Saturday, September 21, 2024

Jeremiah 29:12 James 1:17


12 Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will listen unto you. Jeremiah 27:12

Friends we are living in confusing times. They are dangerous, and godless times.
And that is why we need to pray for God's deliverance as only He can give it. 

Thank God, He has given us this option to go to him and he will hear us. He is not the god of the Muslims. The God of Buda. The gods of all other false religions.

For they do not have ears to hear us. Neither can they deliver us or give us the good things from God.

No, we who are in the family of God can go to the one and only God of Issac, Abraham and Jacob. 

He and He alone has ears that will listen to us. And even more than that, consider the following verse:

 Every good gift and every perfect gift are from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. James 1:17

When we go to the Father of Lights, He will listen, and He will answer our prayers. Maybe not today, or tomorrow. Maybe not until next year. Or maybe He won't answer them exactly the way we ask. But even a "No" can be His answer.  

The thing is, He does answer us. In one way or another as he deems what is best for us and at the right time.

But the thing is, He wait for us to go to Him. And He alone listens to what we need. 

Thanks for your visit today. I am truly humbled.
God bless!

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