Sunday, July 15, 2018

I Have Prayed. Why Hasn't God Answered My Prayer?

re:form Digital Lesson | Why should I pray when God doesn't answer all my prayers?

God is sovereign. His ways are perfect. He knows what is best for us because he has the whole picture of our lives. He does not go by our timetable but by his alone. And he does not have to answer our prayers the way we want him to. But does that mean by not answering them he does not hear them?

If we have accepted him as our personal Savior, he always hears them. And just because we don't get an answer, it doesn't mean that that in itself is not an answer because sometimes his answer is "No." But by saying no to us, it does not mean he doesn't love or care about us. It means he has something better for us.

He could make it easy for us by answering our prayers right away. However, if he doesn't there is always a good reason for it. We may need to learn to be patient. It may be that he wants our faith to grow. It may be a matter of learning to trust him. Whatever it is, he hears our pleas and loves us enough to let us learn whatever he is trying to teach us.

If you are praying about something and it looks like nothing is happening, don't give up. Just understand that God is working it out for you. In his way and in his time. Because he loves you.

You will call on me and pray to me and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:12

Even in the midst of trying times, we know we have many blessings from God, and we can trust that our Father has even more good things in store for us.

Have a Blessed Lords Day Friends!
Thanks for your visit!

Good morning/afternoon dear friend! I hope you have had a blessed week enjoying the beautiful presence of the Lord. Also, I pray you have a really lovely day today, filled with much happiness, love and peace. God bless. Sending love and hugs. Noni. xoxo

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Psalm 107:1-2

.  O give thanks unto the  Lord , for he is good: for his mercy endures forever. Let  the redeemed of the  Lord  say so, whom he hath redeem...