Saturday, September 28, 2024

My Takeaway from Nehemiah 9

We can certainly identify to some extent with the ancestors of the people in Nehemiah 9. They had been slaves in Egypt for over 400 years. When finally, God answered their cries, they wandered in the desert for another 40. While there, they complained. Even though God took care of them, fed and clothed them.

But they were not satisfied. They rebelled. And they thought it would be better if they returned to Egypt to live.

While Abraham went up on the mountain to be with God, they gathered their jewelry and made it into a god that they could worship. And they danced and did shameful things. 

And still God took care of them. Finally, He showed mercy on them. He did what He had promised them by leading them on to the Promised Land. 

Is that not somewhat like today? Not that we go through all the hardships that they did. Or under the same circumstances.

But have you ever felt like you were wondering in a desert, with absolutely no direction in your life? I know I had at one point.

But the Bible says that we have all turned our own way and sadly many never find their way back. Many don't find their way in the first place.

We see what the United States has become because man is greedy for power. Hungry for money. And those of us that are not at the top pay the price.

And yet, that isn't our goal. To be like them. It is to be more like Jesus. It is to turn to Him. To show others the way to Him. 

And finally, let Him lead us to the ultimate Promise Land called Heaven. 

In the meantime, we pray. We pray for Israel. We pray for the United States. We pray for the World. Because that is our mandate from God until our time here is up. 

Yes, we will still sin. Because we are human. But we have an advocate with the Father, that forgives even though I wonder how often he shakes His head at our stupidity. 

And yet we can count on the following scripture to remind us that:

God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work 2 Corinthians 9:8

Just like He did for the Israelites back in the day.

Thanks for coming by, Friends. Have a blessed evening in Jesus!


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Psalm 107:1-2

.  O give thanks unto the  Lord , for he is good: for his mercy endures forever. Let  the redeemed of the  Lord  say so, whom he hath redeem...