, isn't that exactly when we need him the most? Sure it is. And sometimes we realize it and other times maybe we tend to forget. It is at these times we need to especially run, not walk but run to him. Even as a child runs to his parent when he is hurt, we need to run to our Father who wants to take us in his arms to comfort us and let us know that things are going to be ok, and we just need to trust him.

Jesus said in Mathew 7:7-8 Ask and it shall be given you. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone that asks receives, he who seeks finds, and to him that knocks the door shall be opened to him. 

Those are promises to us from a loving Father. They are better gifts to us than anything our earthly father can offer us. And he gives them to us that love him because it is his true nature and in his characteristic to do so.

How about you? Have you asked God that it might be given to you? Have you sought him that you would find what you need? Have you knocked on the God's door to find what he has for you? If you haven't, do it now. He is waiting for you.

Thanks for stopping by Friends. Never give up. Your hope is in God. He loves you. Have a blessed day!

Image result for snoopy IS A CHRISTIAN IM NOT PERFECT

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Characteristics of God-He is Our Provder (part 8)

"God has promised to supply all our needs. What we don't have now we don't need now." - Elisabeth Elliot
My God shall supply all our needs, according to his riches in glory. Philippians 4:19

Have you ever considered who is it is that really supplies your needs? Is it because you work hard at a job and get a paycheck from that company? Is it because you are retired and receiving a check from the government because you put it your time for enough qualified time you worked to earn it? Maybe, you are having your needs met by some other way?

Did you know that because of no matter how you receive what you what you have either by earning it or from some other way, they are not really your source? Consider this scripture.

The earth is the Lords, and all it contains. The world and those that dwell in it. Psalm 24:1

Our source comes from one person alone and that is God. Because he owns everything.

Huh? So what why does that mean that he is our source?

Because of James 1:17. Every good and perfect gift comes from above, coming down from the Father of lights.

Because God gives us the gifts and abilities to do the jobs that we do.

Have you ever looked at your employment as a "gift" instead of just a way of earning money to provide for your family? Because I even though I knew God had given me the job, I hadn't thought it often as a gift from him.(if that makes sense) When I worked, there were times that staff did not always get along. Backstabbing and gossiping went on at times. However looking back, my income helped us get the things that we needed or wanted. I worked with adult women that had varying degrees of problems that made them "act out." I was told many times that it takes special people to do the kind of work I did, that they could not do it. Well special or not, it was a gift from God and that I knew. He had given me the ability that some people do not have. And many many others have gifts that he did not give me. But at the time, because of staff problems I really did not look at my job as a gift.

Working to provide for our needs goes way back to the book of Genesis when Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden and had to work hard to provide for themselves because they had sinned against God and no longer had the luxury of getting all God had for them, without putting out the sweat and tears of working for it.

I suppose we could blame them for the fact that those easy ways of getting God's good things came so abruptly to an end and from that time on, we are still paying for their sin. But really, would we have done any different had we been them? I don't think so.

A time in the future will end our work here on earth and if we have accepted Jesus as our personal Savior, we will get to enjoy all he has for us forever. He has gone to prepare a place for us in his Father's house where there are many rooms. John 14:1-4

In the meantime Friends, we still have work to do here on earth. Maybe some of us  enjoy  what we are doing, maybe some of us don't so much. Whatever is the case with you, we can know that especially if we are doing God's work, he provides for us. Genesis 22:14.

 Are you looking at the fact that God is really the source for his provisions for you? If not, give it a thought. And thank him for his gift to you. Because really, without those gifts of provision, you could very well be living on the streets as with so many people that are doing so. God is really the One that we can depend on.

Thanks again for your visit today Friends. Have a blessed day in Jesus! 

Thank You God Wednesday Blessings

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Characteristics of God-He is Our Healer (part 7}

Jesus is our Healer.
Let's face it, this world is broken. We are broken. Either in body or spirit or whatever it may be. But God can and does heal us. His word is a soothing balm for what ails us. But to be able to get that healing into our wounds we must know the scriptures, be in his word and ask him to heal us. 

"I will restore you to health and heal your wounds," declares the Lord. Jemehiah 30:17

"And my God will supply all of your needs according to his riches in glory." Philippians 4:19

"Peace I leave with you my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world does. Therefore, do not let your hearts be troubled. Do not be afraid. John 14:27

"He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds." Psalms 147:3

These are but a few of the many verses that have to do with what God wants to do in our lives to heal us of whatever we are going through. I admit, I need some healing in my own life and I am sure that most of us do. We need to lean on him more and know that he is there for us. Healing is another of God's great character. If there is something you need of God, get in his word and ask him. He will supply it. When? In his own time. In his own way. But he will keep his promises to you. 


Hi Friends. I am glad you came to visit today. Be blessed and I hope you will be back tomorrow!

