Tuesday, July 17, 2018

You Aren't Finished With Me Yet God!

Be Patient God Isn't FInished With Me Yet - Iron On Glitter Heat Transfer

Non-believers are often critical of those of us that are Christians because sometimes we don't act very Christ-like. They see our actions and say, "If that is what a Christian is supposed to be, I do not want any part of it."

Actually, we do need to be vigilant about how our attitudes and actions do affect others. We need to ask God constantly to forgive us and show us how to be like him because we are created in his image. Genesis 1:27.

But we also need to remember that God has not finished with us yet. The Bible teaches us so much about life and how we should be that it takes time to grow and become who God created us to be. 

I believe too that some people are a victim of their circumstances. For example, a child who is abused for a few years grows up and at some point gets saved. It may take him longer to grow and become who God designed him to be. 

Not that God can't and doesn't heal people of those things they may have gone through, quickly. He can and does. However, he has reasons for some people that aren't and those people may have some pretty rough edges in their personalities while they are growing in the ways of God. They may appear to be more cynical, impatient, intolerant and on the list could go.

That is where the scripture "Judge not, that you would not be judged." (Mathew 7:1) comes in to play. We should not judge people because we do not know where they have been or what they have had to endure in life. 

Mathew 7:2 goes on to say: What means we judge others will be measured unto us. 

If we judge people harshly, we will be judged in that same way. 

We need to remember that in this life, God really is not finished with us or those Christians around us, yet. We need to remember that for ourselves because sometimes we feel guilty about the way we are or for something we have done and we want to beat ourselves up Sometimes we can't forgive ourselves for something. But in asking God to forgive us in those kinds of situations, it brings us a step closer to being more Christ-like. 

If you are beating yourself up for something, ask God to forgive you. Forgive yourself. Try to make amends if that is the case. But also remember to be patient about who you are in Christ and that he has not finished with you yet.

This cartoon is an encouragement to not procrastinate making a decision to accept Jesus as Lord.

Thanks for visiting today Friends. Have a wonderful day!

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Ephesians 2: 8-10

  8  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9  Not of works, lest any man should boast....