Thursday, July 5, 2018

Remembering Those That Fought in Viet Nam

God bless all our veterans--but special prayers and love sending out to our vietnam vets... thank you for serving our country.

In keeping with the July 4th holiday, I want to take one more day to pay tribute to those soldiers that came home to angry people that treated them as if they were dirt. 

My husband was one of those soldiers. He tells of when he and some of the soldiers he was with, boarded a bus in California, and how the bus was bombarded with tomatoes as it was pulling out. Those throwing the tomatoes were spuing out profanities as well.

War is a tragic part of life. And yet the bible tells us that there will be wars and rumors of wars. But it also tells us not to be alarmed because they have to take place until the end of this world comes.
Mathew 24:6.

And to fulfill this scripture, there have to be people that are willing to go the distance to fight them. Whether we like it or not.

Someday all war will end. Isahia 2:4. Soldiers will no longer lose their lives and come home broken or in caskets. And they won't come home to be humiliated by people that hate them for doing what they believe in.

Until then, we need to let these soldiers whether past, present or future know how much we appreciate that they took on the responsibility of helping to keep us safe in this country. Many did not/do not have to. That is our responsibility. It is the least that the rest of us can do.

Church Sign:

church sign
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Thanks for your visit today Friends. Tomorrow I will be back on the subject of the rewards etc in heaven. We are getting close to the end, so please come by. Have a blessed day. 

"One Nation Under God."  Regardless of what so many want us to believe these days, it is a principle our nation was founded upon.

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Psalm 107:1-2

.  O give thanks unto the  Lord , for he is good: for his mercy endures forever. Let  the redeemed of the  Lord  say so, whom he hath redeem...