#positive #life #quotes                                                                                                                                                                                 More

Monday, July 23, 2018

The Characteristic of God-He is Our Protector (part 6)

Be strong and courageous. Don’t be afraid or scared of them; for The Lord your God himself is who goes with you. He will not fail you nor forsake you. – Deuteronomy 31:6 #bible #biblestudy #Bibleverse #Verse #faith #jesus #god #christian #strong #strongisbeautiful #wordstoliveby

We see so much evil going on all around us. Why does God allow it? He has his reasons but one thing we do know is that he gives us a free will. He does not force himself on us. But someday, he will take care of the evil that is going on around us. And his vengeance will be great for those that do not know him.

As Christians however, we do have the promise of Deuteronomy 31:6. And that is not the only one we can meditate on when we are going through something that is fearful.

The Lord is faithful and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. 2 Thessalonians 3:3

But let all who trust in you rejoice, let them sing joyful praises forever. Spread your protection over them, that all that love you may be filled with joy. Psalm 5:11

He will give his angels charge over you, to guard you in all your ways. Psalm 91:11.

David of the Bible had good reason to fear when his enemy was trying to track him down to kill him. Some of his Psalms were written during this time period. Hopefully, we have never had to experience that kind of fear, but we can benefit from his writings when we are going through our own situations that cause anxiety and fear. God wants to give us peace and the way we do that is to keep our minds constantly on Him. Philippians 4:7

Isn't that the kind of peace this world needs? Isn't that the kind of peace you and I need? We have God's promises. Really, what more do we need? I hope you have his peace because this world is crazy and getting crazier. What more can we do but depend on God to keep us from going crazy ourselves? I don't know about you but I opt tto depend on God to keep me in the peace that much of this world has no understanding of. How about you? Do you opt for that kind of peace as well? I truly hope so. 

Keep stating the truth! God will eventually show his power, but at that point it will be far too late for the atheists to believe!

After Eden 120: Making Lunch

Thanks for your visit today Friends. Have a blessed day!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Characteristics of God He Is Love (part 5)

God loves u
We love God because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

He loved us when he created us. As Christians even when we stumble and fall, he is there to get us through whatever we are going through if we ask his forgiveness. He recognizes that we are human and are need of him. It is in his nature, his character to love us despite our faults. 

Thinking about the person in our lives that we love the most, should come only second to the love we have for our Heavenly Father. To love him is to worship him alone. To be in his word. To have a relationship with him. When we love him as we should, we can then love others. Even those that we don't necessarily want to love. Maybe those that don't deserve it. But we must remember that we do not deserve God's love either and yet he gives it to us unconditionally. Thank God he loves us that way so that we can pass that kind of love-his love-on to those around us. Thank him today for loving you because after all, he loved you before you even knew him. Amen.

yep calling for murder of people who dont believe like you....we see you "christians"

Thanks for your visit today friends. Please be blessed and share your blessings and you love with someone today!

Good morning/afternoon dear friend! I hope you have had a blessed week enjoying the beautiful presence of the Lord. Also, I pray you have a really lovely day today, filled with much happiness, love and peace. God bless. Sending love and hugs. Noni. xoxo

The Character of God-He Gives Us Responsibilites (Part 4)

This is where to swim with manatee in Florida...
Thou have made him to have dominion over the works of thy hands, thou have put everything under his feet. All sheep and oxen, yea and all the beasts of the field. The fowl of the air and the fish of the sea and whatsoever passeth through the sea. Psalm 8:6-8

When God created the world, he did not do it because he was bored and needed something to do. He did not create humans to be as a dictator over them or crack a whip over them if they did not obey him. 

He knew that we would have to have something to do. He created us to be the caretakers of his creations. Sure he could do all the caretaking needed with the zap of his fingers from where he sits in heaven. But he created not only animals but other human beings that we would love and take care of them. He has not kept everything good for himself. He shares it with us. And that is the very nature and character of a loving God.

These are just a few of the scriptures that gives us a look into who God is from a Creations standpoint. I want to stay on this subject a few more days with others that tell us more about him. I hope you will stick with me.

After Eden Cartoon: Be Kind

Thanks for your visit today friends. Please come back tomorrow and have a blessed start of the weekend! Take care~

Saturday Blessings

Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Character of God-He is Mindful of Us (part 3)

"When I see your heavens, the works of your fingers, The moon and the stars that you have prepared, What is mortal man that you keep him in mind, And a son of man that you take care of him?" PSALMS 8 :3-4.

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and stars that you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him and the son of man that you care for him.  Psalm 8:3-4

The character of God is to not only create the heavens and earth but that he is mindful of us. He didn't just set the stars and the moon in place, create man just to leave him to muddle through our lives, getting through the best we can. 

