Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Characteristics of God-He is Our Provder (part 8)

"God has promised to supply all our needs. What we don't have now we don't need now." - Elisabeth Elliot
My God shall supply all our needs, according to his riches in glory. Philippians 4:19

Have you ever considered who is it is that really supplies your needs? Is it because you work hard at a job and get a paycheck from that company? Is it because you are retired and receiving a check from the government because you put it your time for enough qualified time you worked to earn it? Maybe, you are having your needs met by some other way?

Did you know that because of no matter how you receive what you what you have either by earning it or from some other way, they are not really your source? Consider this scripture.

The earth is the Lords, and all it contains. The world and those that dwell in it. Psalm 24:1

Our source comes from one person alone and that is God. Because he owns everything.

Huh? So what why does that mean that he is our source?

Because of James 1:17. Every good and perfect gift comes from above, coming down from the Father of lights.

Because God gives us the gifts and abilities to do the jobs that we do.

Have you ever looked at your employment as a "gift" instead of just a way of earning money to provide for your family? Because I even though I knew God had given me the job, I hadn't thought it often as a gift from him.(if that makes sense) When I worked, there were times that staff did not always get along. Backstabbing and gossiping went on at times. However looking back, my income helped us get the things that we needed or wanted. I worked with adult women that had varying degrees of problems that made them "act out." I was told many times that it takes special people to do the kind of work I did, that they could not do it. Well special or not, it was a gift from God and that I knew. He had given me the ability that some people do not have. And many many others have gifts that he did not give me. But at the time, because of staff problems I really did not look at my job as a gift.

Working to provide for our needs goes way back to the book of Genesis when Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden and had to work hard to provide for themselves because they had sinned against God and no longer had the luxury of getting all God had for them, without putting out the sweat and tears of working for it.

I suppose we could blame them for the fact that those easy ways of getting God's good things came so abruptly to an end and from that time on, we are still paying for their sin. But really, would we have done any different had we been them? I don't think so.

A time in the future will end our work here on earth and if we have accepted Jesus as our personal Savior, we will get to enjoy all he has for us forever. He has gone to prepare a place for us in his Father's house where there are many rooms. John 14:1-4

In the meantime Friends, we still have work to do here on earth. Maybe some of us  enjoy  what we are doing, maybe some of us don't so much. Whatever is the case with you, we can know that especially if we are doing God's work, he provides for us. Genesis 22:14.

 Are you looking at the fact that God is really the source for his provisions for you? If not, give it a thought. And thank him for his gift to you. Because really, without those gifts of provision, you could very well be living on the streets as with so many people that are doing so. God is really the One that we can depend on.

Thanks again for your visit today Friends. Have a blessed day in Jesus! 

Thank You God Wednesday Blessings

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Ephesians 2: 8-10

  8  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9  Not of works, lest any man should boast....