Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Psalm33:12
July 4th: A day of celebrating? A day of fun, picnics, and fireworks? Or a day of remembrance? For some perhaps a day of mourning their loved ones that made the ultimate sacrifice to protect the freedoms we enjoy in this great country of ours.
My husband and I went to a neighboring county last evening to watch the firework display that was to be put on there. Scores of people crowded into the fairgrounds to be apart of the events that had gone on during the day and will continue today in celebration of this years holiday. People of all ages. We parked as close as was allowed to where the fireworks could be best seen and waited there until they were to start. Many people passed in front of our vehicle in the next hour as we sat there and I wondered how many of those people had had a loved one that actually knew what July 4th meant to those that did or do have loved ones that had joined forces with other men and women of the military to protect our country and it's freedoms. Or perhaps some that knew first hand what they had been through in fighting in war themselves. How many people have actually taught their children that it more than just a day of fun and fireworks? How many of those people know someone that is missing in action. Never making it home either dead or alive and their families never knowing which they are. Others that did make it home, but had sacrificed parts of their bodies or even their minds being wounded perhaps for the rest of their lives, due to the ravages of the war they had fought in Still, others that made it home in caskets. Every veteran, no matter who they are or what branch of the service or whether they were wounded or not, they deserve our thanks. As for those that paid the ultimate price, they especially are the ones that need to be remembered today as we join in the celebration of our freedom.
My husband is a veteran and he wears a cap that acknowledges that everywhere he goes. Maybe that seems to some like bragging. And it really isn't. Who would really brag about having been to war? But it identifies him with others that wear caps as well so that when he sees someone that has one on, he can get into a conversation with them about experiences they had. Something that many veterans need because the rest of us have no understanding of what they had gone through. He needs to talk about it to some degree with others that do. It is a way he can relate to those that know what he is talking about.
A lot of people see the cap and thank him for his service as well. This is something else that even years later he needs because when he came home after his time was up, he was ridiculed and hated because of the war he had been a part of. Some of you will remember those years for the Viet Nam soldiers. There were no parades for them after they had done what they believed in to serve in a war that took many lives.
For all those that laid down their lives, became MIA, or came home with wounds seen or unseen to the rest of us, July 4th should be a day of remembrance as celebration because, without their service, we would probably not enjoy the freedom we have.
After all, that is what Jesus Christ did for us: This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.14You are My friends if you do what I command you.…John 15:12-14
Christ paid the ultimate price for you and me in that he went to the cross to pay for the sins of the world that whoever believes in him shall have everlasting life. John 3:16.
And that my friends is what life is all about for us. But is it for you? If not, it should be.
Think about it today as you have fun in the celebrations that many have afforded for us, please just remember them. And reflect on the goodness of Jesus Christ and his love for us. Happy 4th of July!
My husband and I went to a neighboring county last evening to watch the firework display that was to be put on there. Scores of people crowded into the fairgrounds to be apart of the events that had gone on during the day and will continue today in celebration of this years holiday. People of all ages. We parked as close as was allowed to where the fireworks could be best seen and waited there until they were to start. Many people passed in front of our vehicle in the next hour as we sat there and I wondered how many of those people had had a loved one that actually knew what July 4th meant to those that did or do have loved ones that had joined forces with other men and women of the military to protect our country and it's freedoms. Or perhaps some that knew first hand what they had been through in fighting in war themselves. How many people have actually taught their children that it more than just a day of fun and fireworks? How many of those people know someone that is missing in action. Never making it home either dead or alive and their families never knowing which they are. Others that did make it home, but had sacrificed parts of their bodies or even their minds being wounded perhaps for the rest of their lives, due to the ravages of the war they had fought in Still, others that made it home in caskets. Every veteran, no matter who they are or what branch of the service or whether they were wounded or not, they deserve our thanks. As for those that paid the ultimate price, they especially are the ones that need to be remembered today as we join in the celebration of our freedom.
My husband is a veteran and he wears a cap that acknowledges that everywhere he goes. Maybe that seems to some like bragging. And it really isn't. Who would really brag about having been to war? But it identifies him with others that wear caps as well so that when he sees someone that has one on, he can get into a conversation with them about experiences they had. Something that many veterans need because the rest of us have no understanding of what they had gone through. He needs to talk about it to some degree with others that do. It is a way he can relate to those that know what he is talking about.
A lot of people see the cap and thank him for his service as well. This is something else that even years later he needs because when he came home after his time was up, he was ridiculed and hated because of the war he had been a part of. Some of you will remember those years for the Viet Nam soldiers. There were no parades for them after they had done what they believed in to serve in a war that took many lives.
For all those that laid down their lives, became MIA, or came home with wounds seen or unseen to the rest of us, July 4th should be a day of remembrance as celebration because, without their service, we would probably not enjoy the freedom we have.
After all, that is what Jesus Christ did for us: This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.14You are My friends if you do what I command you.…John 15:12-14
Christ paid the ultimate price for you and me in that he went to the cross to pay for the sins of the world that whoever believes in him shall have everlasting life. John 3:16.
And that my friends is what life is all about for us. But is it for you? If not, it should be.
Think about it today as you have fun in the celebrations that many have afforded for us, please just remember them. And reflect on the goodness of Jesus Christ and his love for us. Happy 4th of July!

Peace and blessings be with your today and everyday!

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