Sometimes it seems that way. That we are  just muddling through the best we can. Sometimes God seems so far off in the distance that we don't feel he is even with us. That he even cares about us.

In my darkest times, I sometimes still wonder at it all. That he is mindful of me. That he cares and loves me. That he is always with me.  

And yet he is mindful of me. He does care about me and what I am going through. He does love me. And he says he will never leave or forsake me. Hebrews 13:5. 

No matter how grim our circumstances seem. No matter how depressed we get. He is as close to us as a whispered prayer to him. He sees our tears and is working out his plans for us through it all. Maybe it will take time to reveal his will for us. Or give us the answers to our prayers. But he will follow through because he loves and cares for those of us that love him and have called upon his name. His promise to never leave or forsake us, is a promise we can bank on, no matter what life brings our way. Depend on him today. Call on his name. Heis waiting for you.

Joshua 1:9

God bless you for coming time to spend with me today. I pray you will be back tomorrow!

Good morning sister and yours, have a nice Friday and a great weekend, God bless ☕

The Character of God-He is Majestic (part two)

Psalm 8:1

Lord, oh Lord. How majestic is your name in all of the earth? You have set your glory above the heavens.  Psalm 8:1

Majestic: having or showing impressive beauty or dignity.

Have you ever been somewhere-to the mountains or ocean for example and were impressed by the sheer beauty of them? They are God's handiwork. Created by him and for him. And created for us to enjoy.

But what does the word majestic mean in reference to his character?

As beautiful and wonderful that the mountains and oceans are, there is no other name under or above heaven that is as beautiful and majestic as God's name. He set his name above the heavens because he is God and only he could do it.

God's name and his character are just that: Beautiful. His name is powerful, it is righteous and holy. It is a strong tower, that in a world like we live in today when we are afraid, we can run into it..

His name shows his character and what he truly is to us. It is beautiful to the ears of us that love him because, without it, we would be without hope. Be then careful of how you use his name because as we would not take our children's name in vain, we should not take God's name in vain.

Next up in God's Character: God is our Stronghold


Thanks for your visit today Friends. Please come back tomorrow. Have a blessed day and be sure to share your blessings with someone else. Let them see Jesus in you!

Begin This and Everyday With Joy In Your Heart

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The of Characteristics of God (part one)

What is God like? Can we really describe Him? Can we truly understand Him? This post will share some of the many amazing attributes our God and help you to understand more of what our God is like. Why not drop by for a little delight in doctrine today?

Have you ever wondered what God is like? The bible has a lot to say about him and so I want to focus on that for a few days. Let's start by looking at some of those verses that describe him to us. Psalm 8:1-9

Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens.
Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings, hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger.
When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;
What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honor.
Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet:
All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field;
The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas.
Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!

Who is God? What does he do for us? What can we learn from him? 
Please come back tomorrow and we will go through these verses and more to learn just who God is. 

God’s Word or man’s opinion: Where will you place your trust?

I am happy you stopped by today friends! God bless your day and please be a blessing to others!

May God bless your day with pure happiness

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

You Aren't Finished With Me Yet God!

Be Patient God Isn't FInished With Me Yet - Iron On Glitter Heat Transfer

Non-believers are often critical of those of us that are Christians because sometimes we don't act very Christ-like. They see our actions and say, "If that is what a Christian is supposed to be, I do not want any part of it."

Actually, we do need to be vigilant about how our attitudes and actions do affect others. We need to ask God constantly to forgive us and show us how to be like him because we are created in his image. Genesis 1:27.

But we also need to remember that God has not finished with us yet. The Bible teaches us so much about life and how we should be that it takes time to grow and become who God created us to be. 

I believe too that some people are a victim of their circumstances. For example, a child who is abused for a few years grows up and at some point gets saved. It may take him longer to grow and become who God designed him to be. 

Not that God can't and doesn't heal people of those things they may have gone through, quickly. He can and does. However, he has reasons for some people that aren't and those people may have some pretty rough edges in their personalities while they are growing in the ways of God. They may appear to be more cynical, impatient, intolerant and on the list could go.

That is where the scripture "Judge not, that you would not be judged." (Mathew 7:1) comes in to play. We should not judge people because we do not know where they have been or what they have had to endure in life. 

Mathew 7:2 goes on to say: What means we judge others will be measured unto us. 

If we judge people harshly, we will be judged in that same way. 

We need to remember that in this life, God really is not finished with us or those Christians around us, yet. We need to remember that for ourselves because sometimes we feel guilty about the way we are or for something we have done and we want to beat ourselves up Sometimes we can't forgive ourselves for something. But in asking God to forgive us in those kinds of situations, it brings us a step closer to being more Christ-like. 

