Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Account of Jesus Being Taken Up/ Acts 1 Questions

Printable Bible Trivia Questions and Answers

The former treaties I have made, O Theophilus of all that Jesus began to both do and teach. Acts 1:1

What does this scripture mean?

Who was the author of Acts?

Who was Theophilus?

What were the infallible proofs mentioned in verse 3 ?

What happened to the disciples after Jesus was taken up to heaven?

Hello Friends. Well, that concludes the questions I came up with on the gospel accounts of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus. I won't be here tomorrow, but plan to start on Tuesday April 28th, answering the questions in Mathew. I hope you will come back then to see what we can learn from these men that were the friends of our Lord. Til then, take care and be blessed.

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2 chronicles 7;14

f my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I ...