Monday, August 19, 2024

Hebrews 4:16

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, 
that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Hebrews 4:16 NKJV

I watched the sermon of a pastor yesterday and which was so very good. I can't tell you his name. I had never heard of him before, but he was on YouTube. He had preached this sermon on Resurrection Sunday, and we all know what our "president" had done that day. Declaring it to be a holiday for gay pride day. He had tried to turn the day that we celebrate Jesus coming from His grave to prove what he had been teaching his friends and all people that He was indeed the long-awaited Messiah. This pastor went on to tell the story about Mary who had stood at the empty tomb, sad and depressed about where they had taken the body of her friend. He told of the disciples that had went into hiding because now that the Roman government had gotten rid of Jesus, they figured that they might as well wipe the rest of his people out. And he told of Peter who had denied Christ 3 times and felt he had let Jesus down.
This pastor had a lot to say to his congregation in the telling of this story about that time. And it was a wonderful sermon. Because in the end, Jesus had went to Mary in the garden. He had went to the Upper Room to the disciples that were in hiding. And he had went to Peter to show him that He was who He had said He was. 
They had not understood before His death.
But now they did. 
And now, they had obtained His mercy. 
This though was the message the pastor had conveyed that day in his sermon. 
If you are sad and depressed, like Mary-you can obtain the mercy of Christ.
If you are hiding away from the life-you can obtain the mercy of Christ.
If you think you have failed God-you can obtain the mercy of Christ.
No matter what you have done, or where you have done it-you can obtain the mercy of Christ.
What better message was this one then that which came from the president to try and turn it into sinful lusts, is there. None. I assure you. 
For Christ paid it all. 
The president didn't.
No other human did or could.
No other will
And no other can or will hand out the mercy that we need
when we are sad, depressed, hiding or have failed He who proved Himself to be our only hope.
God's Son.
Thank God, for the empty tomb!!!
May you experience His mercy and hope today and every day.
Thanks for coming by, and God Bless!

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