If you are beating yourself up for something, ask God to forgive you. Forgive yourself. Try to make amends if that is the case. But also remember to be patient about who you are in Christ and that he has not finished with you yet.

This cartoon is an encouragement to not procrastinate making a decision to accept Jesus as Lord.

Thanks for visiting today Friends. Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Don t Just Settle-Wait on God

Well Said Quote

There was a young bride-to-be that was soon to be married to a young man that was not a good match for her. And she knew better but her prayer was that God would still allow her to marry him. She didn't have the assurance that she deserved better or the confidence that someday someone would come along that would be a godly mate for her. 

It was not very long after the wedding that she found out just what a mistake she had made. This man had a drinking problem that was sending him on his way to being a full-blown alcoholic. From very quickly in the marriage through the next 15 years, she was miserable but did not know how to escape this disastrous marriage that was also bringing children into it. 

Thankfully, this couple did turn to God and he graciously healed them and their marriage-as he promises he can and will do for us when things go wrong in our lives. Romans 8:28 For we know that God works all things for good to them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose

But why go through things that we do not have to when we get impatient with the Lord and rush ahead of his will for us? He wants to give us his best. Not his second or third or fourth. But his best. And we can avoid much pain by waiting for him to give it to us.

If you have gone ahead of God and your life is not what you thought it should be, God can heal it and you. If you are still waiting for that someone to come into your life, please wait for God to give him or her to you. Take it from my experience. You will be glad you did.

Thanks for coming by today friends. I wish for you and yours many blessings in this week ahead! 

Have a blessed week!

I Have Prayed. Why Hasn't God Answered My Prayer?

re:form Digital Lesson | Why should I pray when God doesn't answer all my prayers?

God is sovereign. His ways are perfect. He knows what is best for us because he has the whole picture of our lives. He does not go by our timetable but by his alone. And he does not have to answer our prayers the way we want him to. But does that mean by not answering them he does not hear them?

If we have accepted him as our personal Savior, he always hears them. And just because we don't get an answer, it doesn't mean that that in itself is not an answer because sometimes his answer is "No." But by saying no to us, it does not mean he doesn't love or care about us. It means he has something better for us.

He could make it easy for us by answering our prayers right away. However, if he doesn't there is always a good reason for it. We may need to learn to be patient. It may be that he wants our faith to grow. It may be a matter of learning to trust him. Whatever it is, he hears our pleas and loves us enough to let us learn whatever he is trying to teach us.

If you are praying about something and it looks like nothing is happening, don't give up. Just understand that God is working it out for you. In his way and in his time. Because he loves you.

You will call on me and pray to me and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:12

Even in the midst of trying times, we know we have many blessings from God, and we can trust that our Father has even more good things in store for us.

Have a Blessed Lords Day Friends!
Thanks for your visit!

Good morning/afternoon dear friend! I hope you have had a blessed week enjoying the beautiful presence of the Lord. Also, I pray you have a really lovely day today, filled with much happiness, love and peace. God bless. Sending love and hugs. Noni. xoxo

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Bread of this Life vs The Bread of Life

Have you ever had a great tasting homemade bread that even after years have passed and the baker is gone, you can still almost taste it and wish that person were still alive so that they could bake it again for you? A bread that hot out of the oven, just melted in your mouth. One of the things my mom did well while she was alive, was to bake some kind of herb bread. She has been in heaven since 1995 and the memory of her bread makes me hungry for it still today. 

A friend of mine whom I correspond with by email every day have been talking about different foods lately. She has a garden and freezes a lot of vegetables and though I don't have a garden, we get some of ours at our local Farmer's Market. We commented recently on how good tasting the food will be in heaven when we get there. We both look forward to with great anticipation. 

The most wonderful part of heaven though of course is that Jesus is there and we will get to spend eternity with him who the bible called himself the Bread of Life.

 Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. John 6:35

All too often we "hunger" for things this world has to offer us. Money, brand new cars, expensive homes. But we don't hunger for the things of God. And that is what he wants of us. To hunger and thirst after him.

Homemade bread of years gone by does not satisfy my longing for it today. Just as a brand new car is not going to satisfy me when it has been around for a few years. At that point, I will only want another new one.

However, Jesus fills my need for him every day as I read his word and depend on him. He and his word is something that never grows old. He never breaks down. Never needs to be replaced. And he is there whenever and wherever I need him.

Is Jesus your Bread of Life? I hope so because really, He is all you need. I could not imagine life without him, living in this world that we call home. It is not really home after all. We are just passing through. Take time out for Jesus today. He is waiting for you.

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Here is praying that your weekend is off to a wonderfully blessed start! Thanks for your visit today Friends!

Saturday Blessings

Explaining James 1:5-6

The next two scriptures don't need an explanation for most of us that have been in church for awhile.   5  If any of you lack wisdom, le...