Saturday, July 14, 2018

Bread of this Life vs The Bread of Life

Have you ever had a great tasting homemade bread that even after years have passed and the baker is gone, you can still almost taste it and wish that person were still alive so that they could bake it again for you? A bread that hot out of the oven, just melted in your mouth. One of the things my mom did well while she was alive, was to bake some kind of herb bread. She has been in heaven since 1995 and the memory of her bread makes me hungry for it still today. 

A friend of mine whom I correspond with by email every day have been talking about different foods lately. She has a garden and freezes a lot of vegetables and though I don't have a garden, we get some of ours at our local Farmer's Market. We commented recently on how good tasting the food will be in heaven when we get there. We both look forward to with great anticipation. 

The most wonderful part of heaven though of course is that Jesus is there and we will get to spend eternity with him who the bible called himself the Bread of Life.

 Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. John 6:35

All too often we "hunger" for things this world has to offer us. Money, brand new cars, expensive homes. But we don't hunger for the things of God. And that is what he wants of us. To hunger and thirst after him.

Homemade bread of years gone by does not satisfy my longing for it today. Just as a brand new car is not going to satisfy me when it has been around for a few years. At that point, I will only want another new one.

However, Jesus fills my need for him every day as I read his word and depend on him. He and his word is something that never grows old. He never breaks down. Never needs to be replaced. And he is there whenever and wherever I need him.

Is Jesus your Bread of Life? I hope so because really, He is all you need. I could not imagine life without him, living in this world that we call home. It is not really home after all. We are just passing through. Take time out for Jesus today. He is waiting for you.

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Here is praying that your weekend is off to a wonderfully blessed start! Thanks for your visit today Friends!

Saturday Blessings

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Psalm 107:1-2

.  O give thanks unto the  Lord , for he is good: for his mercy endures forever. Let  the redeemed of the  Lord  say so, whom he hath redeem...