Imagine that God is standing with us in flesh form but giving us the 10 Commandments today like he did with Moses of the Bible. What might our answer be in these modern times as he gives each one?
God: You are to have no other God's before me.
Person: Well, that is easy God, I love you more than anything.
God: You shall not make or bow down to any image to worship them.
Person: Ok God. That is another easy rule to follow
God: Do not take my name in vain
Person: Oh, that is a bit harder. I am sorry for all the times that I did that. But sometimes I get so darned mad.
God: Keep the Sabbath holy.
Person: But God, you know I am a single mother and I need to work that day to put food on the table.
God: Honor your mother and father
Person: Ha! Now, this is getting a little ridiculous God. My parents abused me as a child. How can I honor them?!
God: You are not to kill anyone
Person: I haven't yet, but there is someone I would really like to. Can't I do that God?
God: Do not commit adultery
Person: I understand why I should not do that, but I am not happy with my spouse.
God Do not steal what is not yours
Person: God I really wanted this new pair of jeans. I didn't have the money to buy them. My mom and dad do not make much money and cannot afford them. Sally's mom left her wallet out and I could not pass up the chance of taking that $20. They have lots of money and will not miss it. I know it was wrong, but can't I just let this one go this time?
God: Do not tell lies about your neighbor
Person: God you know that I have never gotten along with my neighbors. They tell lies about me. Why can't I tell lies about them?
God: Do not to want your neighbor's possessions or his wife.
Person: You know that I have worked hard all my life and still have nothing. I want what he has. It is not fair. And not only that I have waited for a wife and you have ever given me one.
What would your own answers to these commandments be if God were standing before you giving them to you? And why did God give them to us in the first place? Does he just want to tell us what to do? Does he want to take our fun away? Are any of these commandments really fair to us?
Come back tomorrow for part 2.
Person: God I really wanted this new pair of jeans. I didn't have the money to buy them. My mom and dad do not make much money and cannot afford them. Sally's mom left her wallet out and I could not pass up the chance of taking that $20. They have lots of money and will not miss it. I know it was wrong, but can't I just let this one go this time?
God: Do not tell lies about your neighbor
Person: God you know that I have never gotten along with my neighbors. They tell lies about me. Why can't I tell lies about them?
God: Do not to want your neighbor's possessions or his wife.
Person: You know that I have worked hard all my life and still have nothing. I want what he has. It is not fair. And not only that I have waited for a wife and you have ever given me one.
What would your own answers to these commandments be if God were standing before you giving them to you? And why did God give them to us in the first place? Does he just want to tell us what to do? Does he want to take our fun away? Are any of these commandments really fair to us?
Come back tomorrow for part 2.

Thanks for visiting today Friends. Be blessed and give your blessings away!

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