Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Luke's Account / Questions

THE GOOD NEWS: JESUS Appears To The Women

Why is Luke's account different from Mathew and Mark's account?
Does the factor that he was a doctor really prove that it is different from his medical profession?
Do we know what kind of doctor he was/?

Why not did the other two write about the disciples as they argued about who would be the greatest in God's kingdom?

Why did Jesus call Judas Simon at the last supper in Luke's account?

What was the significance of purse, sandals bag and swords, in Luke 22:35-36, if any?

What did Jesus mean by Luke 22;38?

What was the festival of the unleavened bread and did Jesus celebrate it?

Why didn't Luke mention the incident with the soldier that had his ear cut off?

Judas sold Jesus out for 30 pieces. What was that worth in his day? What would it be worth today?

Why did Luke not mention the naked man wrapped in just linen?

The centurion said in Luke's account that this was truly a righteous man. Did he believe that Jesus was God?

When the Mary's went to the tomb, why were there two men mentioned in his account instead of one like the others had said?

Why did Jesus appear first to women instead of men?

Why didn't the disciples believe them when they told him he was alive?

Hello Friends. I have found some more questions from not only Luke's account, but Mathew and Mark's too, Next up will John's  account. Will his be different in what he wrote about? Come back to find out. Or read John 19 and 20 for yourselves to find out. Have a glorious day in Jesus. Thanks for coming